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MEDITATION SCRIPT: Guided Meditation for Sleep - Deep

1 Hour Bedtime Meditation | Healing Body and Mind

By Lisa ChapmanPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 13 min read

A good night of sound sleep has the power to change your outlook on life!

The meditation script below is delivered as a guided meditation for deep sleep. It leads you through a gentle, calming and soothing experience. You'll fall asleep within minutes.

Find this guided meditation script recorded on video: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and audio:

Drift off into peaceful sleep naturally and wake up feeling refreshed and restored! 1 hour meditation - healing body and mind - delivers beautiful visualizations. Just listen and let go.

Listen regularly for this bedtime meditation for sleep to deliver immediate results that deepen with each listen.

Listen for 30 days to deepen its positive hypnotic effect and fall asleep sooner.

All the Guides at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today.


What Is A Good Sleeping Meditation?

A good sleeping meditation is like a super chill bedtime story for your mind! It helps you relax and get ready for sleep. Imagine someone speaking softly or using calming music while guiding you to breathe deeply and let go of all the day's worries. They might tell you to picture peaceful scenes like a cozy beach or a quiet forest. The goal is to calm your busy thoughts and focus on being peaceful and relaxed.

Is It Good To Meditate To Fall Asleep?

Yup, meditating to fall asleep can be really helpful! When you meditate, you're giving your brain a break from all the stress and thoughts that can keep you awake. It's like telling your brain, "Hey, it's time to chill now." So, it can make it easier for you to drift off to dreamland. Plus, it's a natural way to relax without any medicine.

How Do I Start Meditation To Sleep?

Starting meditation to sleep is easy-peasy! Find a comfy spot in your bed, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Try to focus only on your breathing and let go of other thoughts. It's totally okay if your mind wanders at first – that happens to everyone. Just gently bring your attention back to your breath.

How Do You Meditate For Sleep And Anxiety?

When meditating for sleep and anxiety, the key is to make it a regular bedtime routine. Try a body scan meditation – lie down, take those deep breaths, and slowly focus on each part of your body. Feel the tension melt away as you move from head to toes. If you're worried about something, acknowledge it, but then let it drift away like a cloud in the sky. Another great meditation is the "counting breaths" method. Just count each breath in your head until you reach ten, then start over. If you get distracted, it's okay! Just begin again from one. Doing these meditations regularly can help ease anxiety and set you up for a peaceful sleep.

MEDITATION SCRIPT: Guided Meditation for Sleep | Deep 1 Hour Bedtime Meditation | Healing Body and Mind

This simple meditation is designed to guide you, easily and effortlessly, into a deeply restful, healing sleep.

Prepare by closing your eyes,

and snuggling into a position that’s comfortable for you to sleep.

This is the time to adjust your pillows,

your covers,

your body.

If it would help you to relax, you can lightly stretch and release your neck and shoulders.

Allow your body to sink into the surface beneath you.

Now just follow my voice.

You have nowhere else to go, and nothing else to do.

You’ll simply listen as I guide you through a series of suggestions for deeper and deeper relaxation.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

During this session, you may choose to stop at any time.

Or you may continue to follow my suggestions, for a deeply healing sleep.

When you choose to follow my guidance, your subconscious mind and your body will reward you with powerful rest

and deep healing.

At some point, you will drift off to sleep,

while my soothing and supportive messages continue to shift your energy into even deeper relaxation,

and the beautiful healing sleep that you crave.

So give yourself permission to transition into a state of deep rest

and rejuvenation.

If at any time you realize that you’re distracted by random thoughts,

just recognize them as unimportant

and choose to let them go.

Simply observe and release,

as if they are light fluffy clouds

floating away in the vast blue sky.

Allow them to drift away effortlessly.

Now it’s time to clear your mind,

for deep relaxation and restorative sleep.

Turn your attention to your breathing.

Focus on breathing in.

And breathing out.

Breath is one of the most vital functions of your body,

and it’s always freely available to you,

in great abundance.

You’re always breathing,

without even thinking about it.

Breathing in.

And breathing out.

As you focus on your breath now,

feel a deep sense of gratitude

for this wondrous gift that supports you in every moment.

Breathe in gratitude

and healing.

Breathe out,

and relax more.

Let go.

Continue to breathe easily and naturally.

Feel grateful that it’s so smooth,

and effortless,

and abundant.

Breathing in.

Breathing out.

Your heartbeat slows,

and your breath becomes more regular.

