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Atomic Habits: The Easy & Proven Way to Self-Improvement

Maximize Your Success Through the Art of Atomic Habit Formation

By shadrack wahinyaPublished about a year ago 8 min read
By Brett Jordan

Are you looking for an easy and proven way to self-improvement? Look no further than Atomic Habits! This book provides a comprehensive framework for building good habits and breaking bad ones. It offers practical strategies that have been proven to work, allowing you to make small changes each day that will have a big impact on your life. By following the principles in Atomic Habits, you can finally reach your goals and become the best version of yourself.


The Four Laws of Behavior Change

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to break bad habits and form good ones? Well, the answer may lie in the Four Laws of Behavior Change. Developed by James Clear, these four laws provide a simple framework for understanding and successfully implementing habit changes in our lives.

The first law is Make it Obvious. This law states that we are more likely to act on something if we are constantly reminded of it. To make our desired behavior change obvious, it’s important to create an environment where our desired behaviors are made more visible. For example, if we want to get into a habit of eating healthier, we could place healthy snacks within easy reach or place a reminder near our fridge.

The second law is Make it Attractive. This law states that we are more likely to take action when the idea of doing so is appealing. To make our desired behavior attractive, it’s important to create positive associations with the new habit. For example, if we want to get into a habit of exercising, we could associate it with listening to our favorite music or reward ourselves after each workout session.

The third law is Make it Satisfying. This law states that we are more likely to repeat a behavior if the results are satisfying in some way. To make our desired behavior satisfying, it’s important to link the behavior with a reward that is meaningful and achievable. For example, if we want to get into a habit of waking up earlier, we could set ourselves small goals such as reading for fifteen minutes each morning, and then reward ourselves for reaching those goals.

The fourth and final law is Make it Easy. This law states that we are more likely to act on something when the process is effortless and streamlined. To make our desired behavior easy, it’s important to reduce any barriers and obstacles in our way. For example, if we want to get into a habit of eating healthier, we could set up meal plans ahead of time or shop for groceries online.

By following these four laws, you can start to implement positive changes in your life and break bad habits more easily. Remember: Make it Obvious, Make it Attractive, Make it Satisfying, and Make it Easy. With these simple yet powerful guidelines, you can start down the path of self-improvement and finally create lasting habits.


Make it Obvious

In Atomic Habits, author James Clear explains how you can use the four laws of behavior change to create lasting habits. The first law is “Make it Obvious”. This law states that if we want to make a change, we must make the cues of our desired behavior obvious.

It’s important to be intentional with your environment and what you surround yourself with. Place reminders around your home or workspace that will help you to stay focused on your goals. For example, if you want to read more books, place the book that you are currently reading in an area where you will see it every day.

Make sure you have the resources that you need to carry out your desired behaviors. If you want to start running, buy the right equipment and clothing so that you are ready to go when the time comes. Make it easy for yourself to get started by having the right resources available.

You can also use technology to your advantage. There are many apps and websites available to help track your progress and remind you of your desired behavior. For instance, if you want to meditate more, use an app to set reminders throughout the day and track your progress.

By making the cues of our desired behavior obvious, we can make it easier for ourselves to take action and stick with our new habit. With a little bit of effort and planning, it can become second nature for us to do the things we want to do.


Make it Attractive

When it comes to habit formation, it’s essential to make the habit attractive. That means you have to find a way to make it enjoyable or desirable. The idea is that if you make something attractive and desirable, it will naturally draw you towards it.

One way to make a habit attractive is to reward yourself for completing it. For example, if your goal is to write 1000 words per day, you could reward yourself with a piece of chocolate or a small indulgence after you hit your goal. Another way is to add an element of fun or excitement to the habit. If you’re trying to learn a new language, maybe you can watch movies or listen to music in the language to make it more enjoyable.

Making a habit attractive also means surrounding yourself with people who are doing what you want to do. If you’re trying to break a bad habit, find others who don’t engage in that behavior. If you’re trying to form a new habit, find others who already have that habit and learn from them.

By making the habit attractive, you’re making it more likely that you’ll stick with it and form a lasting habit. Find ways to make your desired habit fun, rewarding, or exciting and you’ll be one step closer to success.


Make it Easy

One of the most important parts of building good habits and breaking bad ones is making it as easy as possible to do. As James Clear puts it, “you should be betting on the path of least resistance.” It’s all about making sure that the action you want to take is so simple and appealing that it takes little effort or willpower to actually do it.

One way to make it easy is to set up an environment where the desired behavior is more likely to happen. For example, if you’re trying to form a habit of exercising regularly, make sure your gym clothes are accessible and that you always have a plan for when and where you’re going to exercise. This way, it’s just a matter of putting your clothes on and heading out the door!

Another way to make it easy is to break down your goals into tiny, achievable steps. If you’re trying to form a habit of reading every day, start by committing to five minutes each day. Then gradually increase the amount of time until it becomes more natural.

Finally, you can use technology to help make your habits easier. There are many great apps that can help you track your progress and remind you when it’s time to take action. You can also find helpful tools and services that can automate certain aspects of your routine, so you don’t even have to think about doing them.

By making it as easy as possible to take action on your goals, you’ll be much more likely to stick with them and make them a lasting part of your life.


Make it Satisfying

Creating a habit that sticks is all about creating satisfaction. When a habit is satisfying, it makes it easier to keep repeating it. Satisfaction can come from both tangible and intangible rewards.

Tangible rewards are physical things like a treat after completing a task or getting a piece of clothing for completing a workout routine. Intangible rewards can be anything that makes you feel good about yourself, such as feeling a sense of accomplishment or self-confidence after achieving something.

One way to make sure your habit is satisfying is by setting small, achievable goals. When you accomplish one goal, reward yourself with something special. This will help keep you motivated and make it easier to keep the habit going.

Another way to make sure your habit is satisfying is to break up the activity into small tasks. This will help reduce the feeling of overwhelm and make it easier to focus on one task at a time. Additionally, if there’s something in your habit that you don’t particularly enjoy, try to find a way to make it more enjoyable. For instance, if you’re running but don’t like the scenery, put on some music or listen to an audio book while you run.

Finally, focus on the process rather than the outcome. The outcomes will come in time, but the process is what really matters. Enjoy each step of your journey, and recognize how far you’ve come each time you complete a task or reach a milestone. This will help create a more satisfying experience and make it easier to keep going.

By making sure your habits are satisfying, it will be easier to stick with them and make them part of your life for the long term.

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