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Discover Your Inner Superhuman: Unleash Creative Genius with These Strategies

Elevating Your Work: Insights from Leonardo da Vinci, the Original Renaissance Man

By KamyaPublished about a year ago 4 min read
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During the Renaissance period, there was an individual whose intelligence and creativity were unrivaled - a man whose name has now become synonymous with innovation and originality: Leonardo da Vinci. Although da Vinci was an artist, he was also a polymath, excelling in multiple fields such as painting, sculpture, architecture, engineering, anatomy, music, and literature.

He was a true Renaissance Man, a visionary who left an indelible mark on both the arts and sciences, captivating and inspiring people for generations. His famous works, including the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, along with his futuristic inventions such as the Flying Machine and the parachute, are a testament to his immense talent.

Da Vinci's legacy is one of unbridled curiosity and creativity, and we can learn from his mindset, techniques, and strategies that enabled him to achieve legendary status. By adopting some of his methods, we can benefit from the ingenuity of one of history's most progressive thinkers, and elevate our work.

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1) Embrace your curiosity

Developing a deep sense of curiosity can lead to innovative thinking and exceptional work, just as Leonardo da Vinci exemplified. He was constantly intrigued by the world around him and had a profound desire to uncover the truth and beauty of all that he encountered. Even as a young student, he asked profound and thought-provoking questions that challenged his teachers.

Leonardo's passion for understanding the natural world was evident in his notebooks, where he explored the intricate systems, diverse life forms, and awe-inspiring scenery of nature. He was able to channel his passion into inquisitiveness, as noted by psychologist Sigmund Freud. This led him to study things meticulously, delving deep into his subjects until he had a profound understanding.

To achieve a similar level of curiosity, we need to cultivate our passion and sense of purpose. It's easier to be curious when we're passionate about our work, so it's important to seek out the best teachers, methods, and strategies to enhance our skills.

We should approach our interests from multiple angles, gather information from various sources, consult with different experts, stay updated with new developments, and seek feedback from people of diverse backgrounds. Like Leonardo, we should be committed to understanding our subject matter in-depth, and not settle for superficial knowledge. Allowing our curiosity to drive us forward can help us reach new heights of excellence.

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2) Journal like Da Vinci.

Leonardo Da Vinci, besides his renowned paintings, also left behind a huge collection of notes comprising over 7,000 pages, which are believed to be only half of his total collection. These notes cover a vast range of subjects, including philosophical musings, jokes, and observations, as well as complete treatises on scientific theory and botany. They also include technical drawings, sketches, and plans for inventions that were only realized centuries after his death.

The notes left behind by Da Vinci are difficult to comprehend as they were taken in a disorganized manner. He would jump from one subject to another on the same page, repeat himself several times, and add unrelated sketches and doodles. His approach to journaling was free-flowing and uninhibited, a non-judgmental expression of his thoughts and observations.

Despite Da Vinci's limited formal education, he was proud of being self-taught and considered experience as his true master. This attitude allowed him to become an icon, as he refused to be bound by traditional and rigid ways of thinking.

Da Vinci's notebooks reflect his rebellious spirit. You too can take a notebook with you everywhere you go and regularly write down observations, ideas, questions, insights, and theories - anything that ignites your curiosity. Do not judge what you put on the page, and do not fear making mistakes. Pay little attention to organization and let your thoughts flow. You can also add sketches and symbols to stimulate your creative mind, unlike the Maestro.

Note-taking for Da Vinci was not just about recording information but also an exercise in the freedom of thought. Whenever you face a creative block, refer back to your journal. You will be amazed at the amount of inspiration it can provide. Unusual and absurd associations often lead to creative breakthroughs.

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3) Take a break and reconnect with nature.

Spending time in nature can be an excellent way to find inspiration and creativity. During his childhood in Tuscany, Leonardo da Vinci was surrounded by stunning landscapes and lush forests, which played an important role in shaping his artistic vision. He was the first Western artist to make landscapes the primary subject of his paintings.

Da Vinci's connection to nature wasn't just aesthetic. It was a vital source of inspiration for his inventions and designs. For example, he designed a grand spiral staircase based on the twisted shape of conch shells he had collected on the Italian coast. Whenever he found himself stuck or lacking inspiration, he would retreat into nature, seeking answers to the questions that eluded him. He once said, "I roamed the countryside searching for the answers to things I did not understand."

As a teacher, Leonardo emphasized the importance of taking regular breaks from painting, and he believed that taking walks in nature was an excellent way to relax and refresh the mind.

So, if you're feeling creatively blocked, consider taking a stroll in nature. Pay attention to the natural beauty around you, and allow yourself to be inspired by the wonders of the world. By treating these walks as meditative practices, you can soothe your mind and create the perfect conditions for creativity to flourish.

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About the Creator


We should enjoy every moment fully, fall in love, make the most of our time, and live without regret. We should cherish the fact that there are still many moments in life that we have yet to experience for the last time.

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