Focus on breathing in.

And breathing out.

Notice that you are now so much calmer than you were just a few moments ago.

It’s amazing how quickly we can transition into this beautiful relaxed energy,

just by closing our eyes,

letting go,

focusing on the breath,

and feeling grateful.

Now with each breath,

your sense of relaxation doubles.

Imagine a beautiful glowing ball of golden light.

It’s warming the top of your head.

It feels so natural

and soothing.

You welcome this warmth.

And you find it very relaxing.

It feels peaceful.

Each breath draws it in,

and this comforting warm light flows from the top of your head down to your forehead,

which softens in its glow.

It feels so good that you now invite this warm light to flow over your eyebrows,

and your eyes.

Then you allow it to spread softly over your nose.

And your cheeks.

And your mouth.

Still rhythmically breathing in.

And breathing out.

Relaxing even more.

Going deeper,

and deeper.

You feel the beautiful warm light softening your tongue.

And relaxing your jaw.

Notice that your entire head and face feel so deeply soothed

by this warm light.

You just want to linger here

in its soothing glow.

As you breathe in,

and breathe out,

you feel the wondrous sense of warmth

and gratitude

blending together.

You want even more of this serene feeling.

More of this peace.

Each breath deepens your sense of calm

and relaxation,

as this golden light now fills your neck,

and flows out through your shoulders.

The muscles in your neck and shoulders release so freely,

as you allow the warm light to penetrate and soothe you.

It feels so natural and effortless.

Notice that this peaceful golden energy is now flowing from your shoulders,

down your arms,

through your elbows.

Your arms become heavy

as they sink into the surface beneath you.

You’re comforted,

feeling such a deep release.

Breathing in.

And breathing out.

Now allow this relaxing light to spread right down through your wrists

and into your hands.

Notice how easily you release all the muscles of each hand,

and even the muscles of each finger.

Let your hands relax fully.

Allow your shoulders, arms, and hands to be completely supported.

Just let go.

With every breath in, your relaxation doubles.

The lovely warm light spreads even further,

now loosening the muscles in your chest,

in your belly,

and down your entire spine

and back.

Your body feels heavy,

and fully supported,

sinking into complete comfort.

Notice that even the muscles in your buttocks and thighs are softening.

Breathe the warm light into your thighs,

down through your knees,

into your calves,

your ankles,

and your feet.

Allow the relaxation to deepen even more,

and fill every muscle,

every organ,

and every cell in your body.

This lovely warm golden light is calming you,

and cradling you.

With each breath in,

it fills you with divine grace and peace.

Your body feels so peaceful and completely relaxed.

Now your entire body and your mind are fully bathed in the loving warm glow of gratitude,

and happiness.

Divine peace saturates you.

Allow yourself to fully enjoy this deep level of letting go.

Know that you have the freedom to choose this,

anytime you wish.

Every night can be a wonderful transition to peace and healing while you sleep.

Embrace this serenity.

This state is your divine right.

You can now let your mind drift.

Let it float

and dream,

completely detached,

and allow your subconscious mind to rest in the peace that you truly desire.

You rise to a higher state,

a place where your true self is safe to expand.

And tap into all the gifts that are always there,

deep within you.

Recognize and give thanks for these feelings of empowerment,


and joy.

These states are always available to you,

simply by taking a few moments for yourself,

and tapping into your own boundless inner resources,

your connection with the divine.

It feels wonderful to connect with your inner powers,

and to know with confidence that you can access this healing peace

any time you choose.

Any time at all.

Your subconscious mind is the source of incredible healing powers.

When you connect at this level

on a regular basis,

you continually strengthen your healing abilities.

This is universal law.

It is true now,

has always been true,

and it will always be true.

What you think and believe becomes true for you.

You want this peace.

You believe it is yours.

And now you have it.

In this higher state,

let’s shift your frequency to align with divine healing,

with vibrant health and energy.

You are primed and ready

for the healing and renewal of every cell,

every organ,

and every system of your body.

They now regenerate.

Whole and healthy.

Breathe in divine healing energy.

Allow your true self to shine through,

from that warm inner glow

and higher state of being.

Each golden breath continues to fill every cell of your body with divine light

and healing energy.

The healing warmth penetrates your entire being,

at the deepest levels.

As you integrate this deepened state of comfort,


and stillness,

your body’s healing abilities are the most powerful.

