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Encouraging Employee Ownership of Company Objectives to Bring About Organizational Success

Fostering Motivation Through Psychological Ownership

By Juma KillaghaiPublished 10 months ago 3 min read


Employees play a vital role in enabling a company's success. When employees feel connected to and invested in organizational goals, they are more motivated, productive and innovative. Clear communication, employee involvement, highlighting contributions, rewards and aligning individual goals with company objectives can foster a sense of ownership among employees and inspire them to fully support the achievement of strategic targets. Effective communication of objectives in simple terms through multiple channels helps employees develop a shared understanding and purpose. Engaging employees in setting organizational goals and incorporating their suggestions can empower them and improve outcomes. Managers should emphasize how employee roles contribute to achieving goals in order to cultivate psychological ownership. Organizational rewards tied to goal accomplishment function as positive reinforcements that motivate employees. Finally, aligning individual performance goals with company objectives transforms high-level strategy into actionable goals employees can work towards through their daily tasks. Together, these measures can nurture an engaged workforce that provides an organization with a competitive advantage in pursuing its strategic aims.

Provide Clear Communication

The foundation for employee ownership starts with clear and consistent communication of organizational objectives and goals (Harrison & Meyer, 2000). Employees cannot feel invested if they are not aware of what the goals actually are. Management must make a concerted effort to effectively communicate company strategy in simple and well-defined terms to employees at all levels (Parker et al., 2017). Communication should take place via multiple channels including in-person team meetings, emails, organizational newsletters, and video messages. It is also important to repeat key messages frequently to gain traction and retention of information among employees (Puchalski et al., 2014). Clear communication fosters shared understanding and a sense of purpose that can motivate ownership behavior.

Facilitate Employee Involvement

Employees are more likely to feel ownership when they have been involved in setting objectives (Forsyth, 2017). Management can engage employees in determining company goals and objectives through initiatives such as town hall meetings, suggestion boxes, focus groups, and surveys (Van Marrewijk et al., 2013). Employees not only feel more invested when they have had input into organizational goals but they may also provide valuable insight that improves the quality of the objectives (Effelsberg et al., 2014). Leaders should make an effort to incorporate employee suggestions whenever feasible to demonstrate that their voice has influenced outcomes.

Highlight Employee Contributions

Employees are inclined to experience ownership when they understand how their individual work contributes to achieving company goals (Forsyth, 2018). Managers can facilitate that understanding by emphasizing connections between job roles and organizational objectives and goals during performance reviews, team meetings, and other communication opportunities (Wu et al., 2020). For example, sales team members should understand how their quarterly sales targets align with yearly revenue goals, and HR staff should recognize how their initiatives impact employee retention and productivity objectives. Highlighting interdependence and the role employees play in accomplishing strategic goals helps foster psychological ownership and motivation.

Reward Objective Achievement

Widespread organizational rewards tied to the accomplishment of objectives and goals are an effective way to encourage employees to feel invested in those outcomes (Tuytens & Devos, 2009). Rewards such as bonuses, recognition events, promotions, flexible working arrangements, special assignments, and even time off function as positive reinforcements for ownership and motivation behaviors (Salancik, 1977). When rewards are linked to specific strategic targets that all employees are aware of, employees are motivated to do their part in helping the company achieve those objectives (Van Der Hoorn & Whitty, 2017). Management should clearly communicate how success will be recognized and rewarded to inspire employee participation.

Align Individual Goals

By aligning employee individual goals with company objectives, managers can nurture a sense of shared purpose throughout the organization (Podsakoff et al., 2006). Employees will be more motivated to help achieve organizational goals if a portion of their performance evaluation depends on that achievement (Heras-Saizarbitoria & Boiral, 2013). Aligning individual performance goals with company objectives helps transform the high-level strategic objectives into concrete and actionable goals that employees can work toward through their daily tasks and responsibilities (Wood et al., 2012). Managers should meet with employees regularly to review alignment of individual goals and provide any needed guidance or clarification.

In summary, making employees feel invested in and connected to company objectives requires active engagement and facilitation by leaders through clear communication, employee involvement, recognition of contributions, monetary rewards, and alignment of individual goals. An engaged and motivated workforce backed by a sense of shared mission and ownership can provide an organization with a competitive advantage in pursuing strategic objectives. Management that cultivates psychological ownership of objectives throughout the ranks will likely see greater innovation, higher productivity, and more sustainable growth and success.

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About the Creator

Juma Killaghai

Juma Killaghai is a research chemist with over 30 years of experience in the field of research and development. He has a Master’s degree - Organic chemistry, from the University of Dar es Salaam. He resides in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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