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MEDITATION SCRIPT: Narcissist Abuse Healing (NPD) Guided Sleep Meditation Hypnosis

What is Narcissist Abuse and How to Heal While You Sleep

By Lisa ChapmanPublished 10 months ago 13 min read

Guided Sleep Meditation Hypnosis Script - for Healing from Narcissist Abuse

Narcissist abuse by someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) can absolutely be healed. You can even heal while you sleep.

At bedtime, listen to this healing sleep meditation hypnosis repeatedly to soothe and reprogram your subconscious mind. This sleep meditation hypnosis and affirmations tap into your deep healing energy - to reclaim your power over their narcissistic traits, and to overcome their narcissistic behavior and abuse. Believe in yourself again!

Find this (and other) guided meditations and beautiful relaxing music recorded on video: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and audio:

What is Narcissist Abuse?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD for short, is often covert, and it is deeply hurtful. Narcissistic behavior is manipulative, but often unrecognized by the victim.

In this sleep meditation hypnosis you will learn about it and understand it at the deepest levels. You will absorb positive, self-love affirmations that empower you to heal from the narcissistic behavior that hurt you.

Sleep meditation hypnosis, guided for NPD healing, is especially effective when repeated nightly for at least 30 nights in a row.

The narcissist abuse escalated over time. So it’s wise to recognize that healing is also a process that builds over time. With awareness and focus, you will be able to heal emotionally. Our bodies and emotions are inherently designed to respond to healing energies.

This Guided Sleep Meditation Hypnosis for Healing Narcissist Abuse (NPD) is a powerful tool.

Please share with your family and friends who struggle to escape or heal from an emotionally abusive relationship with a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They will be grateful for this resource. Namaste, Friend.

Listening for 30 days will deepen its hypnotic positive effect.

All the Guides here at Meditation Angel (YouTube: @meditationangel9999) wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today.

MEDITATION SCRIPT: Narcissist Abuse Healing (NPD) Guided Sleep Meditation Hypnosis

Dealing with a Narcissist can be a roller-coaster ride,

constantly walking on eggshells

and leaving you feeling belittled,


While that’s a very predictable reaction,

it is not your true nature,

your divine self.

By the end of this meditation,

you’ll have a crucial tool for dealing with the Narcissist

and recovering from their unfair and hurtful treatment of you.

We’re going to help you reclaim your self-respect and self-confidence.

And like so many others before you,

learn how to turn the corner,

emerge feeling happy,

knowing you are indeed worthy of receiving the love you desire.

The best time to soak up new thought patterns

is just before sleep,

so your mind can absorb them as it re-sets

and rejuvenates during the night.

So now close your eyes

and get comfortable for a healing sleep.

We’ll take you on a journey that helps you truly believe in yourself again,

to rise above the narcissist’s behavior,

their attempts to control and manipulate you.

Because when you actually see the shallow games they play,

and how hollow and superficial their world really is,

it’s much easier to not buy into their world view,

or to take their abusive behavior personally.

When you know how infinitely valuable you are,

and when you truly value yourself,

you will make the best decisions and choices that are right for you.

So now just relax,

let go,

and tune into my voice.

Allow your mind to follow my guidance.

You are safe.

And you always have free will.

This is your time for yourself.

So release all the busy thoughts

and just follow along with me.

Allow your body to release all tension.

Breathing slowly, comfortably.

Let your subconscious mind know that it’s time to feel complete relaxation,

to float down

into a more dream-like state

you will be learning on the level of instinct,

how to feel so much calmer and more confident.

Just like reading a book

or watching a movie,

your conscious mind moves out of the way

as you become absorbed in the scene playing out on the screen in front of you,

or in your mind.

You’re engaged with the action

in a spontaneous way.

A really great story moves you emotionally

sometimes deeply

in ways that stay with you

and echo through the days and weeks ahead,

when you especially resonate with the truth of the story

for you

and your experiences

at this time.

When you really take in the meaning of that story

and how it affects you

and when it opens up new insights,

then these stories have the power to change how you see the world

and the ways you interact within the world

or choices you have

and attitudes you can change.

You have the power to adopt new beliefs

And make different decisions

and take different actions.

So now as you relax in comfort

and soften the muscles in your face and jaw,

your neck and shoulders,

take a slow

deep breath

and slowly let out

all the air.

Give every cell in your body the message that it’s time to relax and rest.

Your arms and legs feel heavier

as you sink further down,

feeling more calm and sleepy.

If you fall asleep anytime,

you will still receive these benefits

as your subconscious mind absorbs everything I say,

whether or not your conscious mind is even aware of them.

So feel free to let go completely

as we walk this path together.

And it’s as if a kind,


soothing light

is beginning to shine down onto your body

penetrating deep into the cells

relaxing the air around the body,

as the body and mind slow down

and quiet themselves.

And that calming light

flows all the way down your body


as it warms and softens.

This comforting light is pure energy,

a relaxing energy

with waves that draw you deeper into its glow.

Leave your conscious thoughts behind

because you just don’t need them now.

You begin to breathe

in sync with these soothing waves

as they lull you into sleepiness.

With each breath,

you go deeper

and deeper.

Now picture a little toddler,

a beautiful child

who is loved enormously,

and also returns that love.

Sometimes when toddlers

don’t get their way,

they throw a tantrum.

Crying, shouting, Kicking.

They may even say that they hate their parent

because an immature brain is unfiltered

and hasn’t yet begun to process those feelings

in a respectful way.

Like the Mom who told me about the time her toddler had a tantrum

in the back seat of their car

because she wouldn’t stop for ice cream.

Mom’s friend videoed the episode with her phone.

This friend happened to be a psychologist

and later replayed the video a bit slower

pointing out how the toddler deliberately turned on the tears

as a technique to manipulate Mom.

Because when Mom said

No they would not stop for ice cream,

There was a pause

followed by a flicker of determination

and then a lot of wailing and emotion

until finally Mom gave in and said yes,

they would stop for the ice cream.

The tears stopped instantly.

And watching that video,

Mom first became aware

and first started to recognize the difference between

authentic emotional distress

from being hurt or feeling sick,

and the fake emotions used as a manipulation tool.

Mom started to recognize and tune out that fake distress.

She stopped arguing, or giving in, or engaging.

Over time, Mom learned that when she paid no attention to the fake distress,

her toddler quickly learned that it just didn’t work anymore.

Mom gave loving rewards when her toddler was calm

with authentic behavior.

And the toddler learned that those bullying and intimidation tactics

just didn’t win.

It similar to other animal behaviors

like young male chimpanzees.

As they become adults,

these young males begin to intimidate the females in the group

trying to assert their control as an alpha male.

And one female researcher,

studying chimpanzees in the wild,

became the subject of such intimidation

when one adolescent male chimp started to deliberately bump into her

or slap her when she passed by.

And she was a bit scared at first,

wary of him because of his unpredictable behavior.

But she realized that this chimp’s tactics

and attempts to gain status and authority

meant absolutely nothing whatsoever about her own actions.

That intimidation was not due to her behavior

or her treatment of him.

In fact, she had always treated him fairly,

always loving and generous towards him.

His tactics were due solely to his own emotional needs.

She could have been any other female,

either human or chimp,

and that aggressive young male would have used the same tactics

to try and gain dominance.

If the female submits to it,

then it works to intimidate.

But most chimps grow out of that phase

just as most toddlers grow up emotionally.

And it’s a lonely, superficial world

for those who get stuck at that phase of emotional development

where the only point of their life is a desperate

incessant need

for control and status.

So with this perspective,

take a moment

and really begin to remember who you are

completely separate from the experiences you’ve had with that narcissist

because at the beginning of your life

there was a time before you’d formed any beliefs about the world,

or about yourself.

You were unbiased and perfect.

Loving and trusting.

Curious about the world around you,

eager to discover and learn and grow

with a pure life force within you.

And that is exactly who you are,


No matter what expectations or judgements the world flings at you,

regardless of the beliefs and values you pick up from people around you,

or happen to meet along the way.

And any unpleasant, uncomfortable, frightening behavior you’ve experienced with that Narcissist,

or the demands or intimidation that you may have already tried to appease

because you thought that they would treat you better

when you complied.

You are whole

and perfect,

just as you are.

You are completely separate.

And you have free will.

You can learn to recognize the manipulative emotions

and stop engaging,

stop reinforcing that behavior.

Now let’s begin to focus on the person you want to be.

The type of love that you give,

and that you want to receive in return.

Let's get a sense of the person that you want to be

with all the strengths and resources you need

to be calm and confident

about dealing with that narcissist

whether that means temporarily placating or flattering them

or sitting them down and telling them how their behavior needs to change

if your relationship with them is to continue

or just calmly planning how you're going to end that relationship

and taking the first step in doing so

and you can just get a sense of how you'd look

and how you'd stand and move

the expressions you have on your face

the tone of your voice if you are that much calmer and more confident.

Calmness and confidence magnifies

as you watch a brilliant beam of light shine down on that future you

bestowing on you an aura of self-love

creating a colored shield of light

that filters anything The Narcissist says.

What color is that Shield?

You notice that it lets you clearly see and hear the motives behind their words

and what their actions reveal about them,

like manipulative tantrums,

or the grunts of an insecure chimp.

And so long as you make sure

you're physically safe

you can watch that tantrum and hear those grunts

with calm detachment now.

Drift a little further into the future

and really see how much more calmly and confidently

you handle that narcissist

in different situations

or move on in other ways in your life

with a natural feeling of freedom

knowing you won't be taken in again.

The more you listen to this session repeatedly,

the more this aura of calm confidence

becomes a natural way of being for you

as you enjoy all the other parts of your life

more and more

and connect more fully with emotionally developed people

who are authentic,

whose connection with you is real.

And that can feel very, VERY good

as you free yourself from the hold that narcissist used to have over you.

Now allow these truths to soak in,

and grow strong inside you

to become bigger and more important than that Narcissist’s manipulative messages

because you no longer accept that Narcissist’s non-love

as you embrace your divine worth

your value

and grow into the mighty oak



and radiant.

You deserve to be loved and cherished.

So silently repeat after me these affirmations

and feel each one deeply in your heart.


I am safe.

I am supported by my family and friends.

I am loving towards myself and others.

I am stable and secure in myself.

I accept myself completely.

I am enough.

I value myself.

I have confidence in my abilities.

I trust my intuition.

I am complete, and everything I need is within me.

I have confidence in my own gifts and skills.

I am aware of the present moment.

I am in tune with my physical body.

I know that my body reflects my emotions.

I listen to my body.

I hear what it is telling me.

I trust my intuition, my inner wisdom.

I am open to new experiences, and meeting new people.

I quickly recognize and release fear.

I am connected to the Earth with its grounding energy.

I believe in the divine good.

I trust that divine good is mine.

I have a strong support system.

I am grateful for the opportunities that life offers me.

I accept and love myself exactly as I am.

I let go of all self-judgment and self-criticism.

I practice loving kindness and compassion.

I take care of myself with intention and love.

I fully recognize and experience my emotions.

I prioritize my own safety and security.

I have everything I need to create a happy life.

I can achieve extraordinary things.

I believe I am worthy of true love.

I am willing to experience love.

I deserve genuine, unconditional love.

I am filled with positive energy.

I welcome supportive and balanced relationships.

I accept and appreciate the support of others.

I am open to receive love, kindness, and friendship.

I welcome loving relationships.

I understand that my mistakes have a divine purpose.

I deeply desire to feel happy.

I am ready to feel joy in this moment.

I value the blessings in my life.

I release negative thoughts.

I intend to make progress every day.

I am willing to let go of any obstacles.

I am moving on from difficult experiences.

I think positive thoughts.

I expect positive outcomes.

I am open to receiving love.

I hold love as the guiding principle in my life.

I am filled with love and compassion.

I maintain harmonious relationships.

I choose to love completely.

I treat myself and others with compassion.

I am healed by my heart’s pure loving energy.

I was created with an infinite supply of love.

I express my thoughts and feelings easily.

I have a strong, clear, and powerful voice.

I express myself honestly and respectfully.

I trust my inner voice to express my needs and desires.

I choose my words carefully.

I express my beliefs confidently.

I feel at ease expressing myself in any situation.

I have a strong voice, and I share it with ease.

I listen attentively and respect others’ opinions.

I communicate clearly and kindly.

I have a positive impact on others.

I communicate positive words of love and encouragement.

(END of Affirmations - Meditation Script)

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 1 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations. Each meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

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Unless stated otherwise, all images in this content are: 1. original creations that are owned by Meditation Angel, or 2. were sourced on and/or, and are all copyright-free, royalty-free, and no attribution is required.

Meditation Music Attribution:

Unless stated otherwise, all music in this content is: 1. an original creation that was produced and is owned by Meditation Angel, or 2. was sourced on and/or created for this content - all copyright-free, royalty-free, and no attribution is required.

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©MeditationAngel and @meditationangel9999 All Rights Reserved.


About the Creator

Lisa Chapman

Writing for: BUSINESS: I've loved Content Marketing / SEO since 2005. Been 'writing to rank' ever since. PLEASURE: I studied under hit songwriters in Nashville, Lyrics only w/ a musician cowriter. Fun fun fun! Word challenges? I'm in.

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    Lisa ChapmanWritten by Lisa Chapman

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