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Happy Winter Solstice

I used to curse Winter.

By JessicaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

As I've come to terms with different aspects of myself and my own happiness while trying to navigate the general changes and shifts that the beauty a of life that is always moving can bring, I've realized that the seasons all have value and worth even if it doesn't always feel that way.

Yes, even you, dreaded Summer. Although, how I will ever survive being sweaty and sticky is beyond even me most of the time.

I always accepted Winter as a middle-ground for eventual Spring to come and bring forth renewal and regrowth. A time for new beginnings and adventure. As an Aries, I think slowing down has always felt like a huge burden to carry rather than a time of enjoyment or relaxation.

Couple shorter days with that illogical and temperamental Mississippi weather and perhaps you can understand my initial indifference to Winter.

However, sometime in the past year or so I've come across a YouTuber whose content I love named Jonna Jinton. In particular, a video she posted sometime in January of last year is what initially got me rethinking my whole point of view in relation to this season, which I'll link for you here. If you aren't familiar with her, I highly recommend you check her out because she's extremely talented and brilliant and I know you'll love her.

The video itself is also particularly insightful and warming even as someone who couldn't possibly be further removed from the long Dark Winters of Sweden, because Jinton talks about the importance of Winter and all that she provides, which is something I have grown to appreciate a lot more now than I did in the past.

So, it only seems fitting that today would be the perfect day, the day of the Winter solstice, to spread some love for Winter and all the beautiful and amazing things she can bring us even as far south as Mississippi.

Unsurprisingly, when people talk about Winter, I find it funny that one of the first things most people seem to unanimously agree on is that the days are "shorter." Essentially meaning that the sun rises later and sets earlier, which throws us (The Industrialized Working Citizen) off our rhythm. Unfortunately, that is the way of our fast-paced and forever shifting world.

I, too, hated the shortness of days and railed against conforming to the seasons' needs when I felt as if the Seasons should conform to ME. Angsty as I stated earlier.

As I entered "adulthood," I soon found that I was immeasurably depressed and upset anytime Fall changed into Winter. For inexplicable reasons at first, it seemed, I would blame the time change for why I was so "tired" all the time. The dankness and coldness of the weather made me "lethargic," "lazy," and "LONELY." Although, the last observation seems even more unfair given that I'm especially blessed with a close family and a loving and generous husband. It was just something about the Weather that seems to draw this feeling out of me.

However, I've learned more about myself over the years (we're always learning and improving after all) and I've come to terms with this natural shift my mental attitude takes as the temperatures drop and the sky grows darker, and for longer. There's nothing innately bad or wrong about Time Change, Cold, Snow, Darkness, Tiredness--STILLNESS.

Perhaps that's the most important aspect of Winter to address. There's a certain "stillness" to the air outside. It's so tangible at times that it takes me by surprise. The sky is still. The backyard is still. The inside of the house is still. The cats are still. The bustling city life is, well, stiller, at any rate.

There's a methodical and temporary shift from a time of great movement and change to a time where it feels as if you're treading on thin ice and every move you make has to be conscious and careful. It's taken some time to adjust, but it's not a bad feeling. It's simply Different.

So, I'm going to embrace Winter. I'm going to sleep in later (seeing as I'm blessed with the luxury to do so) and I'm going to rest more. I'm going to drink hot coffee/cocoa and eat warm soups and read all the romance novels and just cuddle with my husband and cats and enjoy the STILL.

Stillness is not bad. It can be pleasant and uplifting as it helps your Body and Mind rest and recuperate from a long year of change, movement, and progress. Embrace what each Season can bring you and I truly believe you will find your own Happiness amongst the Change.

self helphealinghappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator


Avid Sims fanatic, sometimes streamer over at, who loves a good love story and poetry that speaks to the romantic in her <3.

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