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The Power of Positivity

A Guide to Thinking Yourself Happy

By Dhanush MendisPublished 9 months ago 7 min read
The Power of Positivity
Photo by Madison Oren on Unsplash

If one desires to achieve happiness, it may seem that no amount of self-help books, articles, motivational speakers, or life coaches can provide the necessary assistance. However, it is possible that the issue lies not with external sources, but with the individual themselves. While the concept of thinking oneself happy may appear daunting, it is not as challenging as one may believe. The initial step is to acknowledge the power of one's thoughts, as they can either enhance or diminish one's mood. Therefore, to alter any aspect of oneself, including one's level of happiness, it is necessary to begin with the mind. This video provides eight methods to think oneself happy.

The first approach is to think positively. It is crucial to maintain a positive outlook on life, even during difficult times. Although it may be challenging, one must strive to find something positive in every situation, rather than focusing on the negative. The second method is to think optimistically, which involves believing that things will improve and that good things will occur. This approach entails seeing the glass as half full, rather than half empty. Optimism is a choice, and it involves focusing on what is working, being grateful, and having hope.

The third technique is to think creatively. When one is feeling down, it may be challenging to envision alternative perspectives. However, by forcing oneself to consider new ways of thinking about a situation, one may feel significantly better. Instead of resenting a job or relationship that causes unhappiness, one should consider how to make it work for everyone involved. Thinking creatively involves reimagining one's approach to problems, which may lead to previously undiscovered solutions.

The fourth method is to think purposefully. This approach involves being mindful of one's thoughts, rather than denying or ignoring them. By thinking in a way that promotes better decision-making and happiness, one may avoid negative spirals of thought. When feeling sad, anxious, or lost, one should consider what will make them feel good and determine how to achieve it.

The fifth technique is to think elevating thoughts. This process involves focusing on the positive aspects of life that bring warmth, joy, and gratitude, rather than dwelling on fear, anger, jealousy, or sadness. By appreciating the good in one's life, one trains their brain to seek out positivity, rather than automatically searching for problems and challenges.

The sixth method is to think funny. Laughter is a simple way to improve one's mood, and it does not require much effort. By attempting to see the humor in a situation, one may break free from negative cycles of thought.

The seventh approach is to think long-term. Although the desire for instant gratification is natural, it is essential to consider how one's actions today will affect their long-term happiness. By contemplating how one's choices will impact their future, they may make decisions that lead to a better tomorrow.

The eighth and final technique is to think in terms of possibility and opportunity. By viewing failures and problems as opportunities for growth and improvement, they become more manageable. Focusing on the possibilities in life, rather than the obstacles, may lead to limitless success.

In conclusion, happiness is a state of mind that can be cultivated through the practice of positivity. One cannot expect their brain to automatically think happy thoughts; it requires a conscious decision to do so. By choosing a positive mindset, one has the power to change their life. Happiness is attainable, and it begins with the mind.

Understanding the Reasons Behind Our Self-Sabotaging Behaviors :-

Self-sabotage refers to the act of engaging in behaviors that are detrimental to one's best interests, despite having the capacity to do otherwise. Such behaviors can manifest through actions, words, or thoughts, ranging from simple procrastination to complex relationship sabotage. Some individuals may not even realize that they are self-sabotaging, becoming trapped in negative patterns that hinder their progress in life. This Article aims to explore the most common reasons for self-sabotaging, enabling individuals to recognize and overcome them.

Self-sabotage refers to the act of engaging in behaviors that are detrimental to one's best interests, despite having the capacity to do otherwise. Such behaviors can manifest through actions, words, or thoughts, ranging from simple procrastination to complex relationship sabotage. Some individuals may not even realize that they are self-sabotaging, becoming trapped in negative patterns that hinder their progress in life. This video aims to explore the most common reasons for self-sabotaging, enabling individuals to recognize and overcome them.

Reason 1 - Lack of Self-Worth

One of the leading reasons for self-sabotage is a lack of self-worth. When individuals lack confidence in their abilities and talents, they may settle for less than they deserve. This is especially true for those who have experienced abuse or neglect during their childhood, leading to feelings of low self-esteem. Such individuals may have been taught that they are not good enough or that they will never be able to do anything right, resulting in a lack of effort.

Reason 2 - Fear of Success

Fear of success can lead individuals to self-sabotage, as they may believe that they are incapable of handling success or do not deserve it. They may begin to doubt their abilities and become overly critical of themselves, worrying about how success will change their relationships with others. This often leads to behaviors such as procrastination, self-doubt, and avoidance, preventing individuals from reaching their goals.

Reason 3 - Fear of Failure

Self-sabotaging behaviors can also manifest as an attempt at self-protection from the potential pain of failure. Individuals may become too overwhelmed by the idea of not succeeding to even try, or they may get so caught up in worrying about the potential for failure that they forget to focus on the things that could help them succeed. This fear can lead to setting up roadblocks and making it harder to take risks that could bring them closer to their goals.

Reason 4 - Familiarity

Familiarity can lead to self-sabotage, whether it involves falling back into old habits or making assumptions based on past experiences. The reason for this is that familiarity creates a sense of comfort and safety in the mind, even when it is bad for the individual. They feel like they know what to expect and how to handle the situation, letting their guard down instead of approaching the situation with the same level of awareness and intention as they would if it were new and unfamiliar. This can cause individuals to miss opportunities, make mistakes, and ultimately sabotage their own success.

Reason 5 - Inconsistent or Conflicting Thoughts

Self-sabotage is a common result of having inconsistent or conflicting thoughts. Thoughts shape behavior, so when they are at odds with one another, it can be hard to take action and make decisions. This can be especially challenging if those thoughts conflict with an individual's values or beliefs. When they are uncertain about which thought to follow, it can be difficult to make progress, causing them to feel stuck or overwhelmed and start to doubt themselves.

Reason 6 - Social or Peer Pressure

When individuals feel pressure from their social or peer group to conform to certain behaviors or beliefs, it can be challenging to stay true to themselves. They may find themselves making decisions that do not align with their values or goals, just to fit in or avoid conflict. Additionally, giving in to social or peer pressure can create a sense of internal tension and stress, further hindering their ability to make healthy decisions.

Reason 7 - Need to Be in Control

For some individuals, the idea of failing without any control over the situation can be terrifying. They prefer to control their own failure rather than be blindsided by it, as it seems like a more dignified alternative to spinning out of control. By sabotaging their own efforts, they feel like they are taking control of the situation and preventing a potentially worse outcome. However, this approach is counterintuitive and can be harmful in the long run, causing them to give up or make decisions that are not in their best interest.

In conclusion, self-sabotage can have a significantly negative impact on an individual's life, bringing about feelings of guilt, anxiety, and depression, as well as physical health issues. It can impede them from attaining their goals and cause them to miss out on opportunities. Furthermore, self-sabotage can hamper the formation of meaningful relationships and experiences that could help them maximize their potential. To stop oneself from getting in the way of their own success, individuals must pay attention to how they think, feel, and act, and be willing to question negative patterns. Once they know why they are sabotaging themselves, they can replace those beliefs and behaviors with ones that will actually help them reach their goals.

successself helphealinghappiness

About the Creator

Dhanush Mendis

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