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FEAR - How to Face?

Mental Health

By Federal ManPublished about a year ago 3 min read

How to overcome fear - Part 1

Fear keeps us safe, but it also prevents us from living life to the fullest. Find the cause of this emotion, which prevents us from fear. In addition, we will give you twenty tips.

What is fear?

What is fear? Fear is a basic emotion that warns of imminent danger or danger. It overcomes us so that we don't ignore nearby threats. Have you ever been paralyzed by a situation that scared you? Are you panicked enough to run away before thinking of the consequences? In many situations, this is the most logical reaction.

But it is important to distinguish fear from symptoms of anxiety. The first concept appears in relation to a specific and immediate event - like a stranger following us down an empty street. Anxiety, on the other hand, is a more vague and unspecific emotion that arises when we think about less well-defined situations. An example of this is the fear we feel about our professional future or when people criticize us.

Fear is an adaptive response to dangers of a physical or psychological nature. However, this does not always occur in real face difficulty. Sometimes this may be due to some cognitive bias. The intensity of fear varies from no alarm to complete panic. This emotion can turn into a complete nightmare.

When does it become a phobia?

When the fear of a particular stimulus is excessive or disproportionate, it can become a phobia. A phobia is a psychological disorder, while fear is a normal and healthy emotion.

There are various fears; Fear of heights or clowns, fear of getting old or dying, and so on. Although the source leading to these reactions varies, they all worsen the well-being of people affected by these disorders, seriously interfering with some or all areas of their lives. Can you imagine being so afraid to go out on the streets that you are forced to stay indoors?

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Fear of diminishing our well-being need not be a phobia. These psychological disorders can make it difficult for us to perform even the most basic daily tasks. In this article, you will find suggestions for overcoming fear regardless of your level of terror and the object of your fear.

Why are we afraid?

Fear is an emotion common to all of us; It accompanies us through every life cycle stage. It prompts us to act quickly and protect ourselves from any danger. It is highly adaptive to observe the high physiological activity of stressing fight or flight while climbing a slightly higher rocky cliff. It motivates us to live.

Two main theories explain how we acquire fear. First, in traditional conditioning, if elements (snakes, high places, etc.) are associated with noxious events (injuries, anxiety, etc.), we establish an association between the two stimuli and obtain a conditioned response of fear.

On the other hand, we learn through social learning, and vicarious learning, according to Pandora's theory. That is, after observing some model (a neighbor, an actor, etc.), we internalize their behavior and imitate it. If one day we see a wasp sting our little brother and see his panic reaction, every time we see the annoying insect, we run away in fear. According to this theory, we are active when we decide whether or not to adopt certain behaviors, although it is not always easy.

Fear also makes us feel positive. Watching a horror movie from the comfort of the couch or riding a roller coaster makes us want to get our heart rate up, feel the tension in the air, cling to the edge of our seats, and scream. We seek these feelings when we hope to maintain our safety.

We have to learn to manage this emotion from childhood. However, you may start to fear certain stimuli as you age. On the other hand, some people are more likely to feel this emotion than others. Likewise, our past experiences are fundamental when it comes to explaining how we deal with reality. Regardless of our subject, the bottom line is that we know it's never too late to conquer fear.

Part 2 - to be continued...

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Federal Man

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