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How to avoid procrastination

By Omz The RootPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

There will always be times when we don’t feel like executing upon a given goal. We may be exhausted. It may be raining outside. Especially during the time of COVID-19 where we are all stuck home, people may not feel like doing anything at all.

Every day you have a choice to make. Every day is a fresh start. The less you take action towards your goals, the more momentum you begin to lose. One day leads to the next and you think at first that it is just temporary, but what you must understand is that you are training your mind to say “next time,” “it can wait,” “what’s one more day going to do to me?” And when you train your mind in this way, it gets to adapt to this “new mindset” and that will lead you into procrastination.

Once your mind has this way of thinking, anytime you may think of taking action, all those thoughts will pop in your head again saying how it was okay to take off and it can wait even more. Though your body is telling you different, it’s not your body that creates your reality: it is your mind.

Let’s say you are working out. In this hard time we are all in right now, many of us that are used to going to the gym sure do miss lifting those weights. So while we are stuck at home, for those of us that don’t have a full gym setup, we need to get creative or else we will surely procrastinate and not keep our bodies in check. For those that do have a full gym setup, I sure am jealous.

As for the rest of us, we have equipment like resistance bands and maybe a couple weights like a kettlebell, a couple plates and a barbell. What I have been showing on my Instagram videos is how you can take these resistance bands and make the workout so intense that your muscles are forced to grow. Many people think that you cannot get in better shape or bulk up during this time. This all goes back to the mindset that you have in that moment.

When I am training with the resistance bands, my mindset is on growing. It’s on packing on muscle mass, increasing the size of my muscles. And how do I do that with this simple equipment and barely any weights? I keep the tension high. I let the muscles work for each and every rep, I don’t just give it to them, to my muscles. This means that each rep I am moving slowly so that there is maximum contraction and the slower I move the more tension there is in the muscles to finish the rep because it will be under pressure the whole way up. And when there is more tension, there is more growth, and with the right diet you can begin to see massive results.

I mentioned body building as an example of keeping your momentum because I can relate the challenges of fitness training to the challenges of life. In life we are always striving to be better, stronger, and wiser than the day before. We are striving to achieve greatness by knocking down walls, believing in ourselves and keep marching forward no matter what happens.

I train my body the same way that I train my mind. I train it to never give in to the thoughts of procrastination, to always execute upon the given thought, to get up and take action. The more you take action in any given goal, the more creative you get and thus you begin to master that activity by never losing momentum. Your momentum will not be lost because you will begin looking forward to it each and every day and when you do execute that action, you are laser focused and growing stronger and wiser every day.


About the Creator

Omz The Root

Writer and Motivational Speaker with a Bodybuilding Certificate Award and graduate in Electrical Engineering.

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