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Create a personalized soundtrack to your life

Designing a Dream Life

By Riaz SharifPublished about a year ago 5 min read



Create a personalized soundtrack to your life Setting the context for designing a dream life

Introducing the five-step process

Step 1: Defining the Dream

Emphasizing the importance of clarity and self-awareness

Examples of Mary and Justin and their dreams

Overcoming dream suppression and societal limitations

Drawing inspiration from Steve Jobs and thinking differently

Step 2: Embarking on the Hero's Journey

Understanding the marketing principle of program design

Breaking down the journey into smaller, manageable steps

Mary's steps towards building her holistic health coaching business

Justin's steps towards becoming a successful music producer

Reflecting on personal actions that led to the current state

Step 3: Embracing Certainty and Self-Belief

Exploring the power of certainty in achieving dreams

Operating with the confidence of knowing it will happen

Overcoming self-doubt and staying focused on the journey

Step 4: Navigating Detours and Setbacks

Differentiating between detours and setbacks

Embracing detours as opportunities for growth and learning

Handling setbacks caused by distractions or unsupportive relationships

Adapting and leveraging detours to discover new opportunities

Step 5: Perseverance and Resilience

Addressing the challenges and unpredictability of life

Understanding that setbacks are part of the journey

Drawing inspiration from stories of successful individuals

Steve Jobs' journey of being fired and returning to Apple


Reinforcing the five-step process for designing a dream life

Encouraging readers to embrace clarity, belief, and resilience

Reiterating the importance of staying on the path to true north


Create a personalized soundtrack to your life Designing Your Dream Life: A Five-Step Process

Creating the life, you've always dreamed of may seem like an insurmountable task. However, with the right approach and mindset, you can turn your dreams into reality. In this article, we'll explore a five-step process that will guide you on your journey to designing your dream life.

Step Number One: Defining the Dream

The Importance of Clarity and Self-Awareness

To begin your journey towards designing your dream life, you need to gain clarity on what exactly your dream entails. This requires a deep sense of self-awareness and understanding of who you truly want to become. Let's look at a couple of examples to illustrate this concept.

Example 1: Mary - The Holistic Health Coach

Mary's true north is to one day run a seven-figure online business that inspires women through holistic health coaching. This dream is not just an intellectual concept for her; it's a passion that drives her. Despite potential doubts and limitations, Mary is determined to pursue her dream.

Example 2: Justin - The Music Producer

Justin has always felt a strong desire to be a music producer. His ultimate dream is to have 5 million downloads on Spotify, headline festivals, and live the life of his dreams through music. Justin's vision may seem audacious, but he embraces it wholeheartedly.

Step Number Two: Overcoming Dream Suppression

Many people experience dream suppression, where they believe their dreams are too big or unattainable. They let past experiences and societal limitations define their potential. However, it's important to understand that these doubts and limitations are merely stories we tell ourselves. Steve Jobs, the visionary behind Apple, once said, "Think differently." He defied societal norms and revolutionized multiple industries.

Step Number Three: Overcoming Setbacks

Now that you're on your hero's journey, it's important to acknowledge that setbacks are inevitable. Life is unpredictable, and challenges will arise along the way. However, what separates those who succeed from those who give up is their ability to overcome setbacks.

Setbacks can come in various forms: financial struggles, health issues, personal conflicts, or even self-doubt. The key is to approach setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace them as part of the journey rather than allowing them to discourage you.

Mary, our aspiring holistic health coach, faces a setback when her content doesn't resonate with her audience as she had hoped. Instead of giving up, she reevaluates her approach, listens to feedback, and adjusts her content strategy accordingly. She understands that setbacks are not indicators of failure but rather stepping stones towards success.

Similarly, Justin, the aspiring music producer, encounters a setback when he faces rejection from record labels and struggles to gain recognition for his work. Instead of losing hope, he seeks mentorship from experienced producers, hones his skills, and continues to create music that truly represents his unique style. He knows that setbacks are temporary roadblocks and that perseverance is the key to achieving his dream.

Remember, setbacks are not permanent unless you allow them to be. They are opportunities for growth, resilience, and creativity. Embrace the challenges and use them as fuel to propel yourself forward on your journey to the 2.0 version of yourself.

Step Number Four: Taking Consistent Action

Dreams and aspirations are wonderful, but they remain just that without consistent action. To turn your dream into reality, you must commit to taking daily steps towards your goal.

Mary understands the importance of consistency. She dedicates herself to creating valuable content and engaging with her audience regularly. She stays committed to her holistic health coaching journey and understands that success doesn't happen overnight. By taking consistent action, she builds momentum and attracts opportunities that align with her true north.

Justin, too, understands the power of consistency. He spends hours in the studio honing his craft, experimenting with different sounds, and collaborating with other musicians. He knows that every small action contributes to his growth as a music producer and brings him one step closer to his dream life.

Consistency is the secret ingredient that turns dreams into reality. It's not about making one big leap; it's about taking small, consistent steps that compound over time. Commit to your journey and take action every day, even when progress feels slow. Remember, the most successful people in the world didn't achieve greatness overnight. They persisted, stayed consistent, and celebrated every small victory along the way.

Step Number Five: Embracing the Journey

As you embark on your path towards the 2.0 version of yourself, it's crucial to embrace the journey itself. Life is not only about reaching the destination; it's about enjoying the process, growing as an individual, and savoring every experience along the way.

Mary and Justin understand the significance of embracing the journey. They find joy in their daily actions, knowing that each step brings them closer to their dreams. They celebrate milestones, learn from challenges, and appreciate the personal growth that comes with pursuing their passions.

Your journey is unique, and it's essential to enjoy every twist and turn, even the unexpected ones. Take the time to appreciate the progress you've made, reflect on the lessons learned, and find gratitude for the opportunities that come your way.


Designing your dream life is not an impossible task. By following these five steps—clarifying your dream, embarking on the hero's journey, overcoming setbacks, taking consistent action, and embracing the journey—you can create a roadmap to transform your aspirations into reality.


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About the Creator

Riaz Sharif

I am soft-spoken person, like a "Gentle Scholar" I am trying always to enable effective interaction with others. My passion is continuous learning and personal growth, which drives me to constantly seek new knowledge and experiences.

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Comments (1)

  • Chloe Gilholyabout a year ago

    This made me want to read the Steve Jobs book I’ve got. He was a great thinker.

Riaz SharifWritten by Riaz Sharif

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