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The last wish

A Journey of Self-Discovery: The Tale of Three Wishes

By mohamed fawasPublished about a year ago 3 min read

As a little girl, Sarah had always dreamed of exploring the world and experiencing new adventures. But as she grew older, life had a way of taking over, and those dreams were pushed to the side. She found herself stuck in a routine, going through the motions of life without any real passion or purpose.

One day, Sarah stumbled upon an old lamp in a thrift store. Curious, she picked it up and gave it a rub. To her surprise, a genie appeared before her.

"You have three wishes," the genie said.

Sarah was skeptical at first, but the genie assured her that she was the real deal. She thought for a moment before making her first wish.

"I wish for a trip around the world," Sarah said.

In an instant, she was transported to the airport. She spent the next few months traveling to exotic places and experiencing new cultures. She climbed mountains, swam in oceans, and ate foods she never even knew existed. It was everything she had ever dreamed of, and more.

When she returned home, Sarah realized that her life had changed. She had a newfound appreciation for the world and a thirst for adventure. But as time passed, the memories of her travels began to fade, and she found herself back in her old routine.

That's when she remembered the genie's words: "You have three wishes."

Sarah knew she had two more wishes, but she didn't know what to wish for. She thought about wealth and success, but those things didn't seem as important as they once did. She realized that what she truly wanted was to make a difference in the world, to leave a positive impact on those around her.

So, she made her second wish: "I wish to make a difference in the world."

At first, nothing seemed to happen. But over time, Sarah began to notice small changes. She volunteered at a local shelter, helped out at a food bank, and even started a community garden. She saw the impact that these small acts of kindness had on those around her and realized that she was making a real difference.

As the years passed, Sarah grew older and wiser. She realized that her two wishes had been granted, but there was still one more wish to make. She thought long and hard before making her final wish.

"I wish for one more day," she said.

The genie nodded and disappeared, granting her wish.

Sarah woke up the next morning, feeling grateful for one more day of life. She spent the day doing all the things she loved, surrounded by the people she cared about. She watched the sunset, took a walk in the park, and savored every moment.

As the day drew to a close, Sarah knew that her time was up. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling at peace with the world. She knew that her wishes had been granted, and she had lived a full and meaningful life.

The moral story of this story

The main character, Sarah, is granted three wishes by a genie, and she initially wishes for a trip around the world, which fulfills her childhood dream of adventure. However, she realizes that her travels alone aren't enough to give her life meaning, and she yearns for something more significant.

Sarah's second wish is to make a difference in the world, and she discovers that by helping others, she finds a sense of purpose and fulfillment. She learns that it's not just about the adventures she experiences or the things she acquires, but about the impact she has on the lives of others.

Finally, Sarah's last wish is for one more day of life, indicating that she values the time she has left and wants to make the most of it. This emphasizes the idea that life is finite and precious, and it's up to us to make it meaningful.

Overall, the story teaches us that material possessions and personal desires are not enough to give our lives true meaning. It's about finding purpose and making a positive impact on the world around us, while cherishing the time we have

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