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When Things Break

Life’s hammer strikes can shatter our worlds, but in those moments of breaking, we find the seeds of renewal. This poem explores the hope that emerges from life’s inevitable breaks.

By Khadraoui HanaaPublished 3 days ago 2 min read

And just like with the hammer & the glass,

Some things were meant to break as others come to pass.

In the shattering shards of what once held strong,

Lie the whispers of endings, where new beginnings belong.

In the delicate moment before the blow,

When tension builds and emotions flow,

We hold our breath as the hammer is raised,

A symbol of change, where the old is phased.

The glass, so pristine, a mirror to the past,

Reflects the moments that were never meant to last.

Its clarity now a canvas for the final act,

Where memories shatter and the silence is packed.

For every fracture, a story untold,

Of dreams that crumbled, and hearts grown cold.

Yet in the debris, a spark does gleam,

Of hope rekindled, of a future unseen.

Each shard tells a tale of joy and despair,

Of moments we cherished, and burdens we bear.

Though the pieces are scattered, the message remains,

That from the brokenness, new strength can be gained.

The hammer strikes with deliberate might,

Bringing closure to what fades out of sight.

With each resounding echo, a chapter concludes,

A farewell to the old, as the new is infused.

The glass, now fractured, reflects the light,

Turning darkness into a vision of bright.

In the chaos of shards, there lies a chance,

For new dreams to rise, for new hopes to dance.

As one chapter closes, another unfolds,

In the dance of time, as the tale is told.

We learn to embrace both loss and gain,

For every sunset brings an end to pain.

In the gentle morning after the storm,

We see the world with a fresh new form.

The landscape of life, though marred by the past,

Is a canvas for futures that will ever last.

We sweep up the pieces of what used to be,

And from the fragments, a new vision we see.

The hammer’s work, though harsh and severe,

Clears the way for paths that are sincere.

And just like with the hammer & the glass,

We find strength in the things that come to pass.

In breaking free from what holds us tight,

We discover the dawn in the darkest night.

The shards of the glass, though sharp and frail,

Hold the promise of stories yet to unveil.

Each piece a testament to what we’ve survived,

A symbol of resilience, where hope is revived.

From the wreckage, we build anew,

A future that’s bright, a chance to renew.

We find our way through the cracks and the scars,

And forge a new path beneath the stars.

So let us not fear the hammer’s strike,

For in every ending, a new chance we like.

In the breaking of glass, we find a way,

To embrace the dawn of a brand new day.

Let us celebrate the moments that break and bend,

For they lead us to beginnings, where old wounds mend.

In the echoes of the past and the shards of the now,

We find the strength to grow, to rise, and to vow.

And just like with the hammer & the glass,

Some things were meant to break as others come to pass.

In the shattering of what was, we find the seeds of grace,

And in the space left behind, a new life we embrace.


About the Creator

Khadraoui Hanaa

Hi there! I’m Hannah Khadraoui, a clinical psychologist sharing poems and articles on personal growth and emotional well-being. Let’s explore transformation and self-improvement together.

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    Khadraoui HanaaWritten by Khadraoui Hanaa

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