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How to Overcome Stage Fear: Tips and Tricks for Public Speaking

Tips and Tricks for Overcoming Stage Fear and Delivering a Successful Speech

By Paulraj Manickam AshariPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Remember that everyone makes mistakes, even experienced public speakers

Public talking can be a stunning task for many people. The fear of being judged, making mistakes, or forgetting what to say can cause anxiety and stress. However, with the right mindset and preparation, anyone can overcome stage fear and become a confident public speaker.

In this blog, we will share a few hints and tricks to assist you in overcoming stage fear and conveying a successful speech.

1. Understand the main cause of your fear: The most important step in defeating stage fear is to understand the main cause of your fear. Is it the fear of being judged, making mistakes, or forgetting what to say? When you got to know the reason, you can start working on it.

2. Practice, practice, practice: Practice is key to overcoming stage fear. The more you practice your speech, the more confidence you will transform. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself, or practice in front of friends or family.

3. Visualize success: Visualize yourself delivering a successful speech. Imagine the crowd clapping and congratulating you on completing a job in an excellent manner. This positive visualization can help boost your confidence and reduce anxiety.

4. Focus on your breathing: Deep breathing can help calm your nerves and reduce anxiety. Take deep breaths before your speech and focus on your breathing throughout your speech.

5. Use positive self-talk: Always use positive self-talk to develop your confidence. Tell yourself that you can get it going and that you are prepared. Stay away from negative self-talk, for example, "I will screw up" or "I'm not adequate."

6. Engage with the audience: Engage with the audience to help reduce anxiety. To connect with the audience, try to make eye contact, smile and use gestures. This can help you feel more comfortable and confident on stage.

7. Be prepared for the unexpected: Be prepared for the unexpected, such as technical difficulties or interruptions. Have a plan B in the event that something turns out badly, and be prepared to adjust to any circumstance.

8. Start small: If you're new to public speaking, start small. Start by talking before a little gathering of friends or relatives. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the size of your audience.

9. Know your material: Knowing your material inside and out can help boost your confidence and reduce anxiety. Practice your speech until you feel comfortable with the material.

10. Use props or visual aids: Using props or visual aids can help you feel more comfortable on stage. They can also help you convey your message more effectively.

11. Dress for success: Dressing professionally can help boost your confidence and make you feel more comfortable on stage. Choose an outfit that makes you feel confident and comfortable.

12. Take care of yourself: Taking care of yourself is significant for reducing tension and stress. Get a lot of rest, eat a healthy diet, and work out routinely.

13. Join a public speaking group: Joining a public speaking group, such as Toastmasters, can help you overcome stage fear and improve your public speaking skills. These groups provide a supportive environment for practicing and improving your skills.

14. Seek professional help: If your stage fear is severe, consider seeking professional help. A specialist or guide can assist you with managing your tension and developing survival techniques.

15. Remember that mistakes are okay: Remember that everyone makes mistakes, even experienced public speakers. Try not to be too hard on yourself in the event that you commit an error. Instead of that, use it as a chance to learn and get to the next level.


Overcoming stage fear takes time and practice, but with the right mindset and preparation, anyone can become a confident public speaker. Use these tips and tricks to help you overcome stage fear and deliver a successful speech. Keep in mind, Practice brings promising results, so continue to practice and don't surrender!

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About the Creator

Paulraj Manickam Ashari

I write engaging content for blogs, articles, and social media. I am skilled at storytelling and creating content that connects with readers. My goal is to help businesses and individuals achieve their goals through the power of words.

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