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The 5 Qualities of Embodied Leadership

In this article, I will break down the 5 qualities of embodied leadership that can help people respond effectively to the new normal.

By Sanjay SinghPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
The 5 Qualities of Embodied Leadership
Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

The outbreak of coronaviruses has fundamentally changed the way we live, work and relate to each other in all areas of our lives and everywhere in the world.

Today, more than ever, our world needs to embody leaders in every community, region, and sphere of life, to help organize our global family around an epidemic that threatens the world as it is we know.

One thing is sure: nothing will happen after this crisis like it was before. But even though this crisis is hitting all of us hard, it also brings with it a huge amount of opportunity, especially for those who are ready to step up and lead in the "new normal" Huh.

The old system was no longer permanent. The way we were walking, our planets were also tired and demanding radical change. Unexpectedly, this virus has been able to stop all of us on our tracks and become a huge wake-up call for the entire world.

Now is the time for the new paradigm to be implemented. The time has come to adopt new methods of leadership.

Whether you are leading a company, a class, a family, or simply your personal life, now there is a level and can show as a role model of what the new normal can be.

Dealing with uncertainty as a leader-

Right now most people of this planet have fear, anxiety and questions in their mind and heart. As a modern society, this crisis is something we have never seen before and it all comes down to how we react, rather than how we react.

Thrive Global conducted a national study of more than 5,000 American employees. Their findings showed that 80% of Americans feel helpless and as if things are beyond their control. More than that, 85% wish their employers would have done more to help them adapt and manage.

Employers are the closest person to a leader that many people have, this is the reference point to ensure survival, although it is likely to be so much more. This global epidemic is creating opportunities for creating new models of leadership, relationships, work and consumerism.

The consequences of this epidemic go beyond a health issue. This international situation, which will go down in the history books, is deeply affecting our global sense of security and security, economic stability and the emotional grounding of many people.

5 feminine qualities of embodied leadership

I should start by making a fundamental difference between females and females. Feminine refers to gender identity, while Feminine refers to Primordial Energy Signature, whose counterpart is Musculin, which is beyond both sexes.

In ancient traditions, these two are named Ying (feminine) and Yang (masculine) and are associated with very distinct and complementary qualities and characteristics.

It is simply an ancient framework that helps us understand the world around us and creates a context for defining the ways we create, move, and relate to the world.

For the past few millennia, our world has seen a radicalization of masculine qualities; From productivity, directionality, goal-oriented process, tax-after-tax, and fully balanced consumerism. Manly qualities are negative in themselves and quite the opposite. Like feminine qualities, they are fundamentally necessary to develop the world. It is the lack of balance that creates problems.

I have been absent in this society for a very long time; Running our planet to exhaustion, the animal world is close to extinction, and our emotional, mental, and physical bodies to burn out.

We needed a wake-up call. Now is the chance that we take reactivity and use our "capacity" to "respond" to the situation, in the context of what is necessary to bring balance to humanity: peace, center, citizenship, cooperation, Solidarity, and love.

There are the following qualities associated with feminine, which, after a decade devoted to its study, I see that are most beneficial in times of extreme chaos and disorder.

1. Empathy

The ability to understand and share another's feelings, whether we agree with their point of view or not.

It differs from empathy, which refers to agreement with other's feelings and incorporates them into their emotional choice.

Being aware and sensitive to the realities of the people around us, as well as their needs and feelings, is the quickest way to get to the other's heart and, ultimately, their loyalty. We are in a time when we need to build confluence and coherence, especially with the unusual isolation that we have been experiencing lately as a global culture. Having the ability to deeply understand the feelings of your people is the key to leading them successfully.

2. Trust

Integrity and grassroots vulnerability build trust. When we can see the human experience of another deeply, then only we can relate to them. This creates a path to trust the person and their decisions or guidance. Vulnerability, as Breno Browne then masterfully points out, is the ability to share our intimate experience to create a common field of understanding between individuals. It helps to create a safe space, where innovation can be successful as people feel safe to share new ideas and questions and receive without judgment.

3. Deep listening

A key quality of a woman is the ability to listen, to receive deeply, and to take her completely into the world. She is the creator of life in a universe where energy is not destroyed, it only changes form, so she takes it to change and re-create it completely.

Our present time allows us to listen deeply to each other and is essential for what we are saying about our bodies and our health. We are poorly prepared to shut down this entire immune system, mainly because we have forgotten to listen to our bodies and what they really need, beyond what we are being fed. Now our society is seeing the result that we are burning the world when we work to extinguish the fire.

If we listen to the natural world we have a lot to share. The deadly viruses and diseases are increasing rapidly from year to year, as many as we can keep, many of them of zoonotic origin, meaning that originated in the animal world and spread to humans. Examples include SARS, Ebola, swine flu, rabies, avian influenza, and now COVID-19. Still, we are not listening.

It is almost as if nature is saying, "Please remember, we are co-existing here, you are destroying yourself if you destroy us. If you don't find a way to co-exist with us Finding and changing the way of life you have adopted, you can find yourself in a life or death situation. "

And last but not least, listen to yourself. It is time to train our intuition as much as we train our brains so we are not susceptible to control and deception on a large scale.

4. Stability

Think for the next seven generations. From the smallest action to the decision of the largest corporate or government, it is time to broaden our perspective from the egoistic I and the collective perspective of the past.

As leaders, we have a responsibility to ensure that our actions are collectively supportive beyond our present time and our children's future.

Ask yourself, "Are my actions pushing me and others towards thriving and revitalizing? Am I supporting not only myself and my benefit but my community and the planet?"

Even further, can you have healthy and powerful habits that speak about Native American traditions and think and act with the next seven generations in mind?

5. Solidarity, cooperation and co-creation

Our world and our nervous system are depleted, overused and burning near as we are still working under the belief that we should do all this alone. This is the farthest thing from the truth. Cooperation will be the new normal, in fact, cooperation is already the new normal and the only way we can make it through the epidemic.

Today, more than ever, we need each other to ensure survival. We are seeing that this crisis rests on the shoulders of doctors, nurses and grocery store workers, as well as many others who are able to serve. We are being asked to remain in quarantine and if we do not trust our neighbor or trust our friends we will feel very lonely and may begin to feel feelings of despair and sorrow.


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