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Choosing Your Own Adventure

Decide What You Want to Experience

By KingPhiloPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
 Choosing Your Own Adventure
Photo by Mukuko Studio on Unsplash

In the sprawling narrative of life, every individual has the power to become the author of their own story. The pages of this metaphorical book are filled not just with the circumstances that occur to us, but more importantly, with how we respond and what we decide to experience.

Much of what happens in our lives is a result of the decisions we make, influenced by our beliefs, attitudes, and desires. As William James, the pioneering American psychologist, once said, "The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human can alter his life by altering his attitudes." Herein lies the power of decision-making: in consciously deciding what you want to experience, you align your attitudes and choices, leading you on a path to manifest those desires.

Defining Your Desired Experiences

The first step in deciding what you want to experience is getting crystal clear on what those experiences are. Take a moment to consider what makes you feel alive, joyful, fulfilled, and at peace. These experiences can range from personal achievements, like writing a novel or running a marathon, to profound inner states, such as inner peace or unconditional love. They can be about exploring the world, creating meaningful relationships, or making impactful changes in your community.

Journaling can be a powerful tool to clarify your desires. Write down everything you want to experience without judgment or limitation. What places do you want to visit? What skills do you want to learn? What aspects of your personality do you want to cultivate? What kind of relationships do you want to nurture? What emotions do you want to feel more of? By creating this personal 'bucket list', you establish a blueprint of the life experiences you desire.

Becoming the Architect of Your Experiences

Once you have defined your desired experiences, the next step is to become the architect of your life by creating a roadmap to these experiences. Break down each experience into actionable steps. For example, if you want to experience the joy of running a marathon, your steps might include starting a training program, scheduling regular runs, and gradually increasing your distance.

Each small decision you make and each action you take in pursuit of these goals is a step towards the experiences you desire. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day; cultivating patience and persistence is key.

Cultivating the Right Attitude

Our desires and the experiences we seek can change over time. As we grow and evolve, so too do our dreams and ambitions. Therefore, it's essential to periodically revaluate what you want to experience. Reflect on your progress and make necessary adjustments. If a particular experience no longer resonates with you, feel free to let it go and set new goals.

Remember, you are the author of your life, and you have the power to write and rewrite your story.

The Power of Visualization

Visualization is a powerful technique to align your subconscious mind with your conscious desires. Visualizing your desired experiences can make them more tangible and achievable. By imagining yourself living the experiences you desire, you evoke the emotions and mental states associated with those experiences, further fuelling your motivation and commitment.


Deciding what you want to experience is not just about setting and achieving goals. It's about defining the quality of your life and shaping your existence around what truly matters to you. It’s about creating a rich tapestry of experiences that bring you joy, fulfilment, and personal growth.

By consciously deciding what you want to experience, you cultivate an active role in your life's journey. You transition from a passive recipient of life’s circumstances to a proactive director of your own destiny. This shift in mindset can be liberating and empowering, opening up a world of possibilities.

However, it's essential to understand that deciding what you want to experience isn't a magic wand. It's a process that demands patience, determination, and resilience. You may face challenges, encounter obstacles, and sometimes, the outcomes may not align with your expectations. But even in these moments, remember that you have the choice to learn, grow, and redefine your experiences.

You also have the power to choose how you perceive your experiences. The lens through which you view life can transform ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. A peaceful morning can become an experience of tranquillity, a meal can become an experience of gratitude, and a challenge can become an experience of personal growth.

So, embark on this journey of consciously deciding what you want to experience. From the smallest moments to the most significant milestones, you have the power to shape your experiences and, by extension, your life.

In the end, life isn’t just about existing but about experiencing - diving deep into the ocean of possibilities, exploring the uncharted territories of your potential, and emerging with the treasure of lived moments that echo with your true desires. The power to decide what you want to experience is indeed the power to live life on your terms, making the most of this wonderful, wondrous journey we call life.

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