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What To Do When Life Throws A Rock At You

Be Strong

By AnikPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
What To Do When Life Throws A Rock At You
Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Have you ever hit rock bottom and thought, What now? If so, you’re not alone—everyone hits hard times at some point in their lives. For most people, hitting rock bottom means dealing with the loss of their job, a death in the family, divorce or loss of home due to natural disaster or bankruptcy. When life throws you a big rock, you have three choices: You can either crumble under the pressure, wallow in self-pity or let it propel you forward into an even better version of yourself and your life.

It’s Not Always The Biggest Stones That Hurt

When life throws a rock at you, sometimes it’s best to respond with a brick. This means that when things get tough, you have to remain resilient and think positively in order to make it through. Sometimes we have control over some of life’s challenges, but sometimes we don’t—it is those challenges over which we have no control that will build character and shape our lives. So next time something negative happens, throw back a brick; remaining positive can be as simple as giving someone else a compliment or saying I love you. If nothing else, it might help ease another person’s burden for just one moment; small actions like these can lead to big change.

Why We Get Stuck in Painful Situations

The human mind is an incredibly powerful tool. If you have a plan and something unexpected happens, it is inevitable that your emotions will be pulled in different directions. This leaves us with a choice: we can either stand our ground and continue to fight for what we believe in or we can give up hope and walk away. One of these two reactions usually leads to success while another usually leads to failure—and there’s nothing more important than success when it comes to creating what you want out of life.

How to Bounce Back From a Bad Situation

There are plenty of situations that can cause stress in your life. Maybe you’re feeling stuck in a dead-end job, or you lost out on an opportunity because of a bad decision, or maybe you’re just dealing with some harsh words from someone close to you. Here are some helpful tips to get yourself back on track. It’s okay to feel sad: Sometimes sadness is unavoidable, whether it’s caused by a breakup or failing a class; these moments should be accepted and not brushed off as something negative—think of them as opportunities for self-reflection and finding ways to better yourself.

Become Aware of Patterns

Noticing patterns can be very beneficial in our daily lives. If you notice a pattern, you can prevent things from happening over and over again. Noticing patterns also helps you understand your own behavior and recognize any problems that may occur. For example, if someone is late to work on a regular basis, there may be a pattern forming. They might not realize it, but something could be going on at home that is causing them to get behind schedule in their morning routine.

Understand How Your Brain Works

Have you ever been through a situation where your mind is telling you that something bad is going to happen, but your emotions are making you feel as if everything is fine? During these times of stress and anxiety, it’s important to understand how your brain works. What Happens in Your Brain Under Stress? The hormone cortisol surges during stressful events. Cortisol, also known as hydrocortisone or corticosteroid (meaning to influence or control inflammation), plays an integral role in helping your body cope with stress by improving glucose metabolism and energy production, increasing blood pressure and heart rate, raising blood sugar levels—the list goes on and on.

Develop The Right Mindset For Overcoming Difficult Situations

If you want to overcome a tough situation, you need to develop a strong mindset. Don’t go into any obstacle with an I can’t handle it! attitude or else you have already lost before even starting. Instead, approach every obstacle with an I can and I will mentality and truly believe in yourself. By not giving up on yourself, success is inevitable because you are achieving your goals from within; from your very mindset and drive to succeed.

Reach Out for Help When You Need It

People are often reluctant to accept help, but reaching out to people you trust when you need it is a sign of strength and maturity. Surround yourself with support systems you can lean on when life throws a rock at you. Whether that means confiding in your best friend or venting to an online community, do what works for you. But there’s no shame in admitting you might not be able to get through something alone—and who knows? The problem may be solved by someone else just as easily as it would be by yourself. Reach out; don’t isolate yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Remember This Quote: Rock Bottom Becomes the Foundation Stone for Recovery – Unknown

If you’re going through a rough time right now, don’t worry—you can turn it around. Every single person in life experiences challenges, but every single person also experiences growth as a result of their struggles. Focus on turning your rock bottom into your foundation stone for recovery. I believe in you! What is one thing we could all do to increase our happiness levels? Think about it and share your thoughts below. What are some actions that have brought you great joy or motivation?

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    AWritten by Anik

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