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Achieving success through resilience

Be resilient!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

A significant portion of the achievements of well-known businessmen and -women may be attributed to their ability to effectively manage their time. This is due to the fact that most people who start their own businesses are aware of the correlation between increased productivity and increased chances of commercial success. Because of this, effective time management is very necessary for attaining success.

Think about one of the most significant advantages of practicing effective time management: you may use the time you have to focus on the things that are essential to you. Simply doing this puts you in a better position to be successful. All that is required is effective management of one's time. If you want to get better at managing your time, you should begin by implementing these straightforward suggestions:

If you want to enhance your abilities in time management, you need to have a firm grasp on what it is that you want to accomplish. If you are unsure about the end goal you are striving to achieve, it will be tough for you to develop your time management skills. You have to be able to see yourself as having achieved your objective.

Think about the objectives you've set for yourself as well as the relative significance of each one. Is there anything that sticks out, in particular, the most? If there is, write down that objective and keep it in mind while you put the following suggestions into practice. During your path toward improved time management, your objective will serve as a guide and a source of motivation for you.

As soon as you have decided what your objectives are, the next step is to get familiar with everything that has to be done. In order to do this, you will need to become organized. Getting organized will assist you in determining just what needs to be done as well as the time limit for doing it.

Create a list that contains all of the activities that need to be finished. At this stage, it is irrelevant whether each activity is high or low on the significance or urgency scale. Simply write down all of your responsibilities in the sequence in which they appear in your head on a piece of paper.

Now that you have a comprehensive grasp of what needs to be done, you should prioritize each of the tasks that need to be completed. Because it is impossible to evaluate the relevance of a work without the context of your whole list, you wait until you have listed all of your chores before you begin organizing them. You do this because you want to avoid confusion.

The chores that are the most essential and urgent should be at the head of the list, and the tasks that are the least important should go at the bottom. Refine the list by going back over the activities with the least amount of significance. Should we actually go ahead and complete them? Is there any work that you can get rid of? If that is the case, delete them. The goal here is to compile an exhaustive list.

When you have the updated list in hand, you should make it a habit to plan out your day on a daily basis. Your daily plan should be broken up into two sections: the first portion should include the three most critical things that you need to finish that day, and the second section should include the three chores that are somewhat less important.

Next, organize your day around the things you need to do and set aside a certain amount of time for each one. When organizing your day, don't forget about your other commitments and duties. The goal here is not to put off all of your other commitments until your chores are accomplished; rather, it is to complete as many of those things as you possibly can in the time you have available.

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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