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`Understanding and Managing Difficult Personalities

By Oluwasegun Samuel OwolabiPublished 12 months ago 6 min read
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash


By difficult persons, we refer to people with certain personality traits or emotional characteristics that make it difficult for you to relate with them. These traits make these people actually difficult to relate with. Difficult people can take many forms, however, it is expedient to learn how to manage them. A difficult person may be one who is snobbish, argumentative or quarrelsome, selfish, insensitive or rude. Difficult people tend to know just how to "push one's buttons" and stir up trouble. We want to start with Narcissistics.

Dealing with narcissistic individuals can be particularly challenging due to their excessive sense of self-importance, lack of empathy, and constant need for admiration. This narrative aims to shed light on the difficulties posed by narcissistic individuals, provide practical examples to illustrate their behavior, and explore strategies for managing them effectively.

Understanding Narcissistic Individuals:

Narcissistic individuals exhibit a pattern of grandiosity, a sense of entitlement, and a lack of empathy. They often believe they are superior to others, seek constant validation, and manipulate situations to maintain their self-image. Understanding the following aspects can help navigate the challenges posed by narcissistic personalities.

Grandiosity and Superiority:

Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance and often exaggerate their achievements, talents, or abilities. They believe they are special and deserving of privileges that others may not have. This can lead to condescension, dismissiveness, and a disregard for the feelings and opinions of others.

Example: In a workplace setting, a narcissistic colleague consistently dominates team discussions, dismissing others' ideas as inferior and asserting their own as the only valid ones.

Lack of Empathy:

Narcissists struggle to empathize with others, as they primarily focus on their own needs, desires, and successes. They often have difficulty understanding or validating the emotions and experiences of those around them, leading to a lack of genuine connection and understanding.

Example: A narcissistic friend consistently disregards the feelings of others, dismissing their concerns and redirecting conversations to revolve around their own accomplishments or experiences.

Manipulative Behavior:

Narcissists are skilled manipulators who use various tactics to control and influence others. They may engage in gaslighting, twisting facts, or exploiting vulnerabilities to maintain their superiority and gain an advantage in relationships or situations.

Example: A narcissistic partner constantly shifts blame onto their significant other, making them doubt their own perceptions and emotions, effectively gaslighting them into questioning their own reality.

Constant Need for Validation:

Narcissists crave constant admiration and validation from others to reinforce their fragile self-esteem. They may seek attention, recognition, and praise, often dominating conversations and redirecting them towards their achievements or qualities.

Example: A narcissistic boss consistently demands public recognition for their contributions, often interrupting others during team meetings to assert their superiority and garner admiration from colleagues.

Managing Narcissistic Individuals:

Managing narcissistic individuals requires a strategic and empathetic approach. While it is challenging to change their fundamental personality traits, the following strategies can help navigate interactions and minimize potential conflicts.

Set Clear Boundaries:

Establishing clear boundaries is crucial when dealing with narcissistic individuals. Clearly communicate expectations, limits, and consequences for crossing those boundaries. Be assertive and consistent in enforcing these boundaries to maintain a healthy and respectful environment.

Example: In a personal relationship with a narcissistic family member, set clear boundaries on topics that are off-limits for discussion, such as personal appearance or life choices, and firmly enforce those boundaries if they are violated.

Focus on Constructive Feedback:

When addressing concerns or offering feedback to narcissistic individuals, frame it in a constructive and non-threatening manner. Emphasize the potential benefits and impact on their goals or aspirations, rather than attacking their character or abilities directly.

Example: In a professional setting, when providing feedback to a narcissistic coworker, highlight how modifying their approach could enhance their chances of success in achieving their professional objectives.

Maintain Emotional Distance:

It is important to maintain emotional distance when dealing with narcissistic individuals. Recognize that their behavior is often a reflection of their own insecurities and need for validation, rather than a reflection of your worth. Refrain from taking their comments or actions personally, and focus on your own emotional well-being.

Example: If a narcissistic acquaintance belittles your accomplishments, remind yourself of your own self-worth, seeking validation internally rather than relying on external praise.

Seek Support:

Navigating relationships with narcissistic individuals can be emotionally draining. Seek support from trusted friends, family members, or professionals who can provide guidance, perspective, and emotional support during challenging situations.

Example: In a workplace scenario, discussing your experiences with a mentor or seeking guidance from a therapist can help you cope with the emotional toll of interacting with a narcissistic colleague.

Practice Self-Care:

Prioritize self-care activities that promote mental and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and fulfillment. Establishing healthy boundaries and taking care of yourself will strengthen your resilience and ability to manage interactions with narcissistic individuals.

Example: Engaging in regular exercise, practicing mindfulness techniques, and pursuing hobbies that bring you happiness can provide a sense of balance and emotional stability when dealing with narcissistic individuals.

Here are some additional points to consider when managing narcissistic individuals:

Avoid Engaging in Power Struggles: Narcissists thrive on power dynamics and may attempt to engage others in conflicts or competitions. It's important to avoid getting caught up in their game of superiority. Instead, focus on maintaining your own sense of self-worth and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

Document Interactions and Maintain Records: When dealing with a narcissistic individual in a professional or legal setting, it can be helpful to document interactions, including emails, conversations, and any incidents that occur. This serves as evidence if conflicts arise or if you need to address the behavior with higher authorities.

Don't Feed Their Ego: Narcissists constantly seek validation and attention. It's essential to avoid feeding into their ego by showering them with excessive compliments or attention. This only reinforces their belief in their own superiority. Instead, offer genuine and constructive feedback when necessary.

Recognize Manipulation Tactics: Narcissists are skilled manipulators and may use tactics like guilt-tripping, blame-shifting, or playing the victim to control situations and elicit a particular response. Stay vigilant and be aware of these tactics, so you can respond appropriately and not fall into their traps.

Maintain Professionalism: When interacting with narcissistic individuals in professional settings, it's crucial to remain professional and composed. Avoid reacting emotionally to their provocative or offensive remarks. Stay focused on your work, objectives, and maintaining a respectful and professional demeanor.

Build Strong Support Networks: Surround yourself with a supportive network of colleagues, friends, and mentors who can provide guidance, understanding, and emotional support. Having individuals who validate your experiences and offer perspective can help you navigate challenging interactions with narcissistic individuals.

Keep Communication Clear and Direct: Narcissists often manipulate communication to serve their own agenda. It's important to be clear, direct, and assertive in your communication with them. Avoid ambiguous or vague statements that can be misinterpreted. Stick to the facts and express your needs or concerns without excessive emotion or personal attacks.

Understand and Set Realistic Expectations: Recognize that narcissistic individuals are unlikely to change their core personality traits easily. Setting realistic expectations for their behavior and focusing on managing your own responses and well-being can help you navigate interactions more effectively.

Seek Professional Guidance if Necessary: If you find yourself struggling to manage the behavior of a narcissistic individual, seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial. They can provide you with coping strategies, help you process your emotions, and offer guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Remember, managing narcissistic individuals can be challenging, but by implementing these strategies and prioritizing your own well-being, you can effectively navigate their behavior and maintain your own mental and emotional balance.


Managing narcissistic individuals requires a combination of empathy, assertiveness, and self-care. By understanding the behaviors and motivations of narcissistic personalities and implementing effective strategies, it is possible to navigate their challenges while maintaining personal well-being and fostering healthy relationships. Remember, managing narcissistic individuals is a continuous process that requires patience, resilience, and a focus on personal growth.

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About the Creator

Oluwasegun Samuel Owolabi

A prolific writer. Writing interesting and impactful content.

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