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7 Priceless Insights Acquired from my 7-Month-Old Nephew

Not a joke.... But a reality

By There is Something...Published about a year ago 8 min read

Through the captivating experience of observing my 7-month-old nephew's exploration of the world, I have come to realize a profound truth: "Adults have just as much to learn from children as children have to learn from adults." This powerful realization resonates deeply with me, especially after watching Adora Svitak's compelling TED Talk. As a young author and speaker, Svitak passionately advocates for adults to embrace the idea of listening to and learning from children, rather than assuming that we hold all the answers.

In my own journey, I have discovered that being a keen observer of my nephew's discoveries has opened my eyes to the immense wisdom and insights children possess. It is not limited to formal teaching alone; in fact, some of the most valuable lessons I have learned have come directly from my nephew. It almost feels as if his presence in our family has a purposeful mission to teach us all to be more compassionate, joyous, inquisitive, and wise. Allow me to share some of the invaluable lessons I have personally gained from him:

Wake Up Every Morning and Smile

From the moment my nephew opens his eyes in the morning and catches sight of a family member, an extraordinary transformation takes place. His face lights up with what my father lovingly refers to as a "1000 Watt Smile." It's a radiant expression of pure joy and innocence, with the only exceptions being when he's hungry, sleepy, or in need of a diaper change.

This simple observation has made me realize the immense power of a smile. It holds the ability to not only uplift our own spirits but also to positively influence those around us. Beginning each day with a genuine smile can serve as a remarkable tool, fostering a mindset of positivity and a receptiveness to new possibilities.

I invite you to embark on a challenge: for the next 7 days, make a conscious effort to wake up each morning and greet the day with a smile. Embrace this small yet potent gesture, and observe how it gradually transforms the atmosphere of your days, conversations, and experiences. You may be pleasantly surprised by the ripple effect it creates, spreading warmth and optimism throughout your life.

Look for the Magic in the Mundane

Not long ago, my father adorned the entryway of our house with a collection of new paintings. Despite passing through that very door countless times, I hadn't even noticed them until he pointed them out to me. It made me realize how easily we slip into autopilot mode as adults. We tread familiar paths to work each day, gradually growing oblivious to the world surrounding us.

Yet, in stark contrast, my nephew remains anything but oblivious. He possesses an extraordinary ability to notice and appreciate everything around him. Viewing the world through his eyes, even the most ordinary things become imbued with a touch of magic:

For instance, when we placed him on the washing machine, his face lit up with excitement. His smile stretched from ear to ear as he was captivated by the sounds it produced. And if we pause to contemplate it, it truly is wondrous that a simple machine can generate enough water to cleanse our clothes at the press of a button. Similarly, at my parents' home, my nephew gazes up at the ceiling fan with sheer delight. Who would have thought that observing the rotation of a ceiling fan could hold such enchantment?

Babies possess an insatiable curiosity, yet as we grow older, that curiosity tends to wane. In her book, "Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness," Ingrid Fetel Lee explores the notion of finding joy and happiness in the simplest of things. By attentively observing our surroundings and uncovering beauty in the everyday objects that surround us, we have the potential to enhance our overall well-being and infuse more joy into our lives.

Allow Yourself to Be Awe-Struck

On a delightful weekend, my sister, father, and I decided to treat my nephew to a day at the beach. As we approached the water, an intriguing shift occurred. My nephew grew unusually quiet, and it became evident that his silence wasn't rooted in fear, as he didn't shed a single tear. Instead, he seemed lost in profound contemplation. Sensing his thoughts, I softly spoke, "Buddy, I know it may appear vast and intimidating. But in truth, it holds immense beauty. And when you're older, we'll venture into the water together, and you'll understand why."

Nature, with all its grandeur, provides the ultimate canvas for us to encounter awe-inspiring moments. Whether it's gazing at the rhythmic dance of ocean waves from the shoreline, strolling through a serene forest, or ascending a towering tree, we can tap into the transformative power of awe, enriching our well-being and broadening our perspective. These remarkable encounters, such as witnessing a breathtaking sunset or marveling at the night sky's celestial tapestry, ignite within us a sense of curiosity, wonder, and connection to something beyond ourselves.

By actively seeking opportunities to be awestruck, we nurture a deeper bond with the natural world and unlock a wellspring of inspiration and rejuvenation that can permeate all aspects of our lives. So, I encourage you to take a moment, step outside, and immerse yourself in the wonders that nature abundantly offers. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised by the discoveries awaiting you, as you embark on a journey of awe and enrichment.

Learn to Be Self-Directed

Annaprashan, an Indian ceremony marking a baby's introduction to solid food, holds profound symbolism. As part of the ritual, various objects representing potential career paths are placed before the child. Traditionally, it is the maternal uncle's responsibility to offer the first bite of solid food.

