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Intangible Blockers

Just a brief review of self education

By Janessa KaraPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
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Is writers block real? Or is it just not being able to focus on the main point. I honestly believe the society we have created for our selves does not allow for pure mentorship. I often find people are not waiting to listen they are waiting for there turn to talk. When looking for advice, people will give you information that perceives themselves as favorable. Regardless if it works or not. So where do we find our role models? Find mentorship? When guidance is needed, where do we get I from? If you have not found “yourself” where do you find you? When trying to learn boundaries, where do you study? When learning your worth, where does it get appraised? Anyone one else about these questions? If not you have probably had a good laugh and have stopped reading around this point. If you have had theses questions you may be getting impatient, the answer is. The answer is you. All these things come from you. It is impossible to seek a role model when you already know the role model your looking for. To elaborate. If you see someone chewing with their mouth open, you may love it. You may hate it. If you have not had one good or reliable role model it is okay to observe different mannerisms/behaviours. From that observation pick out what you like and do not like. Once you know what you like and do not like. Think about the different ways this can apply to you. If you cannot fathom how it could be applied to you. Research that activity. If you see someone using chop sticks, do the homework. Figure out the first steps, proper etiquette, foods it works with, etc. This observation and application technique is really useful. It should not be the only self learning/growing tool to be used. Mix and match your self growth tools.

There are many things in the world I wish I understood, there are so many things I regrettably understand. Hopefully shedding some light on the intangible blockers, we have all experienced in our life. Writers block, requiring guidance, seeking advice, feeling unfound. All of these blockers of potential can be surpassed by your belief in yourself. Corny right? NO! It is human nature. My little pearl of wisdom fabricated through research & experience. Apply as you see fit. All the things we have been seeking reassurance, guidance, acceptance, and community. We should first look to ourselves, more often than not, we have the answer. “I have _________” is basically saying I have been medically/socially excused for taking accountability for myself. Everyone has ailments preventing them from being the best they can be. It is easy to give in. When it is easy, everyone does it. Are you everyone? No, you are yourself. Whom ever you are, you have the power. The power to look to yourself, the power to have a good day, the power to change what ever you want.

Book smarts and street smarts mean almost nothing if you are not self educated. You may be the best project manager in the company. Could have all the connects in the hood. If you have no boundaries, no emotional regulation, all aspects of your life will be frustrating. Things may be happening for the good or bad, lack of self understanding might mean overreacting or not noticing the true impact till much later. Of course, humans were not meant to work just 9-5 for all of existence. We were not meant to scroll our lives away, we were not built to sit in front of the tv. Why? Why do we all experience these things in our lives at one point or another……Remember, looking outside of our personal bubble. Mentorship, reassurance, acceptance, guidance, all create a sense of community. We are in control of the community we need. So we are not meant to be glued to a desk, couch or phone. However, we have found community through these activities. Drawing back to self education, having the power, self worth, boundaries. We all have to go through our own experiences. Each experience providing research and tools to get to our own version of a healthy self. Yes, there is rough patches, no one is perfect. Just stay true to you. Do not give up, keep trying. This applies to extroverts, introverts, the inbetweeners, and all living things.

Thank you for dropping by and reading


Janessa Kára


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