You can now direct your mind and body to the highest levels,

simply by letting go completely.

Healing is the natural order of all living things.

As you rest and drift away to sleep,

your subconscious mind,

and every cell in your body,

are empowered to radiate vibrant health

and optimal energy.

Open up,

and welcome this universal flow of divine healing energy.

This is your absolute birthright,

and it waits for you to accept it fully.

At any age.

And at any level of health.

With each breath,

you deepen the healing even further.

Open up your heart.

Welcome the divine healing energy to penetrate every part of your mind,


and soul.

This healing energy knows exactly what you need

and where you need it.

All you do is invite and allow.

Divine energy is yours,

simply by allowing.

Every breath you take deepens its effects

and aligns you with the universal law of love

and healing.

Yes, it is yours.

You are peaceful and free.

You are so very open and safe.

Deep restorative sleep is the highest state for healing,

and you allow it to engulf you.

Your mind is like a sponge for receiving these messages

at the deepest levels,

for soaking them up.

You are now open.

And you accept the divine gifts of love,

vibrant energy,

and gratitude.

You allow this light,

the divine golden energy,

to go exactly where healing is needed.

And you trust that the greater wisdom of universal law

is directing abundant energy for your highest good.

Deeper and deeper you go,

into peaceful, restorative sleep.

Still breathing in gratitude and peace,

throughout your entire body

and mind.

You embrace even more healing,

at the most receptive levels.

Drifting down,

into a happy state of serenity.

Into deeply transformative sleep.

This is the ideal way to empower healing,

and it is now yours.

It is always yours.

You feel simply amazing.

And profoundly tranquil.

This is your divine state of soothing,

powerful rest,

and healing.

You are free to claim this peaceful body and relaxed mind

whenever you desire.

They are yours.

Your subconscious mind is now primed to heal.

You have perfect clarity.

And your energy will automatically go directly to those places that need renewal.

Your mind and body were divinely designed to rebalance and restore.

You drift even deeper down

into serene sleep.

You know these things to be absolutely true

and you now claim them for yourself.

For your life.

You absorb these truths.

AFFIRMATIONS: For Deep Sleep and Bedtime Healing

My mind and body are now serene and peaceful.

I am ready for excellent health and happiness.

I fully embrace deep relaxation.

And the full power of restorative sleep.

Healing is my divine birthright,

and I claim it now.

I am excited to feel better and better, every day.

My mind is a powerful tool for healing.

I truly want optimal health and vitality.

Of body, mind, and spirit.

I believe that I can have it.

My body knows exactly what it needs to heal.

I make healthy choices that support my healing.

I love my body, and it loves me.

My body and mind work together for my healing and optimal health.

My mind and my thoughts create my reality.

Excellent health is a manifestation of my true beliefs.

And I truly believe that I can have vibrant health and energy.

I am completely ready to manifest a healthy body.

I like being me.

I enjoy taking care of myself.

Every day is an opportunity to heal.

And to increase my energy.

I now laugh and love my way to better health.

Every day, I actively forgive myself and others.

I find a way to be grateful for everything and everyone.

Gratitude and forgiveness are powerful healers.

I let go of thoughts that do not serve to heal me.

Healing is the out-picturing of a life lived in love.

Every day, I embody the healing power of love.

I am committed to growing in forgiveness, gratitude, and loving kindness,

towards myself and others.

I forgive and love others, especially when it’s not easy.

Loving myself fully is the key to loving others.

I know that love is the basis for all health and happiness.

I am willing and ready

to consciously make choices every day

that prioritize loving actions.

I release any thoughts that do not support a life centered around love.

My highest priority is to be loving, healthy, happy, and whole.

Every day, in every way, I am becoming more of what I want to be.

I am fulfilling my divine purpose.

I am grateful.

(END of Meditation Script - Guided Meditation for Sleep Deep)

Remember, the most important thing is to be patient with yourself. Meditation takes practice, but over time, you'll become a sleep meditation master!

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 1 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations. Each meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

Image: no attribution required.

©MeditationAngel and @meditationangel9999 All Rights Reserved.


About the Creator

Lisa Chapman

Writing for: BUSINESS: I've loved Content Marketing / SEO since 2005. Been 'writing to rank' ever since. PLEASURE: I studied under hit songwriters in Nashville, Lyrics only w/ a musician cowriter. Fun fun fun! Word challenges? I'm in.

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    Lisa ChapmanWritten by Lisa Chapman

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