However, when I picked up the spoon to feed my nephew, he exhibited remarkable independence by seizing the utensil from my hand and feeding himself. Even my sister attests that his strong-willed nature extends to giving himself strawberry and banana facials when she attempts to feed him.

Witnessing this display of self-determination, my nephew served as a poignant reminder of the significance of self-direction. It is effortless to become entangled in societal expectations and the predetermined paths set by others. Yet, ultimately, it rests upon us to chart our own course and navigate our personal journey.

Self-direction demands both a resolute will and a willingness to embrace risks. However, it also grants us the liberty to pursue our passions and carve out a distinctive path that resonates with our values and aspirations. Let my nephew's unwavering determination to feed himself serve as a poignant reminder to each of us to seize control of our own lives, to embrace our autonomy, and to forge a path that is uniquely our own.

Keep Learning New Things Every Day

It's truly remarkable how my nephew consistently surprises us with new skills every time my sister calls. These newfound abilities may seem trivial to us, things we take for granted. For instance, he learns to put his feet in his mouth—a feat that eludes most adults.

Moreover, he possesses an insatiable curiosity, always exploring his surroundings. Whether it's observing the meticulous arrangement of the table by my sister or his grandmother, he doesn't miss a single detail.

Sadly, as adults, many of us lose that intrinsic desire to continuously learn and grow. According to a 2019 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, approximately 27% of American adults admitted to not having read a book—entirely or partially—in the past year.

We tend to impose perceived limitations upon ourselves, using them as excuses to avoid learning something new. However, if there's one invaluable lesson I gleaned from Steven Kotler's book "Gnar Country," in which he chronicles his journey of learning to park ski at the age of 53, it's that our capacity to learn extends far beyond what we typically believe, regardless of our age.

Observing the world through my nephew's eyes serves as a powerful reminder of the immeasurable value of embracing the opportunity to learn something new each day. It reignites within us the joy and fulfillment that come from expanding our knowledge and skill set, irrespective of our age or preconceived limitations.

Have and Express Your Opinions

It is a common tendency for adults to play it safe when it comes to expressing their opinions, often out of a fear of upsetting others. Unlike adults, babies fearlessly and confidently express themselves because they haven't yet learned to be concerned about others' judgments.

Take, for instance, my nephew's strong aversion to wearing hats. Whenever my sister attempts to place one on his head, he promptly tries to remove it, unapologetically expressing his dislike.

In light of this, I encourage you not to be afraid of expressing your opinions boldly and confidently, even if it means ruffling a few feathers. It is far more valuable to foster a strong connection with a smaller group of individuals who genuinely share and appreciate your viewpoint than to maintain a lukewarm connection with a larger group who may not truly care. Embrace your opinions and let them shine through in every aspect of your life, knowing that staying true to yourself is a powerful way to forge meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.

Babies can Teach Us Just as Much as We Teach Them

As we progress through life, it's common to become more set in our ways and closed-minded. However, there is immense value in maintaining an open mind, as every experience and person has the potential to teach us something valuable.

While babies may not come with instruction manuals, they possess an innate ability to impart profound lessons to us, whether consciously or unconsciously. My nephew serves as a daily teacher, continuously introducing my family and me to new insights. He reminds us of the importance of perpetual learning and the pursuit of our passions with self-direction. It is through his example that we are encouraged to approach life with curiosity, embracing the exploration of new skills and interests.

In observing his simple yet joyful actions, we can learn to find beauty and wonder in the most ordinary aspects of life. Often, we become consumed by the stresses and demands of daily existence, losing sight of the world's inherent splendor. However, by cultivating a childlike curiosity and remaining open to new experiences, we can continue to grow and learn throughout our lives.

Reflecting upon the lessons bestowed upon me by my nephew, I am reminded that life is replete with awe-inspiring moments and hidden treasures, even in the most mundane occurrences. It is all too easy to overlook these wonders amidst the chaos of our routines. Yet, by embracing a smile and a sense of wonder each morning, we embark on a journey to uncover the magic present in our everyday lives. We can marvel at the grandeur of nature, find joy in simple pleasures, and passionately pursue our interests, even if our opinions may occasionally cause discomfort.

By embracing these principles, we create a life of fulfillment and meaning, while positively impacting those around us. Let us draw inspiration from my nephew's approach, embracing life with childlike joy, unwavering curiosity, and an open mind. Let us awaken each day with a sense of wonder and gratitude, eager to explore the enchantment woven within the ordinary. By doing so, we embark on an extraordinary adventure, enriching our own lives and leaving a positive imprint on the world.

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