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Happy Leap Year!

How will you use your “time refund” day?

By Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Published 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read

Day 58/366 days of writing in 2024.

As we reach the end of February, it's crazy to think about how quickly time passes by. This month has been a whirlwind of activity for me, with so many exciting opportunities and challenges coming my way. From preparing for my art show to taking on new responsibilities at work, I've been juggling multiple tasks and commitments, leaving me feeling both exhilarated and exhausted. Today, I pause.

But as I look forward to the month of March, I can't help but feel the need for some well-deserved rest and relaxation. I've decided to introduce a sleep challenge at my wellness studio to help my clients prioritize their rest and well-being. We are calling it “Marching into rest and rejuvenation” It's important to create awareness around the importance of sleep and provide the necessary support for individuals to take care of themselves. I get great sleep and previously wrote about some of the tools in my nightly sleep ritual here.

In addition to the sleep challenge, I'm also excited about pitching my inventory for upcoming art events in different locations. I learned that the last two months getting ready for my recent show put me ahead for my next couple of shows. And so the hard work on the front end yields more time to myself in the near future. The possibilities are endless, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes me. However, before diving into these new ventures, I believe it's essential to take a moment to pause and reflect.

Today, on Leap Year, also known as National Time Refund Day, I am choosing to embrace this opportunity to simply chill out and recharge. It's a chance to celebrate all the hard work and dedication I've put in over the past few months. It's a moment to reconnect with myself and listen to what my mind, body, and soul truly need.

As I sit here, surrounded by peace and tranquility, I find myself contemplating the future. What are my goals for the upcoming months? What steps do I need to take to make them a reality? These questions linger in the air, waiting for my thoughtful consideration.

So, I encourage you to do the same. Take a moment to pause, reflect on your own journey, and envision what lies ahead. Embrace this Leap Year as your own personal National Time Refund Day, and give yourself the space and permission to explore what's next on your path of growth and fulfillment. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential for achieving your goals and living a fulfilling life.

National Time Refund Day gets its name from the idea that this additional day serves as a sort of "time refund" for all the moments that would have been lost if not for the adjustment made in Leap Years. It's a symbolic opportunity to reclaim some of the time that would have otherwise slipped away.

Ultimately, National Time Refund Day serves as a powerful reminder of the inherent value of time and how crucial it is to make the most of every moment. It prompts us to reflect on the significance of time in our lives and encourages us to appreciate it as a precious resource. It reminds us to cherish the gift of time by using it wisely in pursuit of our dreams and aspirations.

In our fast-paced and demanding lives, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, often neglecting our own well-being. However, self-care is an essential component of a fulfilling and balanced life. Taking the time to prioritize our physical, mental, and emotional well-being is not selfish, but rather a necessary act of self-preservation.

Self-care involves engaging in activities that nourish our souls, recharge our energy, and promote a sense of inner peace. It can be as simple as taking a long bath, reading a book, going for a walk in nature, or spending quality time with loved ones. By consciously carving out time for self-care, we can enhance our overall well-being, improve our productivity, and cultivate a greater sense of fulfillment in our lives.

So, as we celebrate National Time Refund Day, let us not only reflect on the value of time but also acknowledge the importance of self-care. Let us make a commitment to prioritize our own well-being, to carve out moments in our busy schedules for self-care, and to cultivate a deep sense of self-love and compassion. By doing so, we can create a life that is not only filled with achievements and success but also with joy, inner peace, and a profound connection with ourselves.

In closing, how will you March into rest and rejuvenation next month after reading this? I’d love to know.


About the Creator

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

Multidimensional Creative-preneur

Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Artist, Writer. Formerly in restaurant business for 3 decades. Soul expression is my ❤️ language. Spirituality,music, art, food and creativity fuel my life. IG @jenergy17

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  • Charlene Ann Mildred Barroga3 months ago

    What a welcome reminder to stop and refresh—especially on the day of the "time refund" for Leap Year! Seeing how dedicated you are to taking care of yourself and how innovatively you promote wellness is encouraging.

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