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Penguins and Guinness

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

This week for some reason , I came across a Guinness advert that I had either never seen before or I had forgotten about. It started off as a serious nature documentary and was excellently filmed and ended up as an unmistakable Guinness advert. I was sort of aware of it because it was listed on my Song of the Salesman site with a soundtrack of “Accentuate The Positive” by The Andrews Sisters and Bing Crosby.

My youngest daughter is obsessed with Penguins so that may be part of why I came across the video. I must admit that I am thankful for Youtube allowing us to share videos and songs with each other , and also technology has advanced so that we can watch and listen anywhere on any device should we so wish.

There are lots of interesting and fun animal related videos available on the various video sharing platforms and Guinness have used lots in their adverts ,as well as people.

There is the “Rhythm of Life” evolution one featuring Sammy Davis Junior on the soundtrack from the earth’s beginning to the startled mudskipper ending up beached at the end.

Then there are the surfer and wave horses , which could be considered one of the best adverts ever, sound tracked by “Phat Planet” by Leftfield , and the visuals really do stun you .

This is all just scratching the surface, with penguins , horses and mudskippers.

Although Vocal allows multiple videos in posts I can't find a way of doing it so that is something for me to investigate in the future

One of the things about writing for Vocal , and reposing on my SevendaysIn blog is I now actually have a word target of 600 words to meet for every post , so that gives the reader a decent amount to get into. When I first started blogging some of the posts were barely a sentence, but then I crept up and generally started averaging 200-300 words a post, but that won’t get me on Vocal.

Anyway back to the animals , the videos I’ve shared are worth your time watching , they are quite short but will leave you with a smile on your face and no doubt make you aware of the product.

Guinness and generally stout is the the only beer type dring that I’ve ever really enjoyed drinking. Some ciders are OK but Guinness is smooth , creamy and , in my humble opinion , tastes good. Do the adverts make you want to buy and drink Guinness? Well they definitely raise your awareness of the drink and surely will make you interested because most of their advertising grabs your attention so well that you must surely want to investigate the actual product.

When you watch the adverts you almost want a part in them to actually be at that bar or place to enjoy that drink.

Youtube has pages and pages of Guinness adverts to trawl through but the three I have included here are just to whet your appetite both for the adverts and for the Guinness itself.

This leads me on the CGI in video , ever since it took off you can do anything you want with film and all these adverts are examples of that being applied to these films and adverts. We have become almost blase about it but the amount of work involved is extremely impressive..

So if you are at your computer hit Youtube and do a search, if you want a drink I suggest a local shop and get yourself either some Guinness or another Stout and as you drink you can imagine that you are that penguin, or you are that surfer or you are evolving to end up surprised on som unspecified beach somewhere.

If you have got to this part , thank you for reading and any comments from you would be appreciated.


About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales & Poems

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    Mike Singleton - MikeydredWritten by Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

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