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Dream Bigger

Dream A Little Big

By AnikPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Dream Bigger
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

There’s an old saying that goes, Shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. That’s an admirable sentiment, but it’s also one that I feel gets misinterpreted to the point of harming people who have the potential to make great things happen in their lives, but are afraid to try because they don’t think their dreams are big enough. In this article, I want to tell you to go after your dreams no matter how outlandish they may seem and no matter how sure you are that they will never happen.

Why Pursue Those Outlandish Dreams?

Money is an important aspect of any career, but it shouldn’t be your only motivator. Too many people consider their work a chore or just something they have to do in order to pay bills. Rather than focusing on how you’ll make money from your idea, think about why you’re doing it. Your dream is big because you want it to be—not because anyone else has told you it should be that way. So go after that dream full force and achieve something great for yourself.

The Importance of Goals

Having big dreams is important, but they aren’t enough. The next step is to turn those dreams into tangible goals. Create S.M.A.R.T. goals — goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based — and give yourself a deadline to accomplish them by so you can take action in support of your lofty visions today! Your success will be driven by your ability to make progress each day toward your ultimate vision! So what are you waiting for?

Know What Success Looks Like

If you want to achieve your dreams, make sure that you know what a successful outcome looks like. Many people never achieve their goals because they don’t have clearly defined targets to shoot for. They jump from one thing to another, hoping something will stick, when in reality all they’re doing is wasting time and effort on things that won’t work out. Before you can figure out how to reach your goal, you have to define it!

How to Stay Motivated

By Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Set a goal and keep it in sight: Write your goal down, then post it where you’ll see it every day—on your computer monitor, on your fridge, on your calendar. The more often you see that goal, the more motivated you’ll be to achieve it. You can even write a motivational quote next to your written goal. When inspiration hits and you need a little help getting back on track, those words of encouragement can get you back on track faster than anything else.

Take Small Steps Toward Your Goal

There’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, but keep in mind that many people never act on their dreams because they seem too big. The best way to make your dreams come true is to take small steps toward those dreams every day—the key is a series of small actions over time, rather than one large action.

Share Your Goals Publicly

Setting big goals is one thing, but telling other people about them will hold you accountable and make it more likely that you’ll achieve them. There’s an old saying that goes wherever you go, there you are. In other words, your personal environment influences how successful you are. If that sounds too fatalistic to be true, consider an experiment done by psychology professor Tanya Chartrand and her colleague John Bargh in 1999.

Seize Opportunities as They Arise

If an opportunity arises and you are considering pursuing it, there’s no harm in doing so—but make sure to fully evaluate whether or not it fits your life and career goals. If, after serious consideration, you decide that a pursuit is right for you, take advantage of it—don’t ignore these opportunities. Jumping on a once-in-a-lifetime chance may open up a new world of possibilities you didn’t even know existed before.

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