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Motivational story

Belive in yourself

By Abhishek PPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Motivational story
Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Alex who lived on a farm. Alex had always been an adventurous child, always wanting to explore new things and take risks. However, Alex had been born with a deformity on his leg. This deformity had made many people doubt his ability to accomplish anything significant in his life. It had made Alex doubt himself too, and he often believed the negativity that others told him.

One day, while Alex was playing with his dog in the fields, he saw a group of people gathered around a barn. Curious, he went over to see what was happening. To his surprise, it was a horse race. As he watched the horses and jockeys race, he became fascinated with the speed, strength, and agility of the animals.

That day, Alex left the racecourse inspired and determined to learn how to ride horses. Despite his deformity, Alex refused to be held back from his dreams of becoming a horseback rider. He started to look for opportunities to learn and improve his riding skills.

As he kept practicing, he faced many obstacles and challenges. He often fell from the horses, and other riders would mock him for his apparent lack of strength and balance. Alex knew, however, that the only way to improve was through perseverance and practice. He kept working hard, even when it seemed like everything was against him.

One day, after months of practice, Alex's dream of being a horseback rider was starting to take shape, but the journey was still long. He went to a local horse farm and asked if he could work there and have riding lessons in exchange for his services. The owner of the farm reluctantly agreed, and Alex started to work and learn alongside the other young horse riders.

At first, the other riders ridiculed him. Alex had to work twice as hard as them due to his disability, but he refused to let their words bring him down. He kept working on his horse riding abilities and took note of the experienced riders. Alex asked for their advice and worked on improving his techniques, learning from every mistake he made.

Finally, the day of the regional competition arrived. Alex had worked hard, and he had prepared through weeks of practice for this moment. All of his hard work would come to fruition in this one race. But, as he was getting ready, he overheard some of the riders making fun of him.

Alex felt crestfallen for a few minutes, but he reminded himself of why he started this journey. He decided to focus on his goal instead of other people's opinions. He knew he was better than this, and it was time to demonstrate it. He got onto his horse and lined up at the starting point.

The race started, and Alex was proving all of his haters wrong. He was one of the strongest riders on the track. The other riders could not keep up with his pace, and one by one, they started to drop out. It was time for the final stretch, and Alex could see the finish line in sight.

In the last few moments of the fierce race, Alex urged his horse forward. He gave it every last little bit of energy, and they crossed the finish line first. He had won the race! He couldn't believe it. All the hard work and perseverance had paid off.

The young boy who had been told that he couldn't achieve anything accomplished something everyone dreamed of, but only a few could do. He proved to himself that nothing could stop him from fulfilling his dreams if he sets his mind to it.

From that day on, Alex continued his journey to becoming one of the best horseback riders and eventually became an inspiration for many others who also believed in themselves. Alex showed that if you're determined enough, believe in yourself, and work hard towards your goals, anything can be yours. He became an inspiration for many generations to come.


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