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There is hope !

By sundas majeedPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Sonnie Hiles on Unsplash

Alice had been feeling down for a while. She couldn't really pinpoint when it had started, but it seemed like everything had lost its luster. The sun didn't seem as bright, her favorite foods didn't taste as good, and she found herself struggling to get out of bed every morning.

At first, she tried to shake it off. Maybe it was just a bad week, she thought. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Alice realized that this wasn't something that was just going to go away on its own.

Alice had always been a happy person, and she didn't know how to deal with this sudden change in her mood. She felt like she was losing herself, and it scared her.

She tried talking to her friends and family, but she found it hard to express what she was feeling. They tried to be supportive, but they didn't really understand what she was going through.

Alice started to withdraw from the people around her. She stopped answering phone calls and texts, and she stopped going out. She didn't want to burden anyone with her problems, and she felt like she didn't have anything to contribute to their lives.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Alice's depression seemed to be getting worse. She was sleeping more, eating less, and she had lost interest in the things that used to bring her joy.

One day, Alice woke up and realized that she couldn't go on like this anymore. She needed to do something to change her situation, or else she was going to lose herself completely.

Alice decided to seek professional help. She found a therapist and started going to regular appointments. At first, it was hard for her to open up and talk about her feelings, but over time, she began to feel more comfortable.

The therapist helped Alice to understand that what she was feeling was normal, and that it was okay to ask for help. She helped Alice to develop coping mechanisms, and taught her how to recognize and challenge negative thoughts.

Alice also started to exercise more. She had always enjoyed going for walks, but she hadn't been doing it as much lately. She started to make a habit of going for a walk every day, even if it was just for 10 minutes.

At first, Alice didn't notice much of a difference. But over time, she began to feel more energized and less fatigued. She started to enjoy the feeling of fresh air in her lungs and the warmth of the sun on her skin.

Alice also started to make small changes to her diet. She had always been a junk food junkie, but she started to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into her meals. She found that eating healthier made her feel better physically, which in turn helped her mental state.

Slowly but surely, Alice began to feel like herself again. She started to take an interest in the things she used to enjoy, like reading and painting. She started to reach out to her friends again, and she even made some new ones.

Alice's journey wasn't easy. There were times when she felt like giving up, but she kept pushing forward. She learned that it was okay to not be okay, and that asking for help was a sign of strength, not weakness.

Alice's depression didn't define her. She was more than her illness, and she had the power to overcome it. With the help of her therapist, exercise, and a healthier diet, Alice was able to come out on the other side.

Today, Alice is thriving. She still has bad days, but she knows how to manage them. She's grateful for the support system she has in her friends and family, and she's proud of herself for not giving up.

Alice's journey taught her that there is hope.

self helpadvice

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    SMWritten by sundas majeed

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