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No empty thoughts are the best way to adult

Many times, we all love to think too much.

By Peggy K FrankPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

When it comes to things, habitually think first, but think deeper and deeper, but the more you think, the more wrong, think how to do is not a good strategy, so that they do not know what to do, do not know in the end should not do.

But in a world where there are so many foolproof strategies, to think about the head just adds worry, and scares them into being afraid to move it.

Life in the world, only empty thoughts, not is the same as in vain.

"Think" to go with the "do" to complement each other, or the lack of one of them can not be achieved.

Never think and do not do, that and dreaming what is the difference, and what benefit in life.

The road to success, full of thorns

1、There is a kind of thinking, called empty thinking

Everyone has expectations for their future and wants to think about what to do in the future.

But sometimes, just think but do not pay action, will only let themselves live in the image to go out.

Why would you think about it but not dare to take action? Because it is easy to make a plan, but it is difficult to stick to it.

Most people's plans are perfectly thought out, but not many people can do it in practice.

Just like the paper talk that only by book knowledge empty speech, is not to solve the actual problem.

Instead of spending too much time "thinking", it is better to try bravely and make some achievements.

Lu Xun said: "In fact, there is no road on the ground, more people walking, it will become a road."

Don't be afraid because the road ahead is unknown, brave to try, can always come out of their life road, no way to go into the road can pass.

In the classic film "Forrest Gump", the mediocre Forrest Gump, originally a "retard" in the eyes of everyone, but by "just do it, do not ask the results" of the hard work, eventually became a combat hero, sports champion, political celebrities, millionaires.

Although he was not better than most people, by his boldness and fearlessness, he lived a life that ordinary people could not have.

In contrast, what we lack is his "do" regardless of the consequences, without thinking too much, but the courage to go forward.

Being a person, when the time to fight not fight, will naturally lag behind others.

2、Brave forward, achieve better

As the saying goes, "There is no road in life for nothing, and every step you take counts."

Do not be afraid to take the first step because of fear, there is one, there are two, the first step is stepped out, and the second step is still far. And so on, from the success of nature is not far away.

As long as you dare to go, every step counts, even if the failure is also an experience, but also can be rewarded.

The most important thing in life is not to be afraid of failure, as long as you dare to stand up, you have the opportunity to start over.

Fear is a stumbling block to success, the more you are afraid, the more difficult it is to succeed.

To be a human being should be like the "undead little strong", no matter what, you have to have the courage to start over, one step at a time to charge forward.

As long as you dare to take the first step, you can come out of your own wonderful life.


There is no shortage of people who love to dream in life, like to think east and west, hoping that everything will be as it should be.

But life is not to think about it can be successful, many times must go through many trials and tribulations.

This road is not good, but the road of life, during which may also encounter countless failures, but only after walking, to harvest the beauty of life.

Do not be afraid of the unknown, boldly forward, and eventually find your life road.

Life is still a long road, to take every step on the ground.

No empty thoughts, bravely walk, and eventually achieve better.

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About the Creator

Peggy K Frank

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