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Do Good Things Really Come to Those Who Hustle?

Trust vs Hustle

By Agota UrbikaitePublished 5 years ago 4 min read

"Good things come to those who hustle." Not entirely true. Sure, hard work pays off, but true progress requires something more than just force.

For a long time, I mentally punished myself for not achieving my goals or making enough money—"You should be working harder," "you'll end up with nothing," "It's all up to you, it won't just happen to you." And society's fearful 'hustle & grind' mentality didn't help at all.

It wasn't until my stubborn and rebellious self started gaining confidence and dreaming about things that may have been considered impossible, against the norm, that the truth was so kindly shown to me. I was naive enough at the time to really believe in the possibility of such things. And for this reason, this beautiful truth was revealed.

I was 19 when it first happened, fresh out of depression, still healing, but full of hope. Having previously dropped out of school, I was used to people around me not understanding my vision, telling me I had to do 'something' with my life. But I knew that I was already doing it, I was on the right path, I could feel it. My Love for adventure led me to the brilliant idea of becoming a nomad (I was barely home anyway, ''imagine all the rent money i could save!'' I thought). I dreamed of nothing more than packing a tent, some clothes, my trusty camera, and setting off on my wonderful new way of life.

The first synchronicity came as a wonderful human named Travis. We met almost randomly, started chatting about this and that, when he confessed to me about living in a tent. I knew then and there that this was more than a simple coincidence. I knew we had met for a reason. This (somewhat crazy, yet amazing) man went on to teach me many things, and gift me with a tent and tarp for my own adventure. And although he disappeared just as suddenly as he had appeared, Travis was the first of many blessings along my new path.

I quickly settled into my new beautiful life. That autumn was so unbelievably blissful that I had no worry in the world about the fast approaching winter. I had faith that Mother Earth would provide. And so she did. As the days got shorter and the nights colder, I was effortlessly guided into a temporary home for the winter. My crazy and wonderful adventure had come to an end, and I could not help but be amazed by just how supported I had been by the universe throughout it all, all because I had trust.

Fast forward months later, and a very similar situation repeated itself after my Love and I returned from a fairly spontaneous backpacking trip through Europe. We needed a place to live, and we were given one. A little cottage in the countryside, rent free. And when we needed a change from the cottage, an even bigger miracle came forth, and we bought the most beautiful little log cabin in the mountains—a dream home. Even now, when I briefly forget how limitless and abundant the Universe really is, it reminds me in the most magical and divinely orchestrated ways. On my newest self-employment venture, money seems to make its way to me when I most need it.

I tell you this story to reveal the groundwork beneath it. People often ask me how I did it, how I manifested all these wonderful things into my life, how a young girl with little to no money seemingly did the impossible. The secret has always been within—within me and within you. It was not hustling or slaving away at a job that got me to where I am. It was not the modern idea of 'productivity,' which we are all taught at such a young age. No, rather, it was the simple, yet rebellious and powerful act of Self-realization, which blessed me with such wonderful opportunities and complete support for my needs.

This journey of Self-discovery began at a young age disguised as depression and anxiety. It forced me to see the truth about life and my Self, to realize wisdom which I would not have otherwise discovered. It initiated me, in this lifetime, into the intricate and mesmerizing world of spirituality. And it was precisely this process, that taught me to trust and follow my own path, which would then lead me to where I am now.

The truth is that we are all destined for great things. Our dreams are not just figments of our imaginations, but glimpses into the life we came here to live, the beautifully unique purpose we each have on this Earth. And the only thing standing in the way is YOU! Or rather, your own limited mind and ego.

So no, it is not ''hustle and grind'' that moves us towards our dreams. It is equal amounts of rest and play, self-discovery and mind-expansion, inner work and trust. It is not about forcing anything, nor waiting for something, but the perfect balance of focus and belief, determination and worthiness, attracting and chasing.

Your path is yours to pave, and it all starts within.

Love, Agota

PS: You can watch some of my adventures over on my youtube channel, and follow along with my spiritual journey on instagram.


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