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By Saanvi PatkarPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Now a days overthinking is a major issue in our life.To be honest as a 15 year old per me it has been a major part of my life for several years.It is very difficult to overcome it as it is very addictive.Between the stress, problems, and all other thoughts are obvious to come.So these are some ways by which overthinking can be kicked off from our lives

1)Find a distraction-finding a distraction is one of the best ways to overcome overthinking. Find a friend with whom you can share your problems and whatever is going on in you mind.This will make ur heart light and you will feel that some is listening not even mind even if u you cry in front of them.

2)convert your negative thoughts into positive ones-You must have often observed that during overthinking, our minds create ant kind of impractical or a negative situation which would not even tend to happen.So the next time you overthink try to convert these thoughts into positive ones or try to find solution out of them.

3)Try to cook- cooking is the best way to clear your mind.While cutting veggies and fruits our mind usually gets relaxed as we give it time to rethink.It works as a therapy.But if u cant cook try doing your hobby or whatever that makes u happy and try to be the best version of yourself everyday and don't overburden yourself.

4)Don't try to chase perfection-In this world no one is perfect.Even moon has craters, but its presence makes a great difference.When u try chasing perfection, things don't go the way you want them to and that results in overthinking.Relax and do whatever that makes you happy.

5)Indulge in some physical activity-Indulging in a physical activity like exercise, yoga, dance, etc, helps our mind to get distracted for some time and get refreshed.You can even try play your favourite sports or listen to songs while walking in a breezy garden can also help you.

6)Look at the bigger picture-while overthinking just think for once, is that what you are overthinking is gonna make a difference in your life? Instead do something productive that makes you happy and will help you to accomplish you dreams.

7) Meditate- meditation is an effective way when it comes to relax your mind. I personally don't like it as it is a bit boring and time consuming.But for some people it works very effectively and magically.

8)find your own ways-knowing yourself and understanding what you like and what makes you happy is the most important thing one should incorporate in their lives. And then finally start doing what you like.

9)Consult a professional-If you are facing this problem since a long time, its your time to consult a professional for help and in addition follow all these tips given by me.

10)Avoid screen time- Avoid screen time usually at night as the rays which come from the device keeps your brain active for the rest of the night.The blue rays make you stay awake the whole night.hence avoiding screen time at night will also be beneficial for you.

BONUS TIP:Live like a child.Never think too much before doing something that makes you happy unless and until it does not harm the people around you.Play games and remove your childish version of yourself and do not have a fear of being judged.Find people who love you no matter what you are and do not judge you in your darkest phases of life.

At last always remember go slow, overthinking will ruin your plans and things won't work the way you want them to.So if u want live happy and be successful pls stop OVERTHINKING!!!!


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