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"Finding Strength Within"

By InnarinaPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Jyotirmoy Gupta on Unsplash

In the quiet hours of the night, when the world slumbers and the stars whisper secrets to the moon, I find myself lost in the maze of my thoughts. Sigh! I am no stranger to chaos. My journey through life has been a turbulent odyssey, marked by storms that threatened to tear me torn apart.

Ahhh.... hardship feels like an insurmountable barrier, blocking my path forward and leaving me feeling trapped in a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering. It robs me of my sense of security, leaving me feeling vulnerable and exposed to the harsh realities of life. It erodes my confidence and self-esteem, causing doubts about my worth and my ability to overcome adversity.

In the face of such overwhelming adversity, I tempting to lose hope, to succumb to despair and resignation. I find myself questioning the fairness of life, wondering why I have been singled out for such suffering. I may even begin to lose faith in myself, doubting my ability to ever find a way out of the darkness.

Then, surrounded by the stormy storm of doubts and fears raging within my mind, there is a flicker—a faint ember of strength that refuses to be extinguished. It dances amidst the shadows, casting a dim glow that illuminates the corridors of my consciousness. It whispers of resilience and courage, urging me to press forward, to navigate the tangled web of my thoughts with determination and grace. And so, in the quiet hours of the night, as the world sleeps and dreams, I continue thought, guided by the flickering light of my inner flame, knowing that no matter how daunting the path may seem, I am never truly alone.

And through it all, I have emerged stronger, more resilient, forged in the crucible of adversity. For every trial endured, every obstacle overcome, has only served to fuel the fire that burns within me, illuminating the path ahead with unwavering determination and purpose.

But where does this light come from? What is the source of the fire that rages in the depths of my soul? For years, I searched for answers, seeking solace in the arms of others, hoping to find salvation in their words of wisdom. Little did I realize, the answers I sought were not to be found in the outside world, but within the depths of my own being. It was in the quiet moments of reflection, amidst the chaos of my thoughts, that I discovered the truth—I am the dragon, and the fire that burns within me is mine and mine alone. It is the culmination of every trial faced, every obstacle overcome, every victory won.

I am the sum of my triumphs and failures, my joys and sorrows, my dreams and fears. I am the product of every battle fought and every scar earned. Each victory has strengthened me, each defeat has taught me resilience. I am the embodiment of resilience, forged in the fires of adversity, tempered by the trials of life. Every challenge I've faced, every obstacle I've overcome, has shaped me into the person I am today—a warrior, unyielding and steadfast in the face of adversity.

And so, as I gaze into the mirror of my own reflection, I see not a mere mortal, but a dragon—a creature of myth and legend, fierce and untamed, with wings that span the breadth of eternity. Its scales shimmer with the hues of determination and resilience, its eyes ablaze with the fire of inner strength. In its presence, I am filled with awe and reverence, for it is a reflection of all that I am and all that I aspire to be.

I admire the dragon within me, for it is the embodiment of strength, courage, and resilience—a beacon of hope in a world consumed by darkness. It is the guardian of my spirit, the keeper of my dreams, the source of my inner fire. With each beat of its mighty wings, it propels me forward, guiding me through the darkest of nights and the fiercest of storms. It took me a while to realize its presence, but now that I do, I find solace and inspiration in its unwavering power. In its fierce embrace, I discover the courage to face any challenge and the strength to overcome any obstacle. The dragon within me is not just a symbol, but a guiding force, leading me towards my highest potential and deepest satisfaction.

This is me, this is real.

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About the Creator


Since childhood, I've been captivated by the unknown. Imagine I explore ancient myths, spooky tales, and unsolved puzzles. Let's uncover secrets together through curiosity.

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