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I know you can, I know you can

An Ode to Jaxon

By Hannah SharpePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
I know you can, I know you can
Photo by Floyd Cox on Unsplash

Sometimes the world seems bigger than you can handle, when you are so small compared to everyone else. And the challenges that come with navigating such a world can be overwhelming. How is it possible to learn so much? And if you do, how will you remember it all? How will you ever get good enough to be anything you want to be?

Well, that is what I’m here to help you with. You see, I was young like you once. Your father and I once felt the same as you. Your sister and your brother, your friends and classmates, they all feel the same too. This much I know to be true.

But sometimes it feels like it’s harder for you. The voice in your mind tells you it’ll be too hard to do the things everyone else seems to do so easily. You are trying, but it’s a constant uphill battle. And sometimes we don’t make things any easier, with high expectations, and wanting you to succeed in your own ways. It can’t be easy, trying so hard like you do, and feeling like you’ll never reach your goals.

When I think of you feeling discouraged, unable to bring yourself to try anymore, a little train from my childhood comes to life, and a motto that’s gotten me through so many obstacles starts echoing in my mind.

“I think I can, I think I can.”

It plays in repeat, and soon I find myself reciting it out loud. Now I say it for you.

“I think I can, I think I can.”

You can do anything you put your mind to. I know you can. And your goals, you can achieve them, if only you keep trying and keep believing in yourself.

The value of a goal achieved is different for everyone. For you, sometimes I worry it might be higher. You see, you were delt a hand of challenges and restraints that make it harder. But despite these hidden pieces of you that seem to weigh you down, you are special. Far more special than you realize.

Your mind is a brilliant light waiting to be turned on. You can do anything you want, and your light will shine bright. Brighter than the light on the little train. Brighter than my light, of that, I am sure. It’ll just take a little longer, and it’ll take a bit more effort. But once you’ve found the switch, you will be unstoppable.

So don’t give up. I’ll be here right by your side, cheering you on, helping you through the hard parts, guiding you through the mud and the muck, the rain and the wind, the heaviness that hold you back.

“I think I can, I think I can.”

Just repeat those words in your mind, and you’ll keep progressing through that uphill climb. I know you can, I know you can—if only you just try.

Now the biggest secret of all: Success isn’t the only option. No, in fact, failure will help you grow leaps and bounds, will give you power and knowledge far beyond that of success. So, when you are pushing toward greatness, it’s okay if you fall a little—if you slide back down the hill. It’s not about getting there the fastest, or the first time, it’s only about getting there in the best way for you.

“I think I can, I think I can.”

Saying this out loud—living by this motto—is essential, because it’ll be the thing that reminds you to keep going, even if you slide back to the bottom of that hill. Try again and again and keep pushing yourself to grow.

“I think I can, I think I can.”

You’ve got it now. Before you know it, you’ll achieve all you dreamed of and more.

“I think I can, I think I can.”

We love you. You are strong. You are great. You are going to do amazing things. And all we expect of you is to try, because then you are living and growing, and finding your brilliant light.

I know you can, I know you can.


About the Creator

Hannah Sharpe

Writer of novels and The Parenting Roller-Coaster blog. Dabbling in short stories.

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