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Meet K.B Paolo

Meet K.B. Paolo

By Sarah BlessingPublished about a year ago 3 min read

My name is K.B. Paolo, I'm A Alternative Artist from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I love music because it's become an extension of myself, it's truly my best friend, the variety and ability to connect to different sounds and emotions with amazing and talented artists such as Frank Ocean, Avril Lavigne, Gotye, Joji, and Billie Eilish. I feel like what sets me apart from other artists is my knowledge and respect for all genres of music, being able to tap into and appreciate the different forms of art lets me be more open-minded to the music I make, which only helps my listeners become more open-minded. Within 5 years I see myself becoming more connected with my support team and being able to keep creating music that leaves a lasting impression on their musical journey, having the freedom to create the music I truly enjoy, while also being a source of positivity to everyone who listens to my music will always be a top priority for me. My life goals are to be able to turn my lifelong passion for making music into a full-time career, can support the world by providing as many resources as possible to all marginalized communities and show the importance of helping others consistently, explore my love for fashion and design which is another positive outlet for me to express my creativity and unique sense of being, while still connecting with others and learning more about the fashion world which would give me the ability to collaborate with some of my favorite brands. Another goal that is very important to me is to be able to travel all around the world. I have supporters in so many countries and cities so having the ability to experience and learn about all the cultures of the world is something I'm extremely excited to be a part of, there's so much to see, and being able to share that with everyone will be a dream come true for me. One thing I want to contribute to the music world is the importance of showing people a new sound that comes from Philadelphia, there aren't many artists for there in the alternative space, so having the platform to showcase a different sound that pushes down stereotypes, and allows everyone to experience how amazing and versatile alternative music is. Having a judgment-free and supportive community gives me the chance to uplift my community and the community I create. It's my dream to be remembered for my morals and my passion for music, I have the platform to speak out on important issues that need to be addressed and supported. Talking about issues is one thing but putting in the work to make lasting changes will always be bigger than anything else I live to do. I truly care about this planet and feel a strong duty to teach, inspire and create a more positive environment that can show the world the importance of empathy and taking care of others, no matter how different we are the world can always use more kindness and respect, and my music is just one of the many ways I plan to leave a lasting impression on this world. I'm a firm believer in positive speaking and that goes for the lyrics I write as well so I make it a point to share messages that heal and help people understand all the feelings and emotions that they may feel. Music has tremendously helped me in so many ways and I feel honored to be able to give that gift to as many listeners as I can.


About the Creator

Sarah Blessing

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