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If You Don't Know What to Write, Write

The words will come, and the ideas will flow

By Javed BalochPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
If You Don't Know What to Write, Write
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

If you don't know what to write, just write.

It's as simple as that. Just sit down and start writing. The words will come, and the ideas will flow. You may not know what you're writing about at first, but that's okay.

Just keep writing and see where the words take you.

You may be surprised at what you discover about yourself and the world around you when you start writing. Writing can be a great way to explore your thoughts and feelings, and it can also be a great way to connect with others.

If you're feeling lost or stuck, start writing.

There's nothing quite like the feeling of sitting down at a blank page with a fresh cup of coffee and just letting the words flow. For some of us, it's easy to get lost in the moment and forget about the outside world. But where do these words come from? And what inspires us to write them down?

For me, it's usually a combination of things. I might have read something that sparked an idea, or I might have had a conversation with someone that left me with a lot to think about. Sometimes it can be something as simple as a beautiful sunset or a child's laughter.

When the words start flowing, it's a magical feeling.

You can't help it, so let yourself be swept up in the moment. It's like the world disappears and all that's left is the page in front of you. And for a little while, you can forget about your troubles and just enjoy the act of writing.

There's something special about writing. It's a way to capture your thoughts and feelings and put them down in a way that others can understand. It's a way to communicate your ideas and share your stories.

One of the best ways to be yourself is to write.

Writing can help you express yourself in a way that you may not be able to do verbally. It can also help you work through difficult emotions and events.

You can also choose to keep your writing private, which can be helpful if you’re not ready to share your thoughts with others. If you’re not sure where to start, try keeping a journal.

When you write, be as open and honest as you want to be.

You can write about whatever you want, and no one has to see it but you. If you’re struggling with something in particular, you can also try writing a letter to yourself. This can be a letter of forgiveness, understanding, or love.

Whatever you need to say to yourself, say it in your letter. Then, keep it somewhere safe or tear it up and let it go.

But sometimes, however, knowing where to begin can be difficult at times. When it comes to writing, it can be stressful to know where to start. This is especially the case if you have a great deal to say but don't know how to put it all together.

If you are anything like me, you have a million thoughts running through your head at any given point in time. But when it comes time to sit down and actually write something, suddenly all those ideas seem to vanish into thin air.

We are all like this. One way to get started is to simply begin writing down whatever comes to mind.

Don't worry about not making perfect sense.

Don't fear not having fully formed ideas; just let your thoughts flow onto the page. Once you have something to work with, you can start shaping your material into a more cohesive form. If you're still stuck, try thinking about what you want to say in terms of a story.

What are the main ideas or simple points you want your readers to know? What kind of journey do you want to take your readers on? Answering these questions can help you find a starting point for your writing. There's something special about writing that can't be found in any other form of communication.

Writing is a way to express yourself that is both personal and powerful.

It's a way to express yourself in a way that no one can take away from you. When you write, you are in control of your message and your audience. You can say whatever you want, and no one can tell you what to say.

Writing can be a form of self-care, a way to process your thoughts and feelings, and a way to connect with others. It's a way to share your story and to be seen and heard. Whether you're writing for yourself or for an audience, there's something special about writing that makes it worth your time and effort.

So, If You Don't Know What to Write, Write.

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About the Creator

Javed Baloch

Still figuring it out. Be generous

You can reach me at [email protected]

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Novel Allen2 years ago

    I totally agree with your points. I have seen a picture on Unsplash and it invited a story that got me a Top Story. I awake in the middle of the night with an idea and write. So yep. Great advice.

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