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Rejection and Doubt

Let Them Be Your Motivation

By Brady YoungPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

When we hear the words "rejection" or "doubt," they are always associated with negativity, sadness, and just all around bad terms. But what if they could be turned around for good? Instead of viewing rejection and doubt as something bad, what if we could see it as something good? I know it's harder than it sounds, cause let's be honest, when we get rejected in any way, like for example; a job, by a woman or a guy, or anything, we get down. Getting told we didn't get the job we wanted makes a person feel like they aren't good enough and shouldn't aim high, or getting rejected by someone we ask out or have interest in makes us feel ugly, humiliated, because we put ourselves out there, and/or again, not good enough. If we get turned down by a person, it can leave a feeling of trying to change ourselves to maybe get that person back. Not getting the job we wanted can make a person give up and not try as hard.

After stewing in rejection, doubt usually follows after. We start doubting who we are, our abilities, everything about us. It can even be worse when others start doubting in you, too, saying they don't believe in you, or doubting your goals, or even saying you're not good enough or going to make it. We typically coin people that speak like that as "haters" and everyone always says avoid them, but I say to keep them around.

I know, I know, I sound weird, or maybe even crazy, for saying that, but hear me out. When people doubt you, use that as motivation to succeed and strive harder to prove them wrong. In my opinion, it's not petty to want to prove someone wrong. How many actors and musicians throughout their lives were told they wouldn't make it, and they have, proving those that doubted them wrong? I'm not saying to rub it in their faces, because that's petty, but always remember the ones that doubted you along with those that supported you.

When it comes to rejection, it's harder to look at that in a positive light, but it can too be used as motivation. If someone says they are not interested in you, don't get sad or angry and start questioning what you could change about yourself, or if you didn't get the job you wanted, view it differently. When it comes to rejection from a guy or woman, then look at it in the way that they weren't the right person for you, and that there's a better person waiting for you. When it comes to the job, then see it as that job can't get you to where you want to be, to what your future goals are. Let those rejections fuel you to pursue your goals and to find the right person for you.

Again, I know it's hard to look at rejection and doubt in a positive way, but, with time, it gets easier. Never let a "no" stop you from what you want to do in life or let the words of others keep you from pursuing your dreams. Never let someone rejecting you stop you from finding love. Never keep negativity in your life.

When you focus on negativity, you never really push forward or can get out of the situation you're in sometimes, because all you focus on are the wrong things. All of this I speak from experience in that I've felt these ways, and know others closely that have felt the same way. But as time has gone on, I've turned my thinking around, viewing each rejection and piece of doubt in a different light—a brighter light.

I only hope that anyone who decides to read this feels the same way.


About the Creator

Brady Young

I'm 21, I'm a self-published author and slowly building my platform. I'm all about doing what you love, and following your passion. I like living outside the box, because the inside is too crammed.

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