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Overcome negativity

negative thinking will spiral out of control, attracting more negative thoughts.

By Sharad GuptaPublished 3 years ago 13 min read
Overcome negativity
Photo by Arun Sharma on Unsplash

We humans tend to give more weight to things that go wrong in our minds than things that go right—to the point where a single negative occurrence can hijack our minds in ways that are harmful to our jobs, relationships, wellbeing, and happiness. It's not easy to overcome our negativity bias. Opposing thoughts exacerbate anxiety in social and prosperous circumstances. Most social anxiety therapies have a component devoted to turning negative thinking habits into more helpful and optimistic ways of approaching situations.

Below we have mentioned the top 30 ways to overcome your negativity from your life and be happy and live a healthy life.

How can you overcome negativity?

Negative thinking impairs the brain's capacity to cope with complex tasks, making it challenging to interpret knowledge and think clearly. As if that were not enough, negative stress has a physical impact on the body, leading to sickness and mental instability.

Understanding how you think now and the issues that result is the secret to overcoming your negative thoughts. From there, you can use tactics to alter your thoughts or make them have less impact. These measures are usually taken with the aid of a therapist, but they can also be used as part of a self-help approach to managing social anxiety.

Your mental outlook shapes how you see the world. If your attitude is primarily negative, it can hurt your health, job, family, and other aspects of your life.

Things you should consider to remove negativity from your life

1. Know your thinking style

Understanding how you think right now is one of the first steps toward improving your negative thought habits. Jumping to conclusions, catastrophizing, and overgeneralization are examples of negative thought habits.

It all begins with a single thought or emotion. Alternatively, you might use a phrase spoken by someone else. Then it starts dragging you down. Do you ever find yourself thinking negatively? If you have a harsh inner critic, tension, depression, concern, anxiety, or struggle with low self-worth, you are familiar with some symptoms.

2. Mindfulness is an excellent thing to practice.

Meditation is where mindfulness began. It is the act of separating yourself from your thoughts and feelings and observing them objectively. You will learn to see your thoughts and emotions as floating points that you can pause and watch or let pass you by during mindfulness training. Allowing the thinking part of your brain to take control of your emotional responses to circumstances is the aim of mindfulness.

Do you consider every possible outcome calmly and step fluidly through your problems, or do you expect conflict and difficult circumstances at every turn? If that is the case, start with adopting a positive attitude.

3. Stop overthinking

Mindfulness is the polar opposite of thought-stopping. It is the act of constantly scanning for negative thoughts and demanding that they be banished. The problem with idea stopping is that the harder you try to stop your negative thoughts from coming up, the more they can come up. Mindfulness is preferable because it gives your thoughts less weight and lessens their influence on you. Thought stopping can seem to help in the short term, but it causes more anxiety over time.

4. Accept the reality

When you are thinking negatively, you are usually thinking about something that happened recently. Or it may be anything that happens. Or both, as the attitude and feelings deteriorate. Instead, bring your total energy into this moment to snap out of it. You should live in the present and do not fear about future.

Make it a habit to spend more time in the present moment, and you will naturally have fewer negative thoughts and be more transparent and positive.

5. Make use of a thought journal.

Thought diaries are also known as thought logs used as part of any negative thinking improvement process. Thought diaries would help you recognize negative thinking patterns and understand how your emotions rather than the situations you are in and will influence your emotional responses. Using a thinking diary would be part of most CBT treatment plans as part of daily homework assignments.

A thought diary entry, for example, may break down a person's thought process while on a date, as well as the emotional and physical responses that arise from negative thinking patterns. By the end of the thinking study, you should substitute irrational rejection feelings with more helpful ones.

6. Learn how to stop negative thoughts

Cognitive restructuring is an essential aspect of a cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment plan. This method aids in the identification and transformation of negative emotions into more helpful and adaptive responses. Cognitive restructuring is a step-by-step procedure in which negative thoughts are detected, tested for accuracy, and then substituted, whether in therapy or on your own. While it can be challenging to think in this new way, constructive and logical thoughts will become more regular with time and practice.

7. Do not think about what others say.

When you consider what people would say or think if you do or do not do something, it's easy to slip into negative thinking. As a result, you deplete your power and risk being stuck in research paralysis. Getting trapped in your head and thinking that way would pull you further away from your goals and reality.

The fact is people do not have enough time, attention, or resources to think about or discuss what they do. This awareness and reminder will assist you in breaking free from the mental limitations you may have created, allowing you to begin taking small – or more significant – steps toward the life you truly desire.

8. Replace the negativity with positivity

What you allow to stay in your mind in your daily life has a significant impact on you. As a result, start questioning what you let in. Then invest the time you have freed up on more meaningful outlets and people who are either in your life or who you'd like to meet and maybe become a new part of it. Fortunately, by using basic strategies, you can gradually educate yourselves on how to think positively.

9. Speak it all out and talk about it

Keeping negative thoughts locked up that are beginning to cloud the entire mind will not help. Allow them to leave. You should talk to someone close to you about the situation or your feelings. Simply venting for a few minutes will also make you see things differently. If not, a discussion about it in which the two of you come up with a more helpful perspective and possibly starting an action plan can be both relieving and recharging.

10. Become comfortable with criticism by practicing how to deal with it

Aside from cognitive restructuring, another part of CBT that can be beneficial is what's known as "assertive protection of the self." Since people would likely be negative and judgmental of you at times, you must cope with rejection and criticism.

This method is usually carried out in therapy with a fictitious dialogue between you and your therapist to improve your assertiveness and intense reactions to criticism. Via homework assignments, these skills are then applied to the real world.

11. Concentrate solely on your breathing

Whenever you feel negativity inside your head, you should take a 1-2 minute break and take a few deeper breaths than average. Make sure you're breathing through your nose and with your stomach. Concentrate solely on the air coming in and out during this period. Take a 2-minute break, get out of your mind, and focus on what's in front of you right now. There's nothing else.

Pay attention to the people passing by outside your window, the muffled words and sounds from the street, the smells in the area, and the sun shining in and warming your face. There is more to it than that. Women's arousal levels can be boosted by regular physical activity. Men who exercise regularly are often less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than men who do not.

12. Ask challenging questions to yourself.

Consider your responses to some difficult questions. Like how does having negative thinking habits benefit me? What's in it for me in terms of a reward? What do you stand to lose by thinking negatively? How much would it cost? What are the advantages of focusing on optimistic thoughts? What are the costs of adopting a more optimistic mindset? Then take a deep breath and move ahead, keeping all the negative thinking aside.

13. Perform regular exercise

Regular physical exercise will help you strengthen your muscles and increase your stamina. Do you find it difficult to enjoy physical intimacy when you're exhausted or out of shape? Regular physical activity will enhance your sex life by increasing your energy levels and increasing your belief in your physical appearance. Exercise helps the cardiovascular system function more effectively by delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. You will have more stamina as your heart and lung health improves.

14. Learn to say no

How you say "yes" has a significant effect on the outcome of any discussion. The addition of the word "but" after yes invites skepticism and negativity. If you have reservations, you can always express them by linking your thoughts with the word "and," which will prevent the conversation from spiraling downward and result in a good return on your "yes." It would be best if you learned to say no in situations when you do not want to say yes.

15. Don't fear anything

One common mistake people make is to become afraid and run away from them rather than examine them more closely when it comes to fears. Of course, it is normal to feel the urge and want to stop it, but vague fears can become much scarier than they need to be.

When we are afraid of making a mistake, our mind tends to focus on the specific situation. Assume you are out for a nighttime stroll. You keep looking down at your feet because you're afraid of tripping. You step into a lamp post the next thing you do.

16. Make yourself your best friend.

We are always harsh on ourselves. Negative self-talk accounts for almost 90% of all self-talk. There are three steps to this:

1. Let it go

Allow it to flow to aid in the healing process, not to linger. The pity party is done in three minutes.

2. Keep an eye on it

Recognize when you have bad feelings. Reframing would be possible until you are aware of the situation.

3. Reframe the situation

Consider what your best friend will say to you after you've figured out why you're cruel. Then say what you need to hear to yourself.

17. Instead of thinking you should write

Make a list of the reasons why you have a negative feeling. Writing rather than thinking helps you clear your mind, and seeing the words on paper or a computer makes it easier to make sense of them and move forward. Consider someone afraid of flight. They drive everywhere, even though driving is statistically riskier. When you open the aperture, you will see your biggest fears in the light of all the other dangers that exist. This will assist you in gaining a greater understanding of what you are most afraid of.

18. Make a difference in someone else's life.

Focusing outwards and on something else is a simple way to get out of your mind and the emotions bouncing around within it if you get lost in negative thoughts or victim thinking.

19. Kindness

Kindness is vital to be positive in life. Consider being thankful for a few of the things to every person near you; otherwise, they may take for granted regularly. It is quick to lose sight of the good things in life when we are down. Particularly those who are simply a part of life that we may take for granted far too often.

20. Create new routines for yourself

Instead of thinking of failures as "overcoming" destructive thought patterns, see them as "establishing" new behaviors. It may be anything as simple as your cat, your painted toenails, being outside, or going to the beach, and you should begin with something easy.

21. Stop watching the news in the morning.

According to research, just three minutes of bad news in the morning increases the risk of having a negative experience during the day. The positive mentality has also been shown to improve efficiency and satisfaction while lowering error rates in studies. It is possible to change one's mindset, but it is not always easy. Avoid watching the morning news and look for ways to remove toxic factors.

22. Stay away from negativity from the outside world.

The negative energies of people and negativity influence us all. If you are a pessimistic thinker, you will slip farther before reaching the outer reaches of depression. Remove or stop people who hurt your thoughts and feelings. If these people are family members, it may not always be practicable, but you may refuse to partake in a downward spiraling discussion. Accept their suggestions and move on.

Social networking and the news may also have a significant impact on how we feel and think. People that are combative and unhelpful should be avoided. Maintain a positive tone in your posts by using more upbeat perspectives. Keep track of how much news you consume regularly; there's a fine line between becoming updated and mentally attached to doom and gloom.

23. Use affirmations.

Affirmations are encouraging words that will help you resolve negative feelings that are sabotaging your progress. Consider what thoughts or habits you would like to improve in your own life and career to begin using affirmations.

It would be best if you came up with confirmation statements that are the polar opposite of these thoughts that are hopeful, credible, and achievable. Affirmations should be repeated many times a day, mainly if you engage in negative self-talk or harmful behavior. Remember that affirmations work best when combined with other techniques such as visualization and goal-setting.

24. Make an effort to look for something you love, want, and appreciate.

Rather than battling negative emotions, choose to think about things that make you feel good. Try to express what you love, want, and appreciate, preferably aloud. Are you about to have a difficult conversation? "I like the way the coffee tastes today." "I like the way this chair feels against my back." "I enjoy the opportunity to work on ideas with my team." Always talk about the positive aspect of any situation.

25. Do not think negatively at any time in life.

Negative thinking can lead to serious health issues and, in the worst-case scenario, death. Although these strategies have been shown to reduce negative reviews on occasion, they can only be used as a guide; readers should seek appropriately trained health practitioners if they have any questions about associated illnesses or if negative thoughts are causing severe or persistent unhappiness. Before making any significant dietary or exercise changes, health practitioners should be consulted.

26. If you fail, don't lose hope.

Negative thought patterns can quickly take over, but identifying the negative thought pattern and a project you are excited about is a brilliant and constructive trick. After that, should you actively commit to the practice to find yourself dwelling on the negative, refocus your attention on positive things?

There are subtle differences between unhelpful thought styles. However, they all include truth distortions and irrational approaches to circumstances and individuals. Do you recall playing with building blocks when you were a kid? It was amusing to stack one on top of the other before they all crashed to the ground, causing fits of laughter. Negative thought cycles can have a similar crashing-down impact on your life and business, but it is not funny and should be handle with care.

27. Show Gratitude

Most people overlook gratitude, but it is critical to living a happier life. Life does not get better, but it does get stronger as we learn to reframe problems by seeing all of the positive stuff around us. Make a Good List and refer to it regularly. Also, be clear on what you want. Over time, a concentrated, optimistic mind will attract what it seeks.

If you want to call yourself a realist, you should first learn what the term means. A realist is someone who recognizes a situation for what it is and is ready to deal with it. Realists do not anticipate endless challenges, and they do not exaggerate them by focusing on how things can only worsen. They are more likely to think creatively about a difficult situation and come up with a viable solution.

28. Make a flexible schedule that makes you happy.

In life, obstacles are unavoidable. If you look at things negatively, you will hinder your progress; but, if you accept the occasional curve balls and step on through them.

When "A" does not go as expected, entrepreneurs are stumped by a business strategy focused on "A leads to B" thought. Your system should be flexible and moving, like water. Be aware of the distinction between preparing for and expecting the worst-case scenario. Study how more giant corporations handle conflict, growth, and creativity to develop an intelligent plan that includes the "what ifs."

29. Overcome your apprehensions about taking risks

If you are highly risk-averse, you will probably concentrate on the worst-case scenarios rather than thinking strategically. People mostly fear the unknown underpins as a high degree of risk intolerance.

Facts and a solid plan will help you overcome your fears. "What outcomes do I need to see to proceed to the next step?" ask yourself for each phase of your strategy. Risk-averse people would undermine their performance to prevent investing at the next stage. If you have your appropriate terms written down, you will be able to take action based on facts rather than fear.

30. Positive visualizations can help you overcome negative thoughts.

Internal reactions to each of our life events are encoded in neural pathways and affect our future actions. If we do not participate in reprogramming activities, unhealthy responses may dominate and dominate our attitudes and emotions. You do not need an expert to direct you through visualization, one of the more effective reprogramming techniques. Rather than allowing you’re "what if" mentality to descend, envision and visualize more positive "what ifs." Instead of something less desirable, imagine and experience this result.

Negative or unhelpful thought habits can have a significant and often fatal effect on our relationships, wellbeing, employment, and lives. The negativity that arises inside you or in the world around you can quickly turn toxic, which prevents you from enjoying the life you want.

For those of us who aren't superhuman, reprogramming the brain in a day, week, or even month is unlikely. It's normal for some negativity to linger for a while. What matters is that you keep trying to reroute and reprogram. You'll see the results over time if you stick with it.

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About the Creator

Sharad Gupta

I am a passionate writer.

My interest include fashion, relationship, health , life , make money, dating , digital marketing , education , career, parenting , Investment and many more .

My aim is Read , Write and Help.

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