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Increasing productivity for success

Productivity is vital!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

It is quite challenging to maintain concentration and get work done in this day and age when there are so many opportunities for distraction. People put in a lot of effort to ensure that they receive the results that they want at the end of the day. But despite the fact that they put in a lot of effort each day, they still have trouble making the most of each 24-hour period. Why so?

Everyone has the same twenty-four hours in a day to complete the job that has to be done. However, there are still many who believe that they need further time. If you include yourself among them, then you have some work to do to improve your efficiency. Although it is true that you cannot add additional time to the schedule of your daily life, it is possible to work longer hours each day while maintaining your attention. Maintaining your concentration and making efficient use of your time is essential. This is the place, inside this blog, where we will go further into some of the most efficient techniques there are to be more productive in life.

It is vitally crucial to dispel the idea that one can successfully multitask. Some individuals believe that since they are juggling numerous responsibilities at once, they are more productive when they multitask. However, the converse is true in this case. According to the findings of a number of research, switching between various activities when multitasking messes with your ability to concentrate. As a result, there has been a reduction in productivity. If you only concentrate on one thing at a time, you will accomplish far more in a shorter amount of time.

There are a few apparent distractions that may be removed from your environment in a matter of seconds. In this context, I am referring to your various technological gadgets. Electronic gadgets have, without a doubt, made our lives easier; yet, it is also true that they are the primary sources of distraction. Therefore, merely avoid being distracted by their presence while working.

Put your cell phone on vibrate-only or airplane mode, for example. Turn off the notifications on your laptop or desktop computer and sign out of any social media accounts you have open while you are using that device for business. These seemingly little changes will have a significant impact on one's ability to work more effectively and produce more.

There are always going to be certain responsibilities that need your whole attention and time, which is why you defer working on them until a later point in time. And by the time you do get around to finishing them, you're already feeling completely spent. Your brain is unable to operate at its maximum capacity since your energy levels are decreased, and as a result, you have a harder time focusing on the task at hand.

Therefore, making efficient use of the energy you have available is of the utmost importance. For example, you should try to do the work that requires the greatest concentration and effort while you have plenty of energy. Because at that precise moment, your brain is operating at its maximum capacity, which enables you to concentrate and respond to the challenge at hand in an efficient manner.

It is one of the most underutilized methods of increasing one's overall productivity. It's encouraging to see how much attention people are giving to advancing their careers. However, setting aside twenty minutes each day to focus on your health may have a significant impact on the amount of work you get done.

A person who is healthy and in good shape will always be more productive than someone who is unhealthy and out of shape. And maintaining your physical fitness is not a tough chore at all. Simply follow a nutritious diet and do some time-honored workouts, such as pushups, pullups, squats, and other similar moves.

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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