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MEDITATION SCRIPT: Guided Meditation for Sleep - Louise Hay Affirmations

1 Hour Bedtime Meditation | Self Love and Positive Energy

By Lisa ChapmanPublished 11 months ago 13 min read

If your mind races at bedtime and you have trouble going to sleep, try the meditation script below to help you as soon as tonight. Inspired by Louise Hay affirmations, this free guided meditation for sleep has helped millions of people all over the globe, for decades.

Find this guided meditation script recorded on video: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and audio:

Regular users have memorized Louise Hay affirmations, and can shift into deep sleep simply by calling on this script in their own minds. It’s a powerful way to release anxiety and overthinking. This guided meditation has stood the test of time.

If you’re new to the enormous influence and benefits of Louise Hay’s affirmations and teachings, we encourage you to review this beautiful and comforting meditation script.

Then check out our recordings of this script in both audio and video.

Listen for 30 days to deepen its positive hypnotic effect and fall asleep sooner.

All the Guides at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today.


What Was Louise Hay's Motivational Quote?

Louise Hay was a true motivational queen, and one of her famous quotes is: "You are never stuck; you are always free to choose a new thought or a new path."

This powerful quote reminds us that we have the power to change our thoughts and beliefs, no matter the circumstances. It's like having a mental superpower to transform our lives.

Louise Hay was a pioneer in the self-help and personal development world. She believed in the power of affirmations and positive thinking to create positive change in our lives.

Her quote encourages us to take responsibility for our thoughts and emotions. Instead of feeling stuck or victimized by life's challenges, we can choose to shift our perspective and focus on solutions.

It's a reminder that we have the ability to change our lives from the inside out. By choosing empowering thoughts and beliefs, we can shape our reality and manifest our desires.

So, the next time you feel like life is throwing you a curveball, remember Louise Hay's quote. Embrace the freedom to choose a new thought, a new perspective, and a new path. You've got the power within you!

What Are The Job Affirmations Of Louise Hay?

Louise Hay was a champion of positive affirmations, and she offered some awesome ones specifically for job and career success. Here are a few job affirmations inspired by her teachings:

  1. "I am worthy of a fulfilling and prosperous career."
  2. "Every day, I am getting closer to my dream job."
  3. "I have unique skills and talents to offer in the workplace."
  4. "Opportunities for career growth and success are flowing to me."
  5. "I confidently showcase my abilities during interviews."
  6. "I attract supportive and encouraging colleagues and superiors."
  7. "I love my work, and my work loves me."

These affirmations are like little power-ups for your career journey. They help you build confidence, attract positive opportunities, and align your mindset with success.

When you repeat these affirmations regularly, you begin to believe in your capabilities and create a positive energy that attracts abundance in your career.

Remember, affirmations are like seeds of positivity you plant in your mind. Water them with belief and action, and watch them bloom into a successful and fulfilling career.

What Are The Affirmations To Attract Love by Louise Hay?

Louise Hay was all about spreading the love, and she had some beautiful affirmations to attract love and cultivate loving relationships. Here are a few of her love affirmations:

  1. "I am deserving of love, and I accept it unconditionally."
  2. "Love flows to me from every direction; I am open to giving and receiving love."
  3. "I attract loving and supportive people into my life."
  4. "I am a magnet for positive and fulfilling relationships."
  5. "I am worthy of a healthy and loving partnership."
  6. "I release any past hurts and open my heart to new love."
  7. "I am love, and love surrounds me."

These affirmations are like love mantras that radiate positive energy and attract loving connections into your life.

When you practice these affirmations with an open heart and genuine belief, you'll notice a transformation in the way you attract and experience love. You'll become a magnet for positive relationships and a source of love for yourself and others.

Remember, love starts with you. Embrace these affirmations as a way to nurture self-love and create the foundation for beautiful, authentic connections with others.

What are the “3 Affirmations” by Louise Hay?

The "3 Affirmations" is a term often associated with Louise Hay's practice of positive affirmations. These are simple yet powerful statements that she recommended people repeat daily to shift their mindset and improve their lives.

The three affirmations she suggested were:

  1. "I love myself."
  2. "I approve of myself."
  3. "I am worthy."

These affirmations are like the heart and soul of Louise Hay's teachings. They emphasize self-love, self-acceptance, and recognizing one's inherent worthiness.

By regularly repeating these affirmations, you begin to reprogram your subconscious mind with positive beliefs. You let go of self-criticism and embrace a more loving and compassionate relationship with yourself.

Louise Hay believed that our thoughts create our reality, so by affirming love, approval, and worthiness, we invite more positivity and abundance into our lives.

These affirmations are like daily reminders of your value and potential. They are simple yet profoundly transformative.

So, give these 3 Affirmations a try! Embrace them as daily affirmations for self-love and self-empowerment. When you believe in your worth and treat yourself with kindness, you pave the way for a fulfilling and joyful life.

MEDITATION SCRIPT: Guided Meditation for Sleep | Louise Hay Affirmations | 1 Hour Bedtime Self Love and Positive Energy

We're going to help you fall asleep fast

sleep deeply

and wake refreshed

so you'll feel good every day

with a sense of well-being

and renewed energy.

That's why we're introducing Louise Hay

with her wise and nurturing messages.

Millions of people have benefitted from these sleep affirmations.

Now I invite you to relax

with your eyes closed

and your heart open

as you allow Louise to guide you

to let go

and transition into a deep and restorative sleep.

Beginning of Louise Hay Meditation Script for Sleep with Affirmations

well the day is now done

the experiences are over

they drift into the past

and whether you had the best day or the worst day

it is over

it is now time to let them go

so let it go

and with ease and love

turn your attention to this moment

to this point in time and space

this is the only moment that exists for you

and a time for preparing ourselves for sleep

the last thing we do or think at night

we take into sleep with us

so we want that last thought to be positive and healing

sleep is a time when we restore ourselves

our bodies repair themselves

and become renewed and refreshed

our minds move into the dream state

where problems of the day are solved

and we prepare for the new day

so let us let the body relax

become very very comfortable

this is a time for relaxing f

or enjoying the letting go

it does not matter if you go to sleep while i am talking

for even if your conscious mind does not hear my voice

your subconscious mind is listening to and recording every word i say

so you don't have to do a thing

just take a nice deep breath

and let go

relax your scalp and your forehead

your eyes are closed and gently relaxed

it feels so good to close your eyes

the muscles of your face relax

your eye muscles

your cheeks

your lips

your jaw releases

and now you relax the very base of your tongue

your throat softens and opens

and the back of your neck relaxes

now your shoulders let go

this relaxed feeling moves down through your upper arms

softening the muscles into the elbows

through the lower arms

into the hands

through the knuckles

into the fingers

down to the very fingertips

feel the tingling in your fingertips

as your body relaxes more and more

let your back relax

feel all the muscles get very heavy

and visualize your vertebrae in perfect alignment

take another deep breath

and as you exhale

let your chest relax

your rib cage is floating

relax the stomach

feel the peace and calm in the abdominal area

let the hips relax

and the genitals

and allow that relaxed feeling

to flow down into the thighs

freeing all those heavy thigh muscles

let the knees relax

and the calf muscles

and move the relaxation into the ankles

through the feet

and out the toes

your breathing is nice and easy now

your body is heavy and yet floating

and now your skin relaxes

then we go inside

and allow all your internal organs to relax

and now give your emotions permission to just let go

feel the peace in your mind and body

when we go to sleep we wrap up the day

we refresh our mind and our body

and we prepare ourselves for the new day

so as we enter the sleep state

we want to take positive thoughts with us

thoughts that will create a wonderful new day

a new future

no matter how large a problem you may think you have

you are only dealing with a thought

and the thought can be changed

we choose to think a thought

the thought produces a feeling

and we believe that it is true

you have about yourself

and that thought can be changed

that's where our freedom lies

in our ability to choose a new thought to think

so let us consciously choose to release the need within us

to be critical and judgmental of ourselves or others

let us affirm that you are willing to see yourself

with approval and acceptance

and that you are willing to allow other people to be themselves

each person in our life is a mirror of where we are in consciousness

some people mirror the joyous loving side of us

and some people mirror the patterns

when you change your own thinking you will change

and you will find that other people also change

i believe that everybody on this planet is doing the very best they can

at any point in time and space

with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that they have

including yourself

and including your parents

i want you to visualize yourself as a little child of six or seven

and look deeply into this child's eyes

and see the longing that is there

and know that there is only one thing that this little child wants from you

and that is love and acceptance

so reach out your arms and embrace this child

and tell it how much you love it

what a wonderful child it is

how beautiful it is

how bright and intelligent it is

how creative it is

and that it is allowed to make mistakes as it learns

and that you will always love it

and be there for this child

now let this little child get very small

just the size to fit into your heart

and put it there

so that every time you look down

you can see it looking up at you

and you can give this child lots of love

let us affirm that we are willing to release the need to criticize and judge

we begin to learn to love and accept

who and where we are now

we drop all blame

and we become willing to change our patterns

now let's do a series of affirmations

powerful statements of truth about ourselves

these are healing words

and in this relaxed state of mind

they sink deep into our subconscious mind

and we take these positive statements into our sleep

and into the dream world

and we make them true for us

affirm with me

Beginning of Louise Hay Affirmations

it is easy for me to change

it is easy for me to change

I willingly release the past

I willingly and joyfully release the negative past

burdens fall away from me

old burdens easily fall away from me

i feel free and light

my mind feels free and light

I am secure

i am secure and powerful

i now choose to use my power

i choose to select my thoughts

i choose joy

i choose laughter

i choose enthusiasm

i choose self-esteem

i choose understanding

i choose compassion

i choose gentleness

i choose kindness

i choose friendliness

i choose love

i know i am worthwhile

i am worth liking

i am worth loving

i approve of myself

i choose health

i choose prosperity

i choose opportunity

i choose fulfillment and satisfaction

i choose success

i choose enlightenment

i choose forgiveness

i choose to release all barriers to love

i choose to let love flow through every area of my life

and in all my relationships

from the most casual and fleeting

to the most intimate and lasting

i choose harmony and loving communication wherever i am

i choose to see good and worth in everyone

i affirm i am an open channel for divine ideas

whatever i need to know is always revealed to me

and whatever i need comes to me

in the right time space sequence

i know that all is well in my world

feeling as good as i do

i now allow myself to drift off into sleep

deep restful sleep

a deep sleep that is very refreshing and healing to me

i will awaken in the morning feeling good

looking good

with lots of energy

and looking forward to a terrific new day

my life is continuously changing for the better

and i rejoice that this is so

End of Louise Hay Affirmations

good night

sweet dreams

you are very safe

all is well

and i love you

Conclusion of Meditation Script for Sleep with Louise Hay Affirmations

We’ve listened to these affirmations so many times

that we’ve memorized them.

And now we can call on her soothing messages

in our own minds.

They've become our own thoughts.

These affirmations continue to comfort us.

We are often helped the most

by the teachings and wisdom of leaders

who illuminate our path.

Louise Hay is one of those incredible mentors

who expand our thinking

and help us overcome difficulties

with greater ease and grace.

Louise helps us understand

that our own thoughts and beliefs

profoundly affect our emotions

and shape our daily lives.

Her powerful affirmations

give us new ways to think

that help us cope with emotional upsets

and stressors.

They center us

amidst so many of life’s difficulties.

We learn how to release old thought patterns

that don’t serve us in positive ways.

Louise Hay’s wise messages

show us how to grow in loving kindness

and forgiveness.

She reminds us of the power of our thoughts

and the infinite potential within each one of us.

We can change our thoughts

and create a more fulfilling life.

A harmonious life.

A life filled with love

for ourselves and others.

Thank you


for being our guiding light.

We are grateful for these gifts.

And now, feeling so comfortable

you absorb these messages.

Relaxing deeper with every breath.

Your mind calm and still,

you're drowsy,

and you let go completely

trusting divine wisdom to fill you.

Surrendering to sleep,

so lovely and restful,

drifting deeper.

Gentle waves of peace

wash over you,

lulling you into deeper rest.


melting into serenity.

Your core of divine love

your true essence


and nurtures you.

Such a beautiful feeling.

The warm glow of love

throughout your entire being

soothing you,

drifting and floating,

into peaceful sleep.

In this serenity

your body is restored

and rejuvenated.

You know you are love

and love is yours.

Feeling so tranquil

sliding further

into wonderful sleep

with heartfelt dreams.

And at the right time

you will awaken

feeling refreshed

with renewed energy,

feeling light

your mind clear

grateful for this sleep.

Now surrender completely

and sleep deeply

with sweet dreams.

(END of Meditation Script - Guided Meditation for Sleep with Louise Hay Affirmations)

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 1 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations. Each meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

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©MeditationAngel and @meditationangel9999 All Rights Reserved.


About the Creator

Lisa Chapman

Writing for: BUSINESS: I've loved Content Marketing / SEO since 2005. Been 'writing to rank' ever since. PLEASURE: I studied under hit songwriters in Nashville, Lyrics only w/ a musician cowriter. Fun fun fun! Word challenges? I'm in.

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    Lisa ChapmanWritten by Lisa Chapman

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