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Nostalgia with Autumn Memories.

Autumn memories the best part stuff I used to be before coming to Saint Lucia.

By Louise Blake-Michael (Risen Phoenix)Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Nostalgia with Autumn Memories.
Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

My autumn morning ritual before I moved to Saint Lucia was a good one I truly enjoyed.

My daily routine that I miss it:

1: I get out of bed making my morning breakfast.

2: I would make my morning coffee four cups a morning: As far as drinks I would which between sparkling water, energy drinks, or pink lemonade.

3: My Morning cigarette: this would include 5 cigarettes even when I was stressed out.

When I came home I wrote the rest of the morning going into the afternoon.

I miss the feeling of the cold breeze on my cheeks. I miss wearing hoodies, but most of all I miss shopping at low prices with my EBT card.

I used to buy three of these bottoms only make it to three weeks.

They say there is no time like the present to go back home, but I can't right now it's hard being patient because I miss the sweet taste of pumpkin.

A few friends have been talking about price inflations in America especially Ohio for me. I already receive EBT benefits when I spoke to my caseworker, "I'm going home." it could mean a number of places. So, I'm still good with my benefits.

There're a lot of things I have to do when I move back to Ohio.

There is so much I miss, right now. After finally figuring out a plan it's now working towards my goal. It's been a pain trying to come up with the money.

Right now my goals quit simple:

1: Two articles I want to make sure to go viral: I want this so badly it took me two years to accomplish the goal of Top Story.

2: Wining first place in two Vocal Challenges: I want this so badly to be recognized right now. It's everything I want, by a car, freelance for Doordash.

3: I know everything isn't easy but renting a PO Box: It's been hard so much for me to do this but eventually got to rent a PO Box.

4: Living in my car before I find a rental house or apartment: It's important to remember to stay close to a department store, or gas station. Usually in a town you are familiar with. Choose a comfy car make it comfy in the back seat because this where the bed will be.

It's never easy working so hard for what you want. But having the stamina to keep going now that's strength.

I miss these so much.

Things I wish I would have known then that I know right now. That will be covered in another article.

Anything is possible as long as believe it is. As long as you believe in magick, hard-work, and manifesting anything is possible.

My manifestation of what I am working towards this:

1: The Stamina to work hard: I require the money and will work hard for what I want so I can come back to America purchase a car immediately get the ball rolling on my business, and keeping up my bipolar treatment which is extremely important to me.

2: Preparing for winter weather: Vitally important get wireless heaters, and a blow up mattress for the back seat of the car. A big frozen cooler so that way I can have food.

3: To never give up whatever it takes: I will make sure that I will work towards everything I won't get up or get discouraged. Even when my mental state isn't in the best place I will have the strength to keep going.

Even when it's not easy I will still never give up. While in Saint Lucia I've learned when things become hard never give up or run. It's never easy but we have to keep going.

I changed over the years verses when I was so negative. As an author we are starving artists. But we love what we do, if you keep going you will no longer starve.

If you enjoyed the read please subscribe, heart, and leave a comment. Leave a tip please we want to eat from subway everyone. I've been having cravings and my husband has been working hard as well.

advicegoalshappinesshealinghow toquotesself helpsuccess

About the Creator

Louise Blake-Michael (Risen Phoenix)

LouLou maintains a boundary between her professional endeavors and personal life. She wears many hats as an author, blogger, and content creator. In various projects, each one a testament to her dedication and passion for storytelling.

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