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Goals and Dreams

By Brady YoungPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Definitions of Passion:A state or outburst of strong emotion.An intense desire or enthusiasm for something.
Definitions of Dream:A cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.An unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy.
Definitions of Goal: The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

All these definitions are of those things we've wanted to be, either since we were kids, teenagers in high school or in college/university. I mean, as kids for boys and girls, dreams were to be an astronaut, a knight, a character from a movie, to be a princess or a queen. As we get older our dreams of what we'd like to be can grow. Along the way of our lives, sometimes we not only want to BE something, but DO things as well. These could be inspiring others, helping people, or just all around changing the world for the better.

Now, I'm a person who is all for doing what you love, because when you do something that you love, you are then giving your all. There is no 80 percent effort, there's no 95 percent; if it's something you absolutely love doing, you give 110 percent or more. But I've discovered that there are people that don't want to give there all because sometimes what you want to do could be such a competitive thing, such as singing, art, acting, or doing what I'm doing, being an author. Listen, not everything is easy, and that's okay. Just don't give up. I assure you though, if you don't want to give it your all, there are others who will.

As we go through life and we tell people what our goals and dreams are, we deal with those that say, "Better get a real job though" or, "You're not going to make it" or we just find lots of people that doubt your abilities. I can say that I've heard things like that when I tell people my goals and passions are to be an author, travel the world, inspire, and speak to people, but I've never given up. Have I ever doubted myself? Of course I have, but then I realize that there is a more chance of failure when you don't try versus when you actually do. I also know what God has called me to be, and all the support that is around me from friends and family.

For me, as a young author, I'm dealing with quite a few rejections, and mostly from literary agents that I believe are afraid to take a chance on me. Does that discourage me? Not one bit. Why? Because some of the greatest authors got rejected too. J.K. Rowling got rejected so many times but kept going. Same with Stephen King. I could go on, but the point is, they made it because they were passionate, and neither will I, and if anyone reading this is thinking about writing a book, then stop reading this and go write!

The same thing about writing books, novels, poems, or just being a writer in general can be applied to being a singer, or being an actor, or even being an entrepreneur. When you're just coming onto the scene, people will be afraid to take a chance on you, but don't be discouraged — just keep going. Some of the greatest actors have been turned away from roles, and found even better ones. Some of the best singers in the world have been looked down upon, and still continue going because they love what they do!

Now for me, I'm going to say something a little crazy. For my passion, my goal, my dream of being an author, traveling the world, talking and inspiring people, it's not about money. Okay, scratch that, I said something pretty crazy. I say it's crazy because everyone treats money as the root of happiness, but it's not. Seeing people smile, seeing people happy, seeing people be inspired, changed, that's my happiness. I walk through my days knowing that it's not about me, it's not about my name in lights, or appearing on television, it's about seeing change happen. I'm not hating on anyone if your goal is to make money. I'm just saying for MYSELF, it's not my ultimate goal. To me, getting a nice paycheque from my passions is a blessing, but it's not my end reward.

My end reward is seeing people inspired, my end reward is seeing the world changed. My end reward is knowing at the end of my life, I gave 110 percent.


About the Creator

Brady Young

I'm 21, I'm a self-published author and slowly building my platform. I'm all about doing what you love, and following your passion. I like living outside the box, because the inside is too crammed.

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