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"Struggling to Get Noticed? Let Me Help with Daily Shoutouts"

I help you, you help me.

By Kari RappoldPublished about a year ago 3 min read
"Struggling to Get Noticed? Let Me Help with Daily Shoutouts"
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Creating content can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, but getting that content in front of others can be a struggle. With so many creators and platforms out there, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle and feel like your work isn't being seen or appreciated. As someone who has been in this position before, I understand how frustrating and demotivating it can be.

That's why I want to use my platform to help shine a spotlight on fellow creators and give them the recognition they deserve. Every day, I will feature a new creator and their work on my Instagram page, and I'm going to be on the lookout for your talent to showcase. It's a small way for me to give back to the community and help fellow creators get the exposure they need to grow their audience and achieve their goals.

All you have to do to be considered for a shoutout is like and subscribe to my vocal media page. It's that simple! Of course, I also encourage you to read a few of my stories as well. After all, supporting each other is what being a part of a community is all about. And who knows? Maybe you'll find some inspiration or helpful tips in my own work.

I know firsthand how hard it can be to get your content in front of others, especially when you're just starting out. You spend countless hours writing, creating, and refining your work, only to feel like it's going unnoticed. It can be disheartening, and it's easy to give up or lose motivation.

But let me tell you: your work matters. You have a unique perspective and voice that deserves to be heard. And while getting your work in front of others can be a challenge, it's not impossible. That's where my shoutouts come in. By featuring your work on my page, I hope to help you reach a wider audience and gain more recognition for your efforts.

I believe that we are all in this together. As creators, we share a common passion and drive to create something that resonates with others. And while we may have different styles, genres, or niches, we are all united in our love for storytelling and creativity.

So, if you're looking for an opportunity to get your work seen and recognized, I encourage you to like and subscribe to my page. I promise to give every submission careful consideration and choose creators who I believe deserve the recognition. And who knows? You may just be the next creator to be featured on my page.

In conclusion, getting your content in front of others can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. With a little perseverance and some help from others, you can gain the recognition and exposure you need to succeed. And that's exactly what my shoutouts are all about: helping fellow creators achieve their goals and reach a wider audience. So, like and subscribe to my page today, and let's support each other on our creative endeavors.

If you happen to have an Instagram page, you can give me a follow there too. If I happen to showcase one of your stories, I will make sure to check whether you are open to being tagged on your Instagram page. Moreover, I will inform you that your work has been highlighted on the story that I have chosen. My instagram page has been turned into my business page recently and will continue to grow and be put in front of more audience.

5/4/2023 I showcased my first subscriber Lisa Lachapelle and you can find that post here.

By Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Thank you for your support and I can't wait to begin this journey with you.

"Building a community of love and support is like planting seeds of kindness that blossom into a garden of endless possibilities."

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About the Creator

Kari Rappold

I’m not perfect at what I do. I’m always learning. You can always learn. If you say you know everything there is to know, learn some more. Because the adventure to knowledge is just a step away.

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