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I am, I was, I felt

I am everything

By Tanz ProductionsPublished 3 months ago 4 min read

In the tapestry of my existence, I find myself as a seeker, a wanderer traversing the labyrinth of life with curiosity as my guiding star. I am, at this moment, a culmination of countless experiences, lessons, and encounters that have shaped the contours of my soul. I was once entangled in the intricate web of daily life, a mere spectator to my own journey, where the noise of the external world drowned the whispers of my inner self.

I was lost in the hustle and bustle, a stranger to the depths within. There was a time when the cacophony of expectations, societal norms, and personal ambitions muted the subtle calls of my own essence. I was like a ship adrift in a storm, tossed by the waves of responsibilities and obligations. The constant pursuit of external validation became the compass that dictated my course, steering me away from the true north of authenticity.

In those moments of obscurity, I felt a yearning, a gentle pull from the depths of my being. It was as if the universe itself whispered secrets, inviting me to embark on a journey inward. The call was subtle, but the resonance echoed through the corridors of my consciousness. I felt compelled to peel away the layers that obscured my true self, to uncover the core that lay beneath the masks I wore.

The journey inward was not without its challenges. It required courage to confront the shadows that lurked in the recesses of my psyche. I had to navigate the labyrinth of fears, insecurities, and unresolved emotions. Each step was a revelation, a confrontation with aspects of myself that I had long ignored. Yet, with each revelation, there was a sense of liberation – a shedding of the old to make way for the new.

As I delved deeper into the caverns of my soul, I discovered the profound beauty of stillness. In moments of solitude, I found a sanctuary where the noise of the world faded away, and the symphony of my own thoughts and feelings played softly. The external distractions began to lose their grip, and I became attuned to the subtle rhythms of my inner world.

I am, in this moment, awakening to the interconnected dance of energy that binds us all. I was once blinded by the illusion of separateness, perceiving myself as an isolated entity navigating a world of strangers. However, the more I explored the recesses of my consciousness, the more I realized the threads that connected me to the tapestry of humanity. There was a unity in diversity, a recognition that we are all manifestations of the same cosmic energy, experiencing life through different lenses.

This realization brought a profound shift in perspective. I felt a kinship with the trees, the rivers, the animals, and the stars. Nature became a mirror reflecting the interconnectedness of all things. The air I breathed was shared with the trees, the water I drank flowed through the same rivers that quenched the thirst of myriad creatures. I began to see myself as a microcosm within the macrocosm, a unique expression of the universal consciousness.

As I embraced this interconnected worldview, I started to recognize the sacredness in everyday moments. The rising sun painted the sky with hues of warmth, and I felt the same light illuminating the corridors of my soul. The gentle breeze carried whispers of ancient wisdom, and I sensed the same breeze weaving through the fabric of my existence. In the dance of life, I found a cosmic choreography where every step, every breath, was part of a divine rhythm.

The journey within also taught me the art of surrender. I was once a fervent believer in the illusion of control, attempting to micromanage every aspect of my life. Yet, life's unpredictable dance often led me into uncharted territories, challenging the very foundations of my perceived control. It was in those moments of surrender that I discovered the profound power of letting go.

Surrender, I learned, was not a sign of weakness but a gateway to liberation. It was an acknowledgment of the inherent intelligence that governs the universe, a recognition that there is a flow to life that transcends the limited scope of my understanding. The more I surrendered, the more I allowed the currents of existence to guide me, like a river carrying a leaf downstream. In the act of surrender, I found a freedom that transcended the confines of my ego.

I am, I was, I felt — a spiritual voyage within. The journey is ongoing, an ever-unfolding exploration of the self. The lotus of my soul continues to bloom, revealing new layers and dimensions. I have come to understand that spirituality is not a destination but a continuous process of becoming. It is an intimate conversation with the universe, a dance with the cosmos, where the self is both the dancer and the dance.

In the thousand words of this narrative, I have only scratched the surface of the vast landscape within. There are galaxies of emotions, constellations of thoughts, and unexplored realms of consciousness that await discovery. I am a seeker, a pilgrim on the path of self-discovery, and with each step, I move closer to the essence that defines my existence.

happinessself helphealing

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