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Embracing authenticity

Express and embody your true self

By Hayley ZammitPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Embracing authenticity
Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

It was 2020 when I truly become the most vulnerable and authentic that I had ever been. So many parts of my life where being called to up level after going through a huge shift in consciousness after being in the depths of depression, which all comes down to suppressing who I really was. It was time to embrace my true soul’s essence and follow my hearts calling and to show up with authenticity and an open heart. At a soul level my work wanted to shift, my relationships wanted to shift, my way of being in the world wanted to shift, there was many transitions that were asking to be transformed for my highest good. I embraced it with courage, trust, surrender and with the belief that everything that occurs in my life is ultimately happening for me, not against me.

My expression and embodiment became more authentic as I embraced my vulnerability, humility and my heart. I shared the deepest parts of me through sharing my unique and vulnerable thoughts on social media. I used writing as a way to share my heart and all the wisdom that wanted to flow through me even though I was sure that many people would disagree or not be able to understand through their level of awareness what I was bringing through. As I cultivated my natural ability of channeling spirit, the words and messages from my notebook ended up on social media bit by bit. These insightful and loving messages also got published in a book as I allowed myself to be known as a channel and intuitive. I was scared of judgement, of rejection and ultimately what I was capable of in this lifetime. However, this book, my way of being in the world, my natural abilities and true self was put out into the world knowing that me showing up as my authentic self was bigger than me, it was going to support many others in their life with what I had to share from my words and from my energy. It is now a daily intention to be authentic in all that I do whether its just at home with my family or whether its online or in my community. We may be on the edge of out vulnerability everyday but in turn this is how we can truly be fulfilled and truly love ourselves and others as we see the same in others.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in what others may think of us, however this is only because we are judging ourselves. These parts of us that we have suppressed or have not accepted are being reflected to us by others and what shows up in our experience to be integrated by us by giving it our love and presence. Being authentic in our life is a truly special gift, not only for ourselves but for the whole world. There is nobody like us, therefore if we do not embrace our own unique essence and claim our part as a piece of this great puzzle, the world would be missing a very special part of itself. When we ourselves can show up as our authentic self we can lead by example and show others that it is not only okay, but it is welcomed to express and embody their own authentic self. We are not here to all be the same, but instead to embrace all parts of ourselves and all parts of each other. To have acceptance and love for all beings no matter how they choose to act, wear, be or express themselves. The more we claim our authenticity and show up expressing and embodying that which wants to be radiated out from us, we can create a world of more unity, acceptance and unconditional love.


About the Creator

Hayley Zammit

I am a channel, sound healer, energy healer & author based in New Zealand. I help women integrate their humanity with their divinity, therefore living a life with more joy, flow & grace. I share a lot about spirituality and wellness.

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