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Cradle To Be Brave

From a very little beginning emerged greatness

By Nwankpa Jared EsinnaPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Black History

Once upon a time in Imo State, Nigeria, there lived a young man named Nwankpa Esinna Jared. He was the last child in a family of five siblings, headed by his father, a former banker, and his mother, a business trader. Growing up, Jared was always surrounded by the love and support of his three older sisters and his elder brother.

Jared's journey began at Elshaiddai Nursery School, where he took his first steps into the world of education. From there, he continued his academic journey at Unity Primary School in Owerri, where he embraced the joy of learning and discovered his passion for knowledge.

As he grew older, Jared enrolled at Government Technical College in Owerri for his secondary education. However, due to his parents' transfer and resettlement, he found himself embarking on a new chapter of his life in the bustling city of FCT-Abuja. Despite the changes, Jared adapted quickly and continued his pursuit of education with unwavering determination.

Driven by his interest in the built environment, Jared decided to study Building Technology at Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa State. It was during this time that he discovered his true calling in the field of Estate Management. Jared excelled in his studies, and after years of hard work and dedication, he graduated with a Higher National Diploma, earning the title of an Estate Surveyor and Valuer.

But Jared's talents extended far beyond the realm of academia. He possessed a natural affinity for creative arts, particularly in modeling building crafts, writing, drawing, and singing. His artistic abilities allowed him to express himself freely, and he found solace in these creative outlets.

What truly set Jared apart was his social love for caring for others and reaching out to the less fortunate. He possessed a heart full of compassion and empathy, always seeking opportunities to make a positive impact in the lives of those around him. Whether it was volunteering at local charities, lending a helping hand to the elderly, or supporting community initiatives, Jared's acts of kindness knew no bounds.

His hobbies further reflected his giving nature. Jared found joy in cooking delicious meals, taking people on inspiring tours, and exploring the world through reading. He also had a knack for drawing and crafting, which allowed him to bring his artistic visions to life.

However, it was through his singing that Jared truly touched the hearts of those who listened. His melodic voice had the power to heal, inspire, and uplift spirits. Through his music, he aimed to spread messages of love, hope, and unity, using his voice as an instrument of positive change.

Jared's journey was a testament to the power of kindness, empathy, and pursuing one's passions. He embodied the true essence of being human – caring for others, embracing creativity, and making a difference in the world. With every act of love and every note sung, Jared left an indelible mark on the lives of those he encountered, reminding us all of the importance of compassion and the incredible impact one individual can have.

Jared's story exemplifies the notion that great things often start from humble beginnings. Just like Jared, who began as the youngest child in a family in Imo State, Nigeria, individuals can embark on a journey of greatness, irrespective of their initial circumstances. Jared's path to success demonstrates that one's background does not dictate their potential or ability to make a positive impact in the world.

The proverb "Cradle to be brave" perfectly captures the essence of Jared's story. It signifies that courage and determination can be nurtured from the earliest stages of life. Jared's upbringing, filled with love, support, and the values instilled by his family, served as his cradle of bravery. It was within this supportive environment that Jared's self-worth and belief in his abilities were nurtured, enabling him to pursue his dreams fearlessly.

Despite starting as the last child in his family, Jared proved that greatness can emerge from even the most humble beginnings. His academic achievements, artistic talents, and his unwavering commitment to helping others showcased the impact that one individual can have when they embrace their self-worth and choose kindness as their guiding principle.

Jared's story reminds us that every individual possesses the potential to make a difference, regardless of their starting point. It teaches us that our backgrounds, circumstances, or age should never limit our aspirations. Just as a small seed can grow into a mighty tree, Jared's journey from a little boy in Imo State to a compassionate and talented individual demonstrates that great things can emerge from the smallest and most unassuming beginnings.

In summary, Jared's story is a testament to the power of self-worth, kindness, and the belief that great things can begin from humble origins. His journey exemplifies the proverb "Cradle to be brave," emphasizing that individuals can nurture courage and determination from an early stage in life. By embracing their innate potential and choosing to make a positive impact, individuals like Jared can inspire others, transforming the world with their acts of kindness, creativity, and unwavering belief in themselves.

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    NJEWritten by Nwankpa Jared Esinna

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