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7 Things that can HOLD YOU BACK in the year 2023


By Mello.viibesPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.” — To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee


The year 2023 is coming up fast. In this article, we’ll take a look at what could hold you back in the future and how to prepare yourself for it. We’ll also explore some solutions that can help you overcome these challenges so that you can be successful in your life and career.

1. Our inability to find innovative solutions.

The first thing that holds us back is our inability to find innovative solutions. In 2023, we will not be able to rely on what has already been tried and tested; instead, we need to think outside the box, come up with new ideas and try them out.

In order for this to happen, we need more people who are willing to experiment with different ways of doing things in order to make sure nothing gets left behind by those who already have experience in their field or industry.

2. Our lack of generosity.

- Our lack of generosity.

It’s not just that we don’t give money anymore; it’s also that we don’t give time, knowledge, and energy. We’re stingy with our resources and selfish in how we use them. We’re too busy doing things for ourselves to help others who need them more than we do — even if they ask! And when there is someone who needs our help but doesn’t ask? Well…you guessed it: We ignore them!

3. Our fear of living life fully.

- Fear of the unknown. We are afraid of failure, and we fear it so much that we don’t even try. We live life in a way that is safe and easy, but not exciting or fulfilling.

- Fear of failure. The fear of failure can paralyze us into inaction or inaction can make us too afraid to take risks on anything at all because we may fail at it (which would mean people will think less of you).

- Fear of being hurt by others’ opinions/judgments/criticism (especially if they’re negative). This one’s hard because it goes back to our earlier point about being perfect — if someone doesn’t like what you do or how you do it, then there must be something wrong with them! And since nobody wants anyone else thinking poorly about them…

4. The need to be perfect in order to be great.

I think it’s important to note that being perfect is not the same as being great. There are many ways in which you can be perfect, but none of them will make your life more fulfilling or meaningful. In fact, if you’re obsessed with being perfect and getting everything right all the time, then it’s likely that you’re focusing on things that don’t matter at all — or worse yet — making yourself miserable about them because they aren’t working out for you!

The reality is: no one ever lives up to their full potential unless they allow themselves room for mistakes along the way (and even then only until their next breakthrough). The only person who gets better when they keep trying harder over time isn’t necessarily someone who never makes mistakes — it’s someone who knows how to learn from them instead of dwelling on something going wrong or feeling guilty about having made one (or ten). Even if a mistake was an honest mistake made while trying something new or failing at something challenging — one where there wasn’t anything else going on behind closed doors — you’ve still got another chance next week!

5. Our isolation from our own humanness.

You are human, and that means you have flaws.

You are also capable of greatness. But in order for you to reach your full potential, we must first acknowledge our humanity. We must stop beating ourselves up over the little things and begin building our self-esteem by giving credit where credit is due — including ourselves! When we start taking care of ourselves by loving ourselves more than other people love us (and I mean REALLY loving ourselves), then we’ll be able to move forward with confidence in spite of any setbacks along the way.

6. Our neglect of creativity and imagination.

Creativity is the ability to think outside the box, and in 2023 we need more of it. We will have to rise above our baser instincts and reach for higher ideals.

It’s time for us all to take a step back from our daily lives and imagine what we could do with our careers, our lives, and even our world if we gave ourselves permission to be creative. The key is knowing how best to use your creative talents — and that starts with getting out ahead of yourself by taking some time off every now and again (or even more frequently).

7. Not taking enough fun seriously enough.

- Fun is important.

- Fun is a great way to relax and unwind, but it’s also a powerful motivator. It gives us something to look forward to — something that we want and needs in our lives. And if you’re having fun, then you’re more likely to keep doing the things that make you happy (like building and playing with Legos). Fun helps us connect with others by making them feel included in our activities; it can even lead us down new paths as we seek out new experiences together! Fun teaches us about ourselves as well: how much time do I need for myself? How do I spend mine today? What are my favorite activities from childhood?

If you work on these things now, you’ll be better off in the future.

- You’ll be happier.

- You’ll be more successful.

- You’ll have more friends and family members who care about you and want to support your goals and dreams for the future, rather than holding back because they’re worried about what other people might think of them when they see how much time we spend together or how many times I’ve visited their house over the years (or vice versa).


So, there you have it. The seven things that can hold you back in the year 2023. If you work on these things now, we believe that there’s a good chance that you will be better off in 2023 than if you had been left to fester on your own.

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