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The Life-Giving Substance

From hell to divine

By Susannah LeamingPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The Life-Giving Substance
Photo by Leander Neumann on Unsplash

Sometimes you don't know you are in the midst of your most passionately fulfilling season of your life until you move on to the next one. Similar to the quote from a guy in The Office that states, "I wish there was a way to know you are in the good old days, before you actually left them."

We are always searching for more; for something else. We believe that the grass is always greener somewhere, where we are not. But is that true? Not usually. Society makes us think we should always be searching and bettering ourselves or our situation. But what if our situation is our passion, OUR season?

I was one of those always searching for more. I never felt content until I was onto my next project or business. This was detrimental to my success and to my family. I could never just be. Until now. I have a passion that runs so deep, I like to share it with the world. And I do when I feel the calling.

My lifestyle has changed dramatically. But not all at once; slowly I have climbed the next hurdle or swam through a rough river to get to this bliss. I have lost friends, family and business partners because I needed to change in order to live; I needed to learn how to rise up and accept that life is supposed to be different. We are not supposed to be questioning whether we appreciate life but rejoicing in it's gifts spontaneously.

Happiness truly is putting aside what you dreamed your life would be and accepting what you have now; fully embracing what you life is like now without the perfection and the glorified triumphs society throws at you along the way.

My passion now is being fully aligned with the earth and all it has to offer me. Our earth has a magnetism so strong and delivers food for us so intense that we find the very essence of our being within it. Nature is there for us to relish in, to learn from and exist with.

Society has come so far from our natural state of being that it has created a reality in which many of us can't survive. This is why there is turmoil, strife, depression, anxiety, war, famine, etc. Our natural state has been lost but it is actually easier than you may think to find it again.

I suffered from much of the above; depression, anxiety, exhaustion, viruses and anemia. I was an alcoholic by age 16 because I could not cope with the abuse I suffered. From there, I pulled myself up slightly, but always had a tie to the heaviest weights pulling me back down to the emptiness of hell.

When I changed my entire lifestyle and realized it was the whole of my lifestyle dragging me down, I decided to change it. When I did, the light from within started shining brightly again. My whole spirit was lifted up to the heights I had not felt before.

When you stop eating dead animals and start eating live, magnetic, organically energetic foods from our earth, your entire being is filled with life as it should be. We have been lied to and told to believe that these acidic forming, disease inducing foods are good for us, only because they wanted to make money from us. And it worked. Society thinks people like me are crazy and that the billionaires who run their food supply are geniuses. I suppose they are in a sense. If money is that important to you.

But to me, life and sustainability and purpose are what I choose to define me. Aging gracefully, beautifully and lovingly.

The depressions and anxieties of this world come from the animals who suffer terribly and then we ingest their sorrows and pain in the form of hormones and fluids being passed over.

The ailments I suffered from when eating meat have vanished. I did an experiment to make sure that was what actually did away with my suffering and I tried eating animal products again. Not only that but caffeine, sugar and preservatives. Within one week, all of my problems came back! All of them! I was miserable. I could not function. It's like my spirit became disabled because I was not able to feel the full reality of my being.

Our senses become stagnant. We only use small portions of our brains because of the natural depressors in dead meat. Try it for yourself.

If you desire true, life-giving abundance and sustainability, eat fruit. Lots of it, any amount you would like and as long as you would like. Not only will you rejoice again with love and contentment in life but you will finally have the energy to share this with others.


About the Creator

Susannah Leaming

I am a dreamer, a doer and on a journey to fill my spirit with all the peace it can hold. I practice mindfulness daily. I prioritize that which makes me stronger and healthier.

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