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My Weight Loss Journey: A Progress Report

Desire to Lose Weight

By Qadeer AbbasPublished 12 months ago 6 min read

My Weight Loss Journey: A Progress Report

Hey guys, welcome back to another article! Today, I want to share something different with you. I'll be talking about my weight loss journey—a progress report of sorts. This article serves as a mid-semester report on my ongoing journey. I believe it's important to pause in the middle and reflect on what has happened so far. Before we dive in, I want to provide a disclaimer. The opinions and experiences I'll be sharing are entirely my own. I am not a doctor or a professional. This is simply what I did, and I thought it might resonate with some of you who are going through similar situations. So, let's get started!

1. Introduction

Weight loss has always been a desire in my life, especially when I entered high school. Back then, my motivations were purely aesthetic—I wanted to achieve that "hot girl" or "summer body" look. The trend at the time was all about being slim, and I was at my lightest weight during high school.

2. Desire to Lose Weight

After graduating in 2018, my weight started to skyrocket. I began working and gained the luxury of both time and money. I indulged in whatever food I wanted, whenever I wanted. Fried chicken, in particular, became my weakness. I would indulge in excessive amounts of it every week. Additionally, being in a relationship where both of us enjoyed food contributed to further weight gain. However, I had no awareness of nutrition or portion sizes during this time.

3. Unhealthy Habits

My diet lacked any consideration for nutrition or balanced eating. I didn't think about the impact of my food choices on my body. Furthermore, I wasn't leading an active lifestyle. In August-September, my friends and I decided to embark on a diet together. While it provided some level of accountability, the methods we adopted were unsustainable and unhealthy. I developed an unhealthy relationship with food and felt mentally strained by the restrictive diet. It became a challenge to even season my food with salt and pepper.

4. Unsustainable Dieting

At the time, I believed weight loss was all about eating fruits, veggies, protein, and hitting the gym. I had two different gym memberships but canceled both after only a month. I was extremely hard on myself for not adhering to my unrealistic expectations.

This mindset and the extreme measures I took during the restrictive diet were not sustainable in the long run. I found it challenging to stick to the prescribed meal plan, and I struggled with portion control. The constant focus on what I couldn't eat made me feel deprived and eventually led to binge-eating episodes. As a result, my weight loss efforts were short-lived, and I quickly regained the weight I had lost.

5. Weight Gain during Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns further worsened my weight gain. With limited opportunities for physical activity and gyms closed, I became more sedentary. I chose convenience over exercise and relied on comfort foods for emotional support during the challenging times. It was during this period that I reached my highest weight.

6. The Turning Point

After months of feeling unhappy and dissatisfied with my body, I realized that I needed to make a change. I began to shift my mindset and develop a healthier relationship with food and exercise. Instead of solely focusing on appearance, I started prioritizing my overall health and well-being.

7. Embracing Exercise

I started my journey by incorporating basic workouts into my routine. I focused on activities that I enjoyed, such as brisk walking, dancing, and home workouts. Initially, I had a fear of trying difficult exercises or joining a gym due to my past experiences. However, I gradually pushed myself out of my comfort zone and embraced new challenges at my own pace.

8. Importance of Mindset

Changing my mindset was crucial for sustainable weight loss. I learned to accept that this journey would take time and that there would be ups and downs along the way. Instead of obsessing over the number on the scale, I shifted my focus to how I felt mentally and physically. This change in perspective allowed me to make healthier choices and build sustainable habits.

9. The Role of Calorie Deficit

Understanding the concept of calorie deficit played a significant role in my weight loss journey. I started tracking my calorie intake using a smartphone app, which helped me gain awareness of my eating habits. By setting a realistic calorie deficit goal based on my individual needs, I could create a personalized approach to weight loss. This approach allowed me to enjoy a variety of foods while still maintaining a calorie deficit.

10. Final Thoughts

Weight loss is a personal journey that requires patience, perseverance, and self-compassion. It's essential to approach it with a long-term mindset, focusing on overall health rather than quick fixes. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Embrace the process, celebrate your achievements, and prioritize self-care throughout the journey. You have the power to make positive changes and create a healthier, happier life for yourself.

11. Seeking Support and Accountability

Throughout my weight loss journey, I found that seeking support and accountability greatly contributed to my success. I joined online communities and forums where I connected with like-minded individuals who were also working towards their health goals. Sharing my progress, challenges, and victories with others provided a sense of encouragement and motivation. Additionally, I found an accountability partner who I could lean on during challenging times. Having someone to share my goals and progress with helped me stay committed and focused.

12. Incorporating Strength Training

As I progressed in my journey, I realized the importance of incorporating strength training into my routine. Initially, I was hesitant about lifting weights, fearing that it would make me look bulky. However, I soon discovered that strength training not only helped me build lean muscle but also increased my metabolism. It enhanced my overall physique, improved my posture, and boosted my confidence. I gradually introduced strength training exercises using bodyweight, resistance bands, and eventually incorporated free weights into my workouts.

13. Mindful Eating and Portion Control

In addition to tracking calories, I started practicing mindful eating and portion control. I became more aware of my hunger and fullness cues and learned to listen to my body's signals. Instead of mindlessly eating, I focused on savoring each bite, chewing slowly, and paying attention to the flavors and textures of the food. I also learned to recognize appropriate portion sizes and avoided overeating. By practicing mindful eating, I developed a healthier relationship with food and enjoyed my meals more fully.

14. Celebrating Non-Scale Victories

As I progressed towards my weight loss goals, I realized that celebrating non-scale victories was equally important. Instead of solely relying on the number on the scale to measure my progress, I started acknowledging other accomplishments along the way. These victories included increased energy levels, improved sleep quality, enhanced mood, and fitting into clothes that previously didn't fit. Celebrating these milestones helped me stay motivated and appreciate the positive changes happening beyond just the numbers.

15. Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle

As I reached my target weight, I shifted my focus towards maintaining a balanced lifestyle. I realized that sustainable weight loss isn't about temporary diets or extreme measures but about making lasting changes. I continued to prioritize regular exercise, mindful eating, and self-care practices. I allowed myself occasional indulgences without guilt and found a healthy balance between enjoying food and nourishing my body. By focusing on overall well-being, I have been able to sustain my weight loss and continue living a healthier life.

16. Inspiring Others

Throughout my journey, I've had the opportunity to inspire others around me. Friends, family, and even strangers have reached out to me, expressing how my story has motivated them to embark on their own health journeys. This has been incredibly fulfilling, as it reminds me of the power of sharing our experiences and supporting one another. I continue to share my insights, tips, and progress, hoping to inspire and empower others to prioritize their health and well-being.

17. Conclusion

In conclusion, my weight loss journey has been a rollercoaster ride filled with ups and downs. I've learned the importance of adopting a healthy mindset, embracing exercise, and creating sustainable habits. It's not just about achieving a certain appearance but about prioritizing my overall well-being. While the progress hasn't always been linear, I'm proud of how far I've come. I hope that sharing my experience inspires others who are on their own weight loss journey. Remember, it's never too late to make a change and prioritize your health.

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About the Creator

Qadeer Abbas

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