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How To Be More Talkative

7 Ways To Become More Talkative

By Amra BeganovichPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Most people would agree that one of the best things about life is talking with friends and family. Conversation can make life more enjoyable and meaningful. However, some people find it difficult to talk in social situations. They may feel shy or uncomfortable, or they may not know what to say.

If you want to be more talkative, here are some tips to help you get started.

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1. Start with small talk, then give details later

Even if you are not very comfortable starting conversations, it's important to participate in social events. Socializing is good for your health and well-being so try being more talkative one step at a time. When you are out with friends or family, start with small talk before diving into the specifics of your life. For example, you might ask if anyone has seen a recent movie or TV show. Then when someone responds, you can elaborate on your answer and give more details about what interested you about that particular show or movie.

2. Remain open to new topics

Sometimes people are hesitant to talk because they are not sure what to say. This can be especially true if you are meeting new people or attending a social event for the first time. One way to overcome this is by remaining open to new topics. If you see someone talking about a topic that interests you, don't be afraid to ask them more about it. They will likely be happy to share their thoughts and opinions with you.

3. Be yourself

One of the best things about conversation is that it gives you a chance to get to know other people. This means that you should be yourself when talking with others. Don't try to be someone that you're not, because this will only make it harder for you to connect with others. Plus, people will be able to tell if you're not being genuine, and this will likely make them uncomfortable.

4. Practice, practice, practice

The best way to become more talkative is by practicing. This means talking to as many people as possible and trying out different conversation starters. The more you talk, the easier it will become. You may even find that you enjoy talking to others more than you thought.

5. Be a good listener

One of the best things you can do to be more talkative is to be a good listener. When someone is talking to you, make sure to give them your full attention. Don't interrupt them or try to change the topic, and don't get distracted by your phone. They will appreciate the fact that you took the time to listen.

6. Get comfortable with silence

Sometimes people become uncomfortable when there is a lull in conversation; they feel like they have to keep talking. However, this can make other people feel like you're not interested in talking to them, or that you're rushing to get the conversation over with. If this happens, try not to apologize for the silence or feel like you have to keep talking. Let other people talk first if they want, and allow the silence to last as long as it needs to.

7. Listen for what is said between the lines

People often say more than what they mean to. For example, if someone says that they had a nice time with you, it might be a good idea to ask them why. Sometimes people feel like this is too personal, but if they reply by saying that your outfit was nice or that the food was delicious, then you will know that they don't really like you. If the conversation is more serious and you feel like part of what someone says goes unsaid, try asking for clarification and see if there's anything that jumps out at you.

Another way to be more talkative is to talk about the things that interest you most. Maybe you like to write or paint. Maybe you want to start a blog.

Whatever it is, letting people know about your passions helps them get to know you better and gives the conversation a direction. This will also help you become more comfortable talking about yourself because you have something in common with the other person.

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