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After the Storm

Replanting your roots after your storm.

By Sue McGaugheyPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo credit: Sue McGaughey

Many areas in the world have been having severe weather lately. There have been snow storms, blizzards, rain storms and flooding that brought a lot of wide spread destruction across the United States. Most people hunkered down and waited for the storm to pass. It is a natural instinct to tell yourself, "at some point the storm will be over." Then what? What happens after the storm has stopped? There is always an assessment period that follows a storm. Perhaps there's been flood damage, trees down, power outages, accidents or worse. It becomes time to survey the damage, estimate the cost and make a plan to repair what has been damaged. Immediately people spring into action, work together to find solutions and rectify the issues. Time to repair comes immediately after the disaster.

If you think about it, our own lives are very similar to storms. You can't tell me that anyone out there has a perfect life. Do you know anyone who does? Don't let social media fool you. People only allow you to see what they want you to see on social media. Generally it is photo-shopped and embellished to show you the best parts of ones life. What they show you may not even be the best part of their life, it might be just a facade, a dream they are trying to realize. The most beneficial thing you can do for yourself is to not compare yourself to others. Accept yourself for who you are. Accept your flaws but also accept your positives. Know that you are capable of fixing those flaws and reconstructing the person you want to be.

It's perfectly normal to feel like your life is a storm once in a while. Just like a fallen tree, it feels like the very roots of you are being severed and causing you to fall. You feel malnourished in your soul and your brain feels completely fried from having an overload of problems running through it. You may not be sure how to replant your roots and grow instead of allowing yourself to fall. I'm going to share a few strategies with you that have helped me through those times.

- Shake off the negative and open your mind to new beginnings

- If you must have a self-pity day, go ahead. Take one day and one day only. Lay on the couch, watch sappy movies, eat the ice cream and have a good cry. Then get yourself up, stop wallowing in your pain and get yourself moving again. Make sure your movement is forward in a positive direction.

- Sit down and start a journal. Journaling helps you to take inventory of your life. You can use it to see your present status and as a reference for your progress or setbacks.

- Make a plan. Figure out what areas of your life feel like a storm, then decide on a few attainable goals for yourself that will allow you to push through the storm and make it to the other side. Make it to the side that will help you find your calm, your peace, your happiness and success.

- Be consistent and track your progress with that journal mentioned above.

- Remember that it's alright to fail once in a while. Failures are some of the best lessons we learn in life. You might keep repeating the same failures until you really learn the lesson. It's at that point that you will understand what not to do anymore.

- If you have a setback, don't give up. Keep moving forward and allow yourself simple rewards for any positive progress you are making.

- The only competition you need to be concerned with is the competitor starring back at you in the mirror. That's right, it's you!

- When you find that some people around you are being negative towards you, not encouraging, critical, just sit back and listen. If some of the criticism is beneficial, then great. If it isn't beneficial, then just let it roll on by. Don't let other people's negative energy into your positive space.

Photo credit: Sue McGaughey

There is always sunshine after a storm. If not, the sky would be dark and cold all of the time. The sunshine within you is there, you just need to do the work to bring it out. If you desperately seek peace and calmness in your life, you need to be your own guide. Have faith in God, the universe, Buddha or whatever you may believe in, but also you have to have faith in yourself.

You have the power within you to find your calm after the storm. You have the power to live a happy, peaceful, calm and successful life. All you need to do is realize, acknowledge and accept that you are worth it. You can make goals and plans that work to help you realize your dreams, your aspirations and goals. Ask yourself how badly do you want positive change? How willing are you to put in the work and effort to reroot yourself and allow yourself to nurture the growth that you need to help you blossom? If you can answer those questions honestly, then you are already past the first step. Take charge of your life, fulfill your soul. Remember, the human body is very much like a tree, it needs air, sunshine and nourishment to grow. Make sure you take care of it the best you can. Now, replant your roots, shake off the storm and give yourself the nourishment you need to watch yourself not just grow, but flourish like you never have before.

Written by: Sue McGaughey

successself helphealinghappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator

Sue McGaughey

I worked 24 years in special education primarily doing behavior management. Writing has always been my passion. I was lead writer for a Lifestyle and Entertainment magazine for 8 years, until they closed during Covid.

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  • James M. Essigabout a year ago

    Another great article by Sue McGaughey. So often on social media, folks indeed attempt to show the best aspects of their lives or what they feel are the best aspects of their lives. Many folks can thus end up feeling that they lack something that others have. Sue points this reality out in her article. It is good to realize that what most or all folks post about themselves is how they want to be viewed. Folks idealized posts about themselves can have negative effects others' self-esteem as they try to measure up to the ideals present in social media. Sue points this out in her article and offers tips on how to navigate daily life amidst the reality that folks almost always tend to photo-shop their online persona. Sue's article definitely helps folks navigate through daily life amidst the frequent idealized facades of folks posting only what they feel is best online. Definitely, this article written by Sue is another great one.

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