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"The Power of Gratitude: Finding Happiness in What You Have"

My journey

By Kari RappoldPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Me lol

Gratitude is like a heart hug, a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that comes from recognizing the goodness in your life and feeling thankful for it.

To me, a heart hug sounds wonderful. If I could experience that feeling every day, it would be amazing. When I reflect on my life, I see a journey that hasn't always been easy. I grew up with a single mother of three and we faced many challenges along the way. Unlike some of my peers, we couldn't afford the latest trendy clothes or go on every field trip.

Despite the challenges, I was grateful to have horses in my life. My grandparents owned a large field, and we were able to adopt horses from family members who could no longer care for them. We were also fortunate enough to adopt my beloved horse, Missy, thanks to some individuals we knew.

By Marko Blažević on Unsplash

We were determined to hold on to the things that mattered most to us, and my mother did everything in her power to provide for us. Looking back, I am filled with gratitude for the sacrifices she made. There were times when she went without food just to ensure that we had enough to eat, and that realization saddens me even now. Nonetheless, I am forever grateful to have a mother like her.

Like many teenagers and young adults, I went through a rebellious stage. I found myself becoming a person I never thought I would be - someone who acted out and made choices that I now regret. I allowed myself to be influenced by people whom I wish I had never met, and I had become my own worst nightmare.

By Louis Galvez on Unsplash

I have made choices in the past that will always remain a secret. While I did not cause physical harm to anyone, there are things I am not proud of and will never disclose.

My husband pulled me out of those dark times, and when we met, I had a problem with alcohol. Although I wasn't necessarily an addict, my frequent and unhealthy choices when it came to drinking brought me dangerously close. I didn't even like alcohol, but my previous lifestyle up until the moment we met had caused me to develop a bad habit.

My husband and I on our wedding day 09/07/2018

About seven years later, we tied the knot, and I am forever thankful to the man who helped rescue me. I firmly believe that the Lord brought him into my life because He knew exactly who I needed to get out of the worst situation.

Speaking of marriage, the pain of losing my grandmother just before my wedding day was indescribable. It was a time of deep emotion for all of us. Though she couldn't witness my marriage, I'm grateful that she's finally free from suffering. Her unwavering faith in God and her enduring love for life inspired me beyond words. She taught me how to embrace life even in times of great suffering, and for that, I will always be grateful.

I feel compelled to acknowledge my faith because it has been an integral part of my life since childhood. Growing up in a Christian family, I have a profound adoration for the Lord. However, I am only human and flawed, and even in my relationship with God, I have had my share of struggles and setbacks.

I am truly grateful to the Lord for transforming me from a nobody to a somebody. Despite facing hardships, my unwavering faith has guided me through and continues to uplift me as I write this to you.

Me while i was preggo, obviously lol

During our infertility journey that started right after we got married, I prayed fervently. I thought it would take a short while, but it took us years and we had to resort to IVF to make our dream a reality. Through faith, we felt guided towards that decision and it was the right one. On our first attempt, the IVF worked and we were finally able to become pregnant!

To respect her privacy, I seldom share pictures of my daughter on the internet. However, I can proudly say that she is a cheerful and healthy toddler, almost two years old. It's impossible to express the sheer joy and gratitude I feel every day for the blessing of being her mother.

To be honest, tears are rolling down my face as I write this because the love I have for my daughter is almost overwhelming, and it's frustrating that words cannot fully express it to you.

By freestocks on Unsplash

As I reflect on my life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the people and things that I have been blessed with. The hardships I faced have made me appreciate the good even more. I am grateful for the love, support, and opportunities that have come my way, and for the strength to overcome these challenges. My heart is full of joy and thankfulness for all that I have, and I vow to cherish and hold onto these blessings for as long as I live.

If this story has resonated with you and you're feeling grateful for something in your life, please show your support by liking and sharing it. It would mean a lot to me. I would also love to hear from you in the comments about what you are grateful for.

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About the Creator

Kari Rappold

I’m not perfect at what I do. I’m always learning. You can always learn. If you say you know everything there is to know, learn some more. Because the adventure to knowledge is just a step away.

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