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When It Is Added To You

By Emos Sibu Poriei (Kaya)Published 21 days ago 4 min read
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

Most of the time in our daily lives, we find ourselves dealing with a “one” that God adds or gives to us.

More often than not, this “one” comes with a challenge as much as a blessing. The joy of obtaining or having that “one” is felt while at the same time you realize that you have to work on it. That one can be a delegated task or responsibility, a business opportunity or a public speaking engagement, etc. Whatever it is, you know that you have work to do. You know that you are not blessed with that “one” for nothing. There is an assignment for you to do in it and God knows that you can handle it and that is why He is adding or giving it to you. He knows the abilities which He placed in you that qualifies you for that assignment.

Mathew 25: 14—28 talks about a man who called his three servants and gave unto them talents depending on their several ability before he went away on a journey. When he returned, he received those talents with 100 % profits, especially from his first two servants, who received 5 and 2 talents initially. The one with 5 talents produced 10 while the other with 2 talents produced 4. The third servant on the other hand received 1 talent initially but because of his fear, he went and hid the talent, which he gave back to his master without any profit. That made the master furious which led him to remove that one talent from the third servant and add it to the one who had 10 talents.


Several Ability

God often instills values and abilities in us in our secret places or in private (many a times away from our work colleagues) when we go through challenges. No body knows those challenges but God sees. It is in this secret or private place that God teaches us lessons that build our skills or capacities. This is the place where we develop those abilities that qualifies us for the “one” that God adds or gives. Sometimes the “one” would have no connection whatsoever to your experiences. But because you already have the several ability developed in those secret places, God sees you qualified enough to bless you with the “one”. A good example is in the story of David in 1 Samuel chapters 16 and 17. He was anointed King of Israel not because he came from the lineage of Kings! If Prophet Samuel was to anoint the next King in that earthly order, then Jonathan was rightfully the next heir to the throne. However, David was chosen instead. That kingly role was added to David. No connectivity to royalty at all because David was just a simple shepherd boy. And he had that “one” added to him! Remember, God adds or gives the “one” based on several ability that you have, which are often built in secret places. God saw David qualified for that position because of the leadership ability that David developed as a shepherd. He was a defender, provider, and a leader. He led sheep to greener pastures and still waters and provided for them the daily meal they needed. He defended and protected them from lions and bears. The sheepfold was safe because David took better care of them. Those were the abilities that God saw David had that even though there was no connectivity between the role of the shepherd and royalty, David had the skills he built from the shepherd role that was relevant for the Kingly role.

What do I do with the “one”?

Do you have a role or task that looks simple or ordinary? Be faithful in it. Do you have a dream of becoming somebody one day yet where you are has no connectivity to where you want to be? Be faithful in that little that God has blessed you with right now. Handle that situation well, do that task well, be faithful. God is using that opportunity to build your capacity and prepare you for the “one” that he will add.

Or do you have the “one” right now? It is a blessing yet it comes with a burden. Don’t worry, God sees you qualified for it or he wouldn’t have given it to you in the first place. Is it something that has no connectivity at all to your previous experience, rank or role? Are you a new kid on the job with no experience in it? Don’t worry. You have what it takes to do it. Bank on the several abilities or capacity that you have built in those secret places to perform your task. You are qualified. Have faith in God and in the abilities that he has blessed you with. Be yourself. Don’t try to be somebody else. Your uniqueness is a gift. You do your task well be being yourself.

David was also given another “one” because of his fighting skills that he acquired as a shepherd. He didn’t have to be enlisted in the army to take down Goliath. Again, no connectivity at all between a shepherd and a soldier. But he acquired his fighting skills as a shepherd. He did not even fight the battle by wearing the armor. Instead, he used his uniqueness and won. He used the ability he acquired to win. You are an original. Your uniqueness is a gift. Be yourself.

self help

About the Creator

Emos Sibu Poriei (Kaya)

I love reading and researching to gain inspiration and ideas. I appreciate those who write and I hope I can inspire you with my writings too. 

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Comments (2)

  • Gloria Penelope21 days ago

    Inspiring religious story, I like it.

  • See, that's the problem with me. I have no faith. I used to but not anymore. I cannot bring myself to believe blindly. I just feel like I'm lying to myself. Sorry my friend, I'm not saying this to go against what you've said here. Just sharing my side of the story. Of course I respect you and your beliefs 🥰🥰🥰

Emos Sibu Poriei (Kaya)Written by Emos Sibu Poriei (Kaya)

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