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Motivational story

Motivational short story

By Abhishek PPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Motivational story
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

A boy named Alex had a dream of becoming a successful businessman. He had a clear vision of what he wanted to achieve, but felt overwhelmed by the challenges he would have to overcome to make his dreams a reality.

One day, Alex met an elderly businessman who had achieved great success in his life. The businessman could see that Alex had the potential to be successful too, and so he shared a story with him.

"The story I'm about to tell you is about a group of frogs," the businessman began. "These frogs decided to climb a towering tree. As they began their ascent, the other animals in the forest began to doubt them, saying things like, 'You'll never make it!' and 'What's the point of trying?'"

Despite all the negative comments from the other animals, the frogs kept climbing. Soon, the voices of the others faded away, and the only thing the frogs could hear was the sound of the wind rushing past them as they climbed higher and higher.

Eventually, one of the frogs became tired and fell off the tree. But the remaining frogs continued on, encouraging each other along the way until they all reached the top.

The businessman looked at Alex and said, "The lesson here is simple. If you have a dream, don't let anyone discourage you. Even if you face setbacks or obstacles, keep climbing higher and higher, one step at a time. And remember, when you feel like giving up, look to those around you for support."

Alex listened carefully to the businessman's words. He realized that he had been letting the negative voices of others hold him back, and decided to focus instead on achieving his goals, one step at a time.

Years later, Alex became the successful businessman he had always dreamed of being. Whenever he faced challenges, he remembered the story of the frogs and drew strength from their determination to reach the top of the tree. And he knew that, no matter what obstacles he faced along the way, he could count on his friends and colleagues to support him along the journey